The longer we wait, The longer It Takes. How Long Will it Take To Change The World

The system / the world I live in is all around me. It is the way it is because it is exactly what we have created, either deliberately/ in awareness  or through implication / unawareness. At times I get frustrated with the System / This world and how I must interact with it in what I have to/must do to survive in it.

Nothing will ever change unless deliberate physical actions/direction is given/taken by ourselves to change the system. Every moment we do nothing is simply prolonging the moment when we are Free because we have created a system / world that is actually best for us / what we would like.

How long will it actually take to transform this system we live in completely and absolutely so that it support and honour all life and self expression. So that it actually support our functionality and existence within such a system, so that we are not “fighting” or “Struggling” with the system where it makes our lives more difficult. A System that makes our lives more difficult shows a lack of intelligence.

How long will it actually take to re-create the entire world/system from the perspective of changing/transforming that which is “man-made” into a structure that function in such a way that it allows us to actually do what we all common sensically would like to do with ourselves in our life on earth. That is simply enjoy ourselves here, have fun.  Explore, Expand, Investigate ourselves and the world we live in, Being Free to simply be Here.

Take a look at so many individuals in this world living their life, working their job, earning their money. What does their life consist of? When/Where are they taking part in bringing forth a New System That will actually support us on this earth or have they accepted the current system and simply have created Their Life and are now set/locked into their “Life”…Working their job, going on holiday, buying products, buying a house, setting themselves up in the current system so that they can functionally exist until they Die.

So many simply live in this system, and have no idea how it is created or how they contribute to this creation. They have simply accepted the general layout and structure of things and attempt to make it work for them the best they can.

I see that nothing will ever change if we as individuals do nothing to change it. I would suggest to have a look at your expression/ participation in your day to day living, and ask yourself “where are you going with this” ask yourself “what will this lead to” What are we doing here. What is the point of existing – To exist within a closed cycle within the current system until we are dead?

Are we happy with how the System Currently Function?

Happy with millions of people starving to death

Happy with slave labour

Happy with working a job we don’t even like because its “all that’s available”

Happy to have “the weekend”  2 days a week where we are  apparently “free” from our lives/responsibilities.

Happy to always struggle with, fight with and fear money.

Happy to give up our hobbies and what we really enjoy doing as self expression because we must dedicate more time “making money”

Happy to live in a world which we are constantly trying to escape.

That is the current life that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to live.

Lets Rather Create a World that we do not want to escape from = Common Sense.

But are grateful and appreciative to exist within. A world where We want to be Here.

The longer we wait, The longer we wait.

Every moment is a moment to take physical practical direction in bringing forth a new world, a new system.


For more information with regards to understanding how to Re-Create Yourself please visit the Desteni Website


Desteni also offer a comprehensive course which practically assist one to begin the process of self creation/transformation where one will discover/learn/ become aware of how one actually “create” themselves and this world, thus providing a practical foundation for one to be able to in fact support the creation of a World and a Self that is Best for ALL.

One is also able to Support the Emergence of a New System based on the principle of “What is Best For ALL” by purchasing exclusive products such as Books, Interviews, Music available at the Equality Store.

 Featured Products at Equality Store

New Job – Preparation

Before I begin writing this I am going to remind myself here, that what I write, is me. And that what I write becomes me. And what I write becomes my inner structure, and therefore to effectively support myself by writing an inner structural support that Stand as what is best for ALL, and that creates a functionally effective human being within the context of what I am currently facing , what I will be facing and where we are going in process in terms of bringing forth equality, an equal money system, a world that is best for all, and a human being that is dignified, self respected, trustworthy, and self honest.

So today I met with my new boss to go over some details of the Job I will be doing this summer, which is Landscaping. I experience excitement and anticipation to “get into the swing of things”, and noticed all sorts of questions coming up inside me that really are only able to be answered in time as I walk the process of the job and see what it is all about, and see where I am effective, and particularly see where I will require to breath and support myself to strengthen my resolve in certain areas. I see one area where this will be required is “afterwork” as the job I will be doing I expect to be quite physical and thus one usually is quite ‘tired’ after work, and so may have to breathe in these moments to be able to continue effectively participating within my written work and desteni process stuff. Other than that I at the moment simply require patients and not get ahead of myself. So Just breath and focus on remaining here and not going into my mind at this stage and creating imaginary worlds of what all will happen in the future to the point of creating anxiety inside of myself.
I am looking forwards to the job, and also getting a more consistent routine in place and have money coming in.
We have a SnowFall warning tonight for the next day or so, so my “ Snow Removal” job may be going out with a Bang Here, or rather…A Flurry!