FEAR Thy Neighbor – Canada and U.S.

Most Canadians fear sovereignty sellout in border talks with U.S., poll finds

February 18th 2011
Andrew Gable

Here is an Article in today’s paper illustrating the “Mind Set” that humanity is currently locked into, existing in a “bubble” of sorts only focused on their own individual personal interest and not actually seeing at all, the “greater picture” at stake so to speak.

A recent poll found that “Two Thirds of Canadians fear Prime Minister Stephen Harper will “compromise” by giving up too much power over immigration”

The article is discussing a recent proposal between Canada and U.S to adopt common border-security controls that could lead to joint government facilities, sophisticated tracking of travelers, better cyber-security protection and improved oversight of overseas cargo shipped to both countries.

The basic point of the Article, though which was attempting to “shed some light” on some apparent important, valuable, issues facing the citizens of the nation and our future“well being” as ‘Canadians’ actually in fact Once again proved the Oblivion of the Country to the actual real issues at stake here and the greater picture at large.

Ok so what is this article showing.

That we don’t want you coming over into our side of the playground!
That’s what’s important, that’s what’s making news.

It also show “Who we have become”
Who we have become as that which drive and motivate us, that which has become so conditioned within us that we have placed it on the front pages of our newspapers and gave it the utmost value to be regarded as a important topic of discussion and here continue to fuel and support our own Self Accepted Limitation as Life, and in fact not even realize it.

Missing entirely the heart of the matter that what we are doing here is placing our own “Fear” as what is actually important, not even seeing the REAL issue…I mean don’t you find it strange that we have created our existence now into a point where we fear our neighbors. What happened to love thy neighbor? God, and I mean, even “behind the scenes” here it goes still further into the layers of deception we have placed and created into this world which we now give value you to and see as “real issues” as for example “Immigration” which is also what this article is referencing, again showing our total separation of humanity.

It is quite interesting to see that this could become an “election point” where in this “issue” can be brought up by opposition party as a way to gain the favor over the people in the next election, paying on the fears and anger and emotions of the country to win an election



Ok that was pause……………….why? – Because of what this world has come to where ‘gimicks’ and advertising are now is what is being used to form a Government to apparently run the country in the best interest of the people.

This is obviously unacceptable.

Within an Equal Money System as being proposed by Desteni there will be no such thing as opposing parties. Because there will no longer be my government against your government. Equality is the principle which An Equal Money System is based on, and thus it is simple – ALL Countries and ALL on earth will be supported equally.

Obviously we are fucking scared of our neighbors – Because our current system is not at all based in equality but rather based on fighting to the death for power and money – Of course there will be fear in a system like this.

Of course the US is attempting to Boost there power at the expense of others, and of course we are attempting to do the same thing.

Where the Fuck is equality.

Where are the negotiations, and proposals to share and distribute the resources and money of the earth to all equally showing in fact a government that is doing what is best for all and that has the best interests of this world at heart – NO WHERE.

If the Government actually did care what was best for this planet and the people on it they would not be fucking around in meaningless proposals and negotiations about strengthening the boarders and rules and boundaries of the country, which in Fact shows that we are only trying to further separate ourselves from our neighbors and secure our own individual safety and well-being.

Well at Desteni we DO have a proposal that take ALL beings on the Planet into consideration Equality as what is best for ALL, and that if there was an equal money system in place.

The negotiations would not be how to strengthen our boarders but rather how to remove them completely so we no longer live in separation from our neighbors, from other cultures so that we no longer feared other cultures.

There is no reason to have boarders. This only exist now because we did not share equally among each other but rather attempted to hoard everything to ourselves until eventually those that were starving to death came knocking on our doors.

An Equal Money System is Designed for ALL beings and for one existence. To Support ALL that exist. So that the starting point of the system that facilitate our expression and interaction has at its root “the best possible outcome for all”
