How a child is educated will determine the rest of their life. And it is the parents who are the primary educators of a child. Thus, as parents, we either give a child a “strong enough” foundation to live in this world or literally destroy any possibility they might have to live a fulfilling life. I place “strong enough” in quotations because I am speaking of what we are currently accepting and allowing ourselves to do to children in this world. We have created world where we cannot possibly give our children the most effective learning foundation possible as we are busy trapped within the game of survival working to get money to survive. Even the so-called “successfully” educated children are still programmatically aligned to function within a system of capitalism that abuses life due to principles of self interest and greed. Thus, unfortunately those considered “well educated” is measured in relation to their success in the current system – In essence being perfect System Robots designed as the image and likeness of abuse, greed, and self interest. – Thus that can hardly be called an Effective Education. Though mostly parents “do the best they can” within the context of their lives and in many cases just hope that the child survives in the system, forget about “success”, that is not an option for the majority of individuals in this world. And thus educating our children as become like closing our eyes and tossing up a hail mary pass in the dying minutes of the game. Sending our children out the door and into the System. A smile on our face hiding the doubt we actually experience inside ourselves of them being “OK” because we know what it is really like out there in the world. A Capitalistic world where we have become brutal and deceiving as our basic functionality. Giving a child/ourselves a “strong enough” educations cannot be tolerated as an acceptable expression of ourselves. We require to creating an Environment where Excellence is the norm, and equally available to all.
I recently read a newspaper article, that quoted the COO and President of Kahn Academy in the US commenting on the way we go about educating our youth
A description from the Kahn Academy website reads
“The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We’re a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere”
From what I have found the Khan Academy is a Free Database of Educational Material that can be accessed online. Thus in itself this is pretty cool, however the particular quote I read I found to be a bit misleading in terms of who we actually are as human beings and how we should go about educating ourselves.
The quote read as follows:
“We treat everybody the same, and the reality is, everyone is different”
This is not the first time I have heard this. I actually remember being taught this in school. That there is “different types of learners” Some are more visual and some are more hands on, and some learn phonetically, where others learn by reading about something.
I mean this sounds very intellectual and all but is it really how things work or have we just once again entranced ourselves with the pretty words we speak without actually looking to see if in fact this is how things work.
Based on the research I have done with Desteni over the last 3 years which in essence is a total Self Investigative/Explorative process, studying the nature of ourselves and how this reality actually function – A point that has emerged which I have found is from one perspective completely contradictory to what is being said in the article by the President and COO of the Kahn Academy.
I have found is that in fact everyone is the same! We all learn exactly the same.
Within the ideas that school presented to me as “how we learn” I had always tried to classify myself as more of a “hands on” learner but also I assumed I would learn things more visually as well, considering I was always more artistic. But this approach had no affect on my actual learning ability. If anything it further separated me from developing the necessary skills I required for a Sound Educational Foundation
From my perspective what ends up happening is that not all children are equally developed when they arrive at school on day one. There is various students with different learning abilities based on the development of their educational foundation that took place in the home before even entering school. So its not that some people learn in a different way. Its that they haven’t developed the necessary points within themselves to be able to process/learn what is being taught, like their neighbour who may have a more developed foundation to process what is being taught. So then they go and say….”oooohhhh it must be because that student learns differently or is a more visual learner” when the truth is the student simply hasn’t learned to read properly yet, or was provided with a sufficient platform as their neighbor to be able to learn equally. It is thus mis-interpreted as having “different ways” instead of seeing that all beings learn the same though that ones learning foundation may be more sufficiently developed and are thus able to process what is being presented more “normally” so to speak.
We are all physical beings with a physical body, brain, and the same physical functions and mechanisms as each other which from my perspective would imply we learn in the same way – though not all have been equally and effectively developed within their ability to learn.
How we are Educated/Programmed determines who we become, and what we are capable of in our lives as well as our further ability to learn.
Thus it should be ensured that each child is given the proper effective “learning foundation” so that they are able to in fact learn what is required to learn in this reality to be fully functional and reach their maximum potential.
So I would correct the above quote.
From – “We treat everybody the same, and the reality is, everyone is different”
To – “ We treat everybody different, and the reality is everyone is the same”
In a way its like we are trying to treat the symptoms of a problem without getting to the core.
Funny, this initial statement is actually backwards! Because if you look in this world you see that not all are “treated the same” due to some having a strong education from birth while others may have next to no education or possibility not even attend school at all. This is NOT by choice. This is due to the current conditions created in this world through and as the Current Money System.
Because of the Current Money System not all children are being treated the same when it comes to development and education. Not all children are given an effective learning foundation which should in fact be a Birth-Right. As a basic necessity that is simply COMMON SENSE that we ourselves as life would do for ourselves to ensure that we are operating and expressing ourselves at our maximum potential so that we are indeed creating an effective reality for ourselves to live in.
In an Equal Money System Children and Adults will all be Educated. Obviously we require to re-educate our Adults as well at the moment because how can we expect someone who agrees with and fully trusts and accepts the current capitalistic system of self interest, greed and manipulation to give a proper well informed education to a child.
In an Equal Money System Education will be available to all simply as a common sense point necessary for proper development of Human Beings and Life on Earth.
Education will not be only “just for the privileged” as it currently is in or Current Money System. And also Alternative Programs such as the Kahn Academy offering free education to all will no longer exist as well from the perspective that ALL education in ALL institutions and will be Free / Accessible to all. Each child will be given the necessary learning foundation to be able to learn effectively. This will indeed create a much more intelligent race. With Not only Superior abilities in reading, writing, science, math, arts, and other basic education points, but also within an effective understanding of Equality. And how one is able to live effectively to support the Earth, the animals, the plants and other beings in a way that is Best for ALL. Our current Education of our Children is creating clones that will continue doing what all are currently doing now which is in essence destroying life.
Thus we must honour ourselves and life by/ through creating clones as/of ourselves that Support what is best for all. And this can only be done in a System where Money does not have more Value than Life itself. Thus Equal Money System. An Economic System based on the principle of best for all.
Equal Money Website –
Equal Money BOOK now available at EQAFE