Opening Up a Reaction To SRA – Daily Blogging.

Ok so a point came up today when listening to one of the latest points with regards to the direction of SRA and Desteni I Process.
The point was that some of the ‘groups’ would be now “going back” to do Mind Constructs for another 6 months! I emphasise this as 6 months I see as quite a long time.
And also the option was open for anyone really who wants to go back and do Mind Constructs for another 6 months.
So I reacted to this point as follows.
As I was not clear whether my group was required to go back or not I then saw that this would then be a decision that I would make from the perspective of being self-honest within the point and going back to do another 6 months of Mind Constructs so that I can effectively prepare myself to be and effective buddy where I am able to effectively support another through walking with them through their mind constructs from beginning to end.
I see that I want to be effective with this point, and to have a solid foundation and understanding of doing Mind Constructs.
So from this perspective yes of course it would be a cool support to do another 6 months of mind constructs.
Initially I thought everybody would be stopping and doing the 6 months of mind constructs which was cool. I was fine with this.
Though it turns out that some of the groups in SRA that are further ahead will simply continue on as usual. So when hearing this I had a reaction.
The point initially I see is in relation to “falling behind” and that those that are “further ahead” are “more advanced” and are thus “from my perspective” “not equal” meaning they have an advantage in understanding the material. And so here a point of comparison is coming up where I “want to be the best” where I “want to be ahead with the advanced group” why? Because I perceive that they are getting “more support” and thus will Self-Realize quicker. Or just overall, more effective and aware and directive in process. So I see that within this point I am “wanting support” as one of the “Key reactive points” was this point of them getting “more support”
Ok so am seeing a point of inferiority here as well, where I am seeing myself as “less-than” those that are able to move on and keep working on SRA. Particularly working with Resonances.
I have been wanting to start working with the Resonances because the support one receive through this process is always very cool, though my starting point for ‘Wanting’ this is simply just that – It is “A Want” where in I am limiting myself by “holding myself down” from the perspective of “wanting to, or waiting for” the Resonances to “tell me what is going on with me” and that I perceive that I can get ‘better assistance’ from than, than I can give to myself.
I also see here the correction which is simply pushing myself to support myself and push me to go deeper and deeper into self and will myself into and effective application of self support and self investigation where I direct myself to uncover me and no more accept and allow myself “wait around” for Bernard or Resonances to “give direction” from the perspective of placing these two points in my world as “the ultimate points” and there in accepting and allowing myself to stand “less than” these two points, instead of me simply “walking into the unknown” where I push and develop ways to support me that I have not yet explored, where in I actually really investigate me, and get to know myself, and realize that I am able to actually effectively support myself with just me alone though my own self directed self willed application.
This Reaction I Had was also in relation to “my ability” to do Muscle Communication, and I can see also that I ran into a bit of a snag with the last few points on my most recent SRA lessons with Leila as my buddy, and so went into a point of fearing, when hearing this point today, that I am not effective enough in Muscle Communication and thus I would be “held back” and go back and do the 6 months of Mind Constructs.
I also “see myself” as ‘struggling’ with the Resonance Work, like “my foundation” is not stable, so here am actually seeing me in the future on chat with resonances and them asking me to test a point and I “am lost” Ok so seeing a memory here now wanting to emerge out of the darkness about school. Like the experience one have in school where you simply do not know the answers, and are left “feeling lost” and have no grounding. And so in this Future Projection I am on chat with resonances and they are asking me to test some information and I am struggling and fumbling and it is clear that I am not prepared and they are waiting for me but seeing that I am “just trying to keep up” and not effectively prepared. Shit this is quite a specific projection, though am not seeing a specific memory that this related to, simply the ‘general memory’ of how this “type of experience” would be one that one would have in school or something like this. Though also seeing a point of “Hockey” coming up here, where I used to go to Hockey Schools and Camps, and some of them were “more competitive” and really preparing you to play in competitive hockey and so I would “step into these” scenarios where I felt a bit “out of place” as everything was moving so fast and I was there “just trying to keep up” and so there was always allot happening on the ice, and players going everywhere and coaches shouting out orders, and particularly if this was a “new team” or “situation” I would really have to focus on ensuring that I “understood” each point clearly, as the coaches made it clear that if you do not understand how to do the drill – Don’t Go! And this meant you go to the back of the line and basically get a “black mark” on your name as they see you “did not understand what they say” Fuck this was a pressure cooker experience. And so you would watch the players ahead of you run through the drill, and you would focus intently on them and observe what you were supposed to do, and then it was your turn and Fuck you better get it right, and so the drill would begin and you (I) would “give it my all” as often you were doing tryouts, or even just “trying out” all the time, as to “earn more ice time” or when I would be “trying to make a team” Quite a stressful experience.
So this projection of me with resonances on chat is similar to this Hockey Experience, where I see me on chat and experience myself to “have lost it” meaning just can’t get a grasp on anything, and experiencing me as not having a handle on the information and also see the point of “letting them down” when there is that moment where they realize that “I am out of my league”
Ok this phrase is specific here this being “out of my league” as this definitely bring up the point of inferiority and just not being good enough.
Ok so the point coming through here is “Not being good enough” though I will explore now some other aspects of my reaction to this point of now the point being open of “going back to do 6 months of mind constructs”
I am seeing myself as unworthy in Muscle Communication, and thus also in process, as the point with MC simply indicate that I am “missing some points” and that this will cause me to “fall back” into my “rightful place” – So here again the point of inferiority.
What is interesting also is wanting to be up with the advanced group, wanting to be in the “in crowd” wanting to be ahead of the game and leading, but specifically this point of wanting to in the “in crowd”
Its like the point of starting out with a group of people and then you all walk together, and as you walk the “group separates” and starts to split up based on skill and potential and ability, and I end up “falling back” based on my skill and get separated from “my friends”

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into reaction with regards to the new SRA course structure.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to “not know” what I should do.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to “exist within a state of doubt and uncertainty” by allowing myself to exist within a point of “not knowing”
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I really “do not know”
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge and define myself according to where I am in my SRA course, and within doing this “make decisions” based on strengthening my personality which I have created as “who I am within how I have defined me within my SRA course” instead of making a decision that is based on actual practical self support and doing what is best for all.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear going back and doing 6 month of Mind Constructs, as I fear getting stuck behind.
I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as superior to others who are further back in SRA.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “lock into” my personality, instead of stopping all personality and ego, and remaining here as breath as Self Support.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get caught up in personalities within supporting me and in doing this “forget about me” altogether and never actually get to a place of me as the starting point of my direction within self support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to “lock into” a point of fear with regards to me not being prepared for the next Resonance section of SRA.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to based my decisions, and make my decisions from a point of energy and reaction, instead of from a point of self honesty and self support where I allocate myself within the equation and simply look at the common sense of the point and what would be most effective as a point of support. It is not about “who your friends are”
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to determine and define my application in relation to “whos around me” which is indicating that I am not yet standing equal to each and every one in process and more specifically I am not yet standing as the starting point of my world where it does not matter where I am, but that I am constant, consistent, the same in my application in each and every point that I stand.
Thus I see this point of me being the starting point of myself within process, within my application, and within self support, where it does not matter where I am, and who I am with, as I support me the same where ever I am and not longer accept and allow me to limit me within my self support from the perspective of believing that I must be in “advanced groups” to have effective self support but rather it does not matter where I am within what group or what level, I decide that I am the director of me and that I support me effectively and do not accept me to limit my potential self support, and thus from this perspective I am always the source of how effective I am within process, not who is around me or supporting me.
This is actually a cool point that is emerging and that has been coming up over the last few days, where I am starting to see the point of not limiting myself in “what I am capable in” meaning “I take the reins” so to speak, and start pushing myself to support myself and expand my application, and ways I support me. And push me to become more specific in how I support me, and as well in my writing.
No one is going to walk process for us. We must walk process, and we are the ones that determine “the pace” we move, though I do not see it as a point of rushing, but rather a point of inevitability where one will decide to be more effective within application, and that “this decision” can be done now or later.
Ok slowing down a bit here, I really “rattled through” that mid section.
Ok so I did react to this SRA point.
I was even discussing this point with Marlen on Chat and experienced my writing to immediately tense up, as I tensed up inside and became more ridged which I identified as a point of “Mind” as I started to explain and talk about the SRA Re-structuring. And how I “did not know what I would do”
I want to simply continue on as is. Particularly because now I have just started into doing more MC and see this as a point which I would simply like to direct. I have struggled with this point of MC and so am finding within the new lessons that because there is much MC going on that it is a cool platform for me to actually stabilize the point. And so from this perspective would like to continue moving with the lessons where I am now. On the other hand, 6 months of Mind Constructs would be fucking awesome, though I see that I would still not be directing this point of MC which is “the point” so to speak, which I would like to direct, and am in the process of doing so.

Exploring More Options in Finding Work/Jobs/Money

So today I started again with looking for and applying for jobs from the perspective of generating sufficient money to support me in my world, and stop existing on the ‘fringe’ of society by always making ‘just enough’ to get by and pay my rent and basic bills and food. Never getting ahead, not really falling behind, just completely at a stand still in the system. Thus the point for me at the moment is to actually start moving, and generating money to support me in this reality and support the emergence of an equal money system, which is even more of a ‘daunting task’ than just supporting me.
So today I started moving this point again, by searching through job listings and also bidding on graphic design and illustration jobs online.
I have the “doing snow removal” point in place so will be busy with this until the winter ends, though in the meantime am exploring various possibilities as I am not really just looking for a job in this system in this world to “occupy me” but rather looking for and investigating what I can do to actually place myself eventually within a position to support an equal money system.
I have a degree in Fine Arts, but have not yet seen this point being able to work yet in terms of actually supporting me substantially enough to place myself in the system to actually have influence. Though also see the point here of this being due to me not really effectively pushing and compounding this point through deliberate actions, but in a way “giving up quickly” when the point does not move.
This has been quite frustrating as for some time now have been “on the fence” with this point of not knowing whether to “do it” or “not do it”, and because of this have in a way disarmed myself by essentially not standing within a consistent application to see if in fact the point will work or not, in a way , seem to give up on this point very quickly.
This is why I started moving into the point of graphic design and illustration, and in a way am starting with moving my artistic skills to the “digital world” as I may be able to generate more money within doing this. Though I am only starting with this now so the point slow to move, and I see I experience still much doubt within the belief that comes up that “ everything I do with regards to art simply does not/will not move”
So I came across this one add today which I am thinking about applying for as a “Art Gallery Assistant” with one of the commercial galleries here in town. I mean technically my degree supports this point though have no desire to actually participate within the “art world”, though perhaps I could get some experience with selling art and dealing with people with lots of money who pay allot of money for art, So from this perspective this could possibly assist my current skills set with regards to art and sales in general. Though most likely will be doing basic stuff like hang shows and framing art and things like this. I will have to see when I go down and ask about the job.
Though at the moment my experience of myself in relation to work and “the future” is more like ‘open’ where nothing is definitive, or certain and am in a way feel like I am just starting out. I would like to go back for more education at some point though this will require me to probably first pay back my student loan which I have not been able to actually “pay down” since I graduated from college 6 years ago. Up until now I have only been making the interest payments.
So in terms of my placement in the system – I am a perfect slave – or am supposed to be a perfect slave anyways, though if I look at the point .
So just wanted to write about this point of being still busy with finding work and exploring different ways to make money in this world, as I must now come up with nearly twice my usual amount as the insurance on my vehicle will run out in February and so must get money to renew this, so in a way its cool because it will push me to move my ass to actually prove to myself that I am able to make this much money in a month through simply applying myself diligently and specifically in practical application with regards to generating money.

ALL are Walking DEAD – Not One is Alive.

So today I am re-organizing a few things. Yesterday I gave notice to “my job” at the Horse Ranch that I would no longer be working there. So today basically starting again with looking for work in this world, in this system, and looking at various ways of generating an income for myself in this world. So also looking at how to utilize my skills within Visual Art to do this, thus also starting with some promotion and research into graphic design, illustration and things like this.

Partly because after my last experience working “for others” the question came up of “how long I am going to do this for”, meaning, work “for other people”. I mean the principle in itself is fine, working with others so to speak, though into today’s world and economic system money and self interest is now bread so Deep within the human being, that to “work for another” is in most cases “to become a slave” to those with money who will pay you.

There is actually no regard, consideration, or insight into what is actually here on this earth as a System which support the creation of a malicious, deceptive, self interested human being.

Money is Power and those with Money use it as such, and simply justify their existence with money and their ability to control others by paying them.

I mean who cares what you really do
Actions are irrelevant – Actions have become irrelevant
Not body gives a fuck about what they are doing
What they are concerned with is “How much money do they get”

Our Actions within this world are Not in Alignment with Living in and Equilibrium with Earth.

We are so fucking blinded by money that one is unable to see that their current day to day actions are actually harming the earth, harming themselves, and others, This all gets “sideswiped” when “the cheque comes in” which allow someone to justify what they do. And in a way “see nothing wrong with it”. Humanity is BLIND.

Which allows an individual to justify abusing the earth, themselves, and others. As long as they get paid, or turn a profit.

I am also busy today filing out forms for “repayment assistance” on my student loan which I ‘signed’ when I was 19 years old. 10 years later and I have not paid a single dollar back on the loan, even though I have made hundreds of dollars a year in payments on the interest so that I “don’t fall behind”

I mean this process alone that I am currently busy with in filing out these forms reveal “the state of this world” the “state of the system” that we as humanity have all collectively participated in. And that we have all allowed, and supported, and created. Thus each one is responsible for how we are currently existing.
So I am busy spending time filing out papers so that “I qualify” for re-payment assistance. Processes and Systems that one must ‘spend’ time and attention on, not so they can “live a dignified life”, but so that can “just survive”.

Though this is the system we have created, this is the system that I have allowed to exist by doing nothing.
By seeing myself as to small, to insignificant, to do anything, not knowing exactly what I should do. And so have allowed this current system to prevail by allowing these excuses and beliefs inside me.
And of course, believing that someone else will do it. The younger generation will do it. Those that are qualified will do it. But the fact of the matter is that it is the responsibility of everyone here on this earth to do it. And not simply “leave it someone else” “leave it to some group” while you simply go about living out your life in ignorant bliss.

All must stand up and take responsibility for what is here and what we have allowed, and re-educate ourselves so that we can actually each and everyone of us here, support the emergence of a new world.
To do nothing, is to simply allow this world to continue existing as it is.

I have realized for myself that all must be given an equal opportunity and that it is not about the evolution of self alone amongst the many, attempting to “be all you can be” No. It is about the evolution of ALL, together, where each individual on this earth, Stand as that ALL, and Always, in every moment, act in the best interest of all as the starting point of themselves.

To observe what we are doing at desteni from the sidelines and do nothing is deception. Because the truth is – Those who “stand-by” do not actually have a solution for this world. Yet the point is simple in terms of what we are saying.

Stop placing yourself before the All.

All one has to do is see how they live their lives and see if they are busy working on a solution that considers each and every single human being, plant, and animal on this earth. Or are you just busy with “your own life”

Suggest to investigate the Solution Desteni is Presenting – Let go of judgements, and ideas about the point and actually investigate it.

Desteni Suggest a World System Based on Equality and What is Best for ALL. And a part of this system will be the Re-Structuring of the Money System. And the elimination of Capitalism and Profit as a System that Governs Humanity and All on the Planet.

Where abuse is allowed – where we all have allowed ourselves to “look the other way” at say for example the homeless man on the street or the starving dog in your neighbour hood.

I mean do you not find it odd that one is actually not able to “comprehend” the deaths of millions broadcast on the News as casualties of war, where in one moment one can be watching a report on 40 by-standards killed in a suicide bombing then 15 minutes later be watching their favourite entertainment program and have forgotten all about the atrocities actually happening around them in every moment.

Desensitized is not even the word to describe it. Obviously this showing that we as human beings are actually really DEAD in this world, the Walking Dead.

So suggest to Research the Equal Money System Proposed by Desteni.

Because each and everyone of us are responsible for what is Here. And are responsible for ourselves in educating ourselves on the true state of this world – Obviously it is easy to ignore. Interestingly because this world is a chaotic mess, yet we manage to remain oblivious to it. Mind Control. I mean how else can we simply live day to day and think everything is ‘OK’.

So Visit and re-educate yourself – pull yourself out of your grave. This life we live is not living – It is Dying, that is plain to see – And fucked-up how people will protect it, like its worth protecting. That is simply ego.

So investigate an Equal Money System, a system based on Equality. This will not happen automatically, we must actually, as a Race, Create it.

And it will take effort
It will require one to re-consider their entire life.
Obviously to ignore this is showing that one would rather just live out the rest of their lives placing their lives as that which is important over The Rest of Humanity. If that is not Ego, I don’t know what is.

Most are not aware that they exist primarily as the Ego. And think “its normal” to “live your life” and enjoy yourself – Well yes, you are exactly right, it is ‘normal’ for who we have become – for the Walking Dead that we are and have believed ourselves to be.

An Equal Money System is “not normal” by today’s standard, as it actually go “against” what we have currently accepted as life, An Equal Money is Based on Life, on Living, on Support of the Earth, on Self Expression, Expansion, Perfection, On a New Way of Living – A way of living that most do not even realize exists or is possible.

Thus investigate for yourself and prove to yourself that you are at least willing to consider something “outside” of your bubble of perception which you believe is so magnificent.

Its really not magnificent, its actually just suppression, denial, hatred, jealousy, fear, resentment – lol

What a Fuck Up.

Join us at Desteni in Bringing Forth a Solution for the Fuck-up of a world people are actually unable to see. Thus if you think this world is fine – Than I strongly suggest you research what we are saying at desteni

I am One Vote For World Equality and an Equal Money System.

Stop Blaming the Government – Vote for a New Equal Money System

Stop Blaming the Government – Vote for a New Equal Money System

I woke up today at around 8:30 or something like this. I read a few posts and then prepared to go to work, as I was scheduled to work today in the furniture store. Interesting point here, I get paid twice as much per hour working at the furniture store than I do on the horse ranch. LOL – that illustrating the complete fucked upness of this reality, that there can be such a polarity between wages.

Basically the furniture deals with money in a different way, and in a way its pretty cool they offer quite a high wage for a basic job there in the store, where on the ranch the wage is initially low.

Though I experienced a point today of basically being a slave. Which I am, for money at the moment, where within the current system one must work for money, and to get that money must do what ever the one who is going to give the money sais.

This is why we require a new money system, so that no being must be subject/slave to another who has money and can tell them what to do because that particular being is in need of money.

That is an absolute fuck-up.

That is why I have given up my world, my life and given up this current world and reality because I see no other solution but than to stop this fucked up system and create a new one which actually allow beings to express themselves and live in freedom- Something that is no where existent in this current world of enslavement which we all accept so readily and not even realize the point of enslavement we are all accepting.

I am simply not just going to “find my place in this reality and in this system” And attempt to make it work for me and then live out my life, while I make the system work in my favour where in a make money and live a comfortable life, all the while ignoring the fact for one, that I had to completely compromise myself and my self expression to fit into this system of enslavement and have the system work in my favour, and also completely disregarded those that suffer and who are not in a beneficial point within the system so that they can have money and live comfortable as well.

My focus is not how can I fit into this system and make my life work.

My focus is how can I direct and apply myself to place myself in a position to change this system so that it is actually an enjoyable world to live in FOR ALL. Because anyone who actually say they enjoy this world are fucking lying or have completely deluded themselves into believing and accepting that they in fact enjoy this reality, this world. I mean if people enjoy enslavement – that’s pretty fucked up.

Its fascinating how we are able to IGNORE the millions of beings suffering in this world, and that we have conditioned ourselves into believing that “they don’t matter” or that it is “irrelevant”.

Imagine if all beings on earth decided to place as their direction and purpose in life to bring support to those in need. I mean the fact that there is such a fucked up existence at the moment is because no one is actually considering or caring about each and every being on earth. We have completely lost touch with who we are, with the point of caring for our neighbour.

I stand for and support A New Equal Money System and have given up my life to support the emergence of this system, because from my perspective it is a solution that Will actually Support all beings on Earth.

And also the life I gave up was not actually living anyways so realistically I gave up enslavement to live.

And thus I place my attention on bringing forth an Equal Money System and a World Equality System where the Equality of Each and Every being on Earth is Reflected in the way the World System Support beings here on earth. And thus with an Equal Money System all beings on earth will be supported as Equals.

Not like today’s system where some have millions and others actually just die after a few years because they have nothing.

And I mean this is the system that many support – Is this really acceptable?

An Equal Money System is a New System. It is an Alternative to this current system. I mean if you look at the extreme outflows of this current system – mass wars, millions dying, millions starving and in poverty, even now the “good countries” struggling to manage massive debt levels and unemployment. Thus a few tweaks here and there are not going to do it. – If we want to actually correct this world we require Mass Change

Its so funny I have noticed that people want thier government to change everything to fix everything. People are completely fucked up because all they do is blame their government. What a Fucking Joke – they go to the little booth, put a check mark on a card, and then there, they have done their part! Now they apparently have the right to complain? Fuck, all that’s showing is that people are unwilling to take responsibility for themselves and for what is here on this earth. They just expect the government to do it. And the fact that they complain about it shows that they really don’t understand at all how the system works

The problem is – The system is so fucked up that there is no way out – Every way you turn there is a massive snag. But the people are not willing to see this – they simply blame the government for not finding them a job, for not giving them their pensions – but if in fact they would actually look for themselves and see that this World System is such a fuck up that there is actually no real solution within this current system. That they themselves have no actual clue on what to do or how the system actually work. Because if they did, they would have stopped supporting this system and the political system along time ago, but people do not actually know how it works. Yet still complain to their government that its the government that is the problem. So what is their grand solution – Another Election! We want another president – one who will give us jobs and money and oh my fuck people!


Ok so I have a solution

Desteni Has a Solution.

It is called The Equal Money System…Let me guess…”It won’t work” how do I know you will say this – Because this is the only thing you can say. Its as if you have not developed the ability to actually investigate something for yourself. So hardened into the current way things work that you are unable to actually consider something else…it simply won’t work shows the degree of how one is programmed to accept only the current system and is not able to actually consider something else.

So I suggest investigate the Equal Money System that Desteni is Proposing.

The Principle of an Equal Money System is “What is Best for ALL”

The Point of taking all beings on this planet into consideration within the creation of a system that will support each and everyone of them equally, so that all beings are supported on this earth with the basic living requirements in place facilitated through an equality system that we create and develop on this earth.

I mean aren’t we supposed to be evolving?

Then would this not be an actual point of progressive evolution for humanity, it we were able to create a world system that supports each and every being on earth to a point of a dignified life.  From my perspective that indicate to me an actual point of evolution because at the moment our current world system only support a few, while millions are dying and do not have support from the world system.

There is a proposed system already in the works for this – It is called and Equal Money System as Presented by Desteni and you can research it on or visit the desteni website at to find out more.

I am one Vote For World Equality and A New Equal Money System.

I mean of one start to investigate what an equal money system actually do it is fucking amazing.

It is a system that provide for all beings on earth the basic necessities of life as a birth right, meaning they will receive an allowance so to speak – All beings on earth, from when they are born until they die – Obviously practical points are considered as well like for instance a child of 2 years only will not be able to handle his own money for example.

Along with this distribution of money to beings it will also be ensured that each being has equal shelter. Now I am not talking about some hut with not floor, I am talking about the basic physical requirements so that all can live a dignified life. So all one has to do is look for oneself. What are the basics to live on this planet and have basic physical support. Food, Shelter, Water, Heat, and so forth.

I mean instead of having to fight to get yourself an education – Education will be provided for all, Why, because that is how one support itself as life. This is not about “trying to make it” in this world. The reason why this point currently exist where beings have to “try to make it” is because there is only so much ‘room’ in the system.

Does it not make sense rather to create a system which actually support beings instead of suppress them? I mean the system is a reflection of ourselves, is a reflection of what we accept and allow ourselves to be, and the fact that our current world system is not considering all beings as equal in this world is actually saying that in fact it is us who is not considering all beings as being equal in this world.

Thus to a suggestion.

Do what is best for all.

Replace the Starting point of Yourself.

It is a point of self re-creation where one actually re-create and re-design oneself so that they do in fact consider all beings equally within this world.


Stand as What is Best for ALL.

Become What is Best for ALL.

Do What is Best for ALL.

Be What is Best for ALL.

In every moment of your life – Act in the best interest of ALL.

Yes this will require everything about oneself and about ones life to change.

Actual evolution yes.

Or we can do nothing.

Which we are really good at by now

So you either Support a New Equal Money System and What is Best for ALL

Or you support the Current System and Millions Dying each day of starvation.

You Decide

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that equality is not possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a system that support all beings on earth is not possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because I did not ever think of a system like this, that it cannot be right.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to consider anything other than what is here and within this believe that nothing else is possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I am not capable of actually creating something that works and is effective and actually supports beings and life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not smart enough to create and system that is best for all and that actually support all beings on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I “don’t have it in me to be able to do this”

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am incapable of standing as a system that is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must be some great smart person to be able to actually see how this system works and actually direct this system into existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself who I am as life and equal to every part of life as having equal value to all points as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand in separation of life instead of stand as all life as what is best for all as myself as who I am in every moment.

Writing Self to Freedom – “Hitting the Jackpot!” – October 30/2010

Today was an interesting day. I was at the “Market Collective” which is Arts and Crafts fair in the city I live in. So basically I had a table with drawings for sale. I decided to not sell paintings and drawings at this market and just focus more on selling the drawings, in particular the “Comical Sense” Drawings as I find with these drawings there is actually “something there” which is pretty cool. I Find my past work is ‘empty’ so to speak, and so find working with the “Comical Sense” stuff more fulfilling and enjoyable, as it is no more just “something to look at”. We as Consumer Society has place so much emphasis on the ‘picture’, on “the surface” that this “something to look at” has become that which we focus on. And the goal of the artist has become to make that “something to look at” as cool as possible, placing all of the emphasis on this, where the practical, functional, useful element of art steadily disappears.

I mean even if one look at how we has human beings present ourselves. All of the emphasis is placed on the picture, and we attempt to arrange that picture presentation of ourselves in as many ways as possible attempting to within this find some satisfaction within ourselves.

So much of the emphasis gets placed on the picture that we have forgotten in a way, that there is anything inside.

So in terms of the age old question of is it art that imitates life or life that imitates art, it is simply irrelevant considering that both are in the same boat anyways – stuck on the surface.

I sold one drawing today. Its the first one of the comical sense that I sold, it was titled TOMB-orrow (tomorrow) the guy that bought it like the skeleton imagery.

It was quite a release because I noticed this particular thought construct coming up a few times in the day.

The pattern/construct would start with the thought of first


-Noticing that I had not yet sold a drawing while watching others sell their work

-Then comes like a fear of believing that I have done something really wrong

-Like I have an innate mistake built into the structure of me

– Like a huge gap or something where I am “missing a point” or “understanding” which is why I

have not sold

-Then I experience a feeling/emotion experience of sadness mixed with hopelessness/helplessness

– Then thoughts of my dad come up, like I will end up living out the same pattern he did which is like

ending up as a “starving artist” kind of thing


Its interesting this construct came up a few times during the day, but I was mostly aware when this construct came up so simply did not “go into it”



When I sold the drawing it was like a release in a way of this construct, like


“I am not totally crazy”

Which actually indicate that this particular thought exist inside me before hand, like I thought/believed I was being delusional with “trying to sell art”

This point of “believed delusion” also being linked with the experience of hopelessness.  Thinking that I am in fact so delusion and that I am not even able to see it.


I noticed also sometimes, the thought coming up of


“Why do I have to do this”

Here I see this as a kind of attempting or wanting to escape from this whole experience I am going through of selling art in this world, where so much of the time, I want to just quite, even though I do see the point of what I would prefer is if I was actually able to sell the stuff, like if I actually made some consistent money with it then I would actually not want to quite selling art. So its not actually related to the “ACT” of selling art that I am opposed, just to the point of that I have not made any money or sold very effectively over the years.


At the moment, I am pushing the work I make now to be as educational as possible, where one can actually be supported by that work or piece when they see it and it isn’t just something you “put up because its nice”


This way I can actually not feel guilty for selling it to people, because before this point was quite allot – feeling guilty for selling work to people.


I mean what is real value. Value has become so distorted in this world that it has “lost touch” with reality. From my perspective value is not something “made up” but rather based on equality, meaning, you plant one seed, you get one carrot.


And this value is based on the actual physical movement of this reality, like for example the physical movement of a carrot growing into maturity. Value grounded in the earth.


And so art should be “valued this way” where it is grounded in earth so to speak.


Based in the “Equality Equation” that desteni present of 1 + 1 = 2

Our current money system, the very nature of money is based on deception. Where one is attempting to cheat reality, like saying 1+1=7 or 100 or what ever they can convince another it is worth. There is not actual basis for value these days – it is completely based on an idea – which exist in the mind.


This money system is so fucking tempting – Because essentially value is based on what someone will pay for it – not how much it is actually really worth so to speak. So people “buy in” and play the game, attempting to generate income through distorting value through the current money system where say one person might sell something to someone for 1 dollar, than this person turns around and sells it for 100 dollars – This is completely fucking with planet and the actual equilibrium of the physical earth. And showing the value of a product is not actually based on the actual physical value of the substance related to the earth and how this support humanity to live on this earth in equilibrium.


This is one reason why I support a new equal money system – because it will “normalize” everything, so that we actually start Interacting with our planet on a 1+1=2 foundation.


It is interesting I notice this “temptation” of the money system within myself where I see the point of “if I could only get people to buy my art for ‘x’ amount of money, than I wouldn’t have to worry about getting a job or paying my rent or anything like that, because there is this “jackpot” point that exist within this current money system, like if one could only convince another to pay that “jackpot” amount for their product, then they could really get allot of money for very little work. It is such a fuck up, because Im sure there are many out there who would read this and think – “Well what’s wrong with that”


Well fuck – a outflow of this current manifestation of ourselves is millions dying of starvation, wars, murder, I mean how is that “OK” .


We as humanity have begun to “make things” in the hope of hitting that “jackpot” within the system. Because it is possible for everyone of us to actually do. Like the carrot dangling in front of our eyes just out of reach.


We lose sight of the consideration to actually create something that will benefit humanity. Then the products we create, really don’t consider if they are actually of use in this reality at all but more so – can I make money from it. And this is fucking with our evolution as a human race, as an existence.


This is why I Support and Equal Money System as proposed by Desteni – Because here the principle foundation of our movement in this reality would be How will this benefit humanity, how will this benefit life. I mean what is the actual outflow of the decisions I make and the evolution of humanity. I mean every action we make, every thought we think, has ripple effect, outflow on this existence. Thus the point here is to take into consideration what you actually in do, and what you actually think. And to consider “does this thought or action have the best interest of humanity in mind”

Once this consideration is in place and all beings on this planet have placed this point as the starting point of themselves, of there every thought, word, and deed, then we will be actually evolving as LIFE.


Until then we are simply only considering ourselves and not how we actually influence this world.

We think or believe that “oh it is just my life”


I mean when you die then what – your life is over? – You did the best you could – Do you really understand reality – do you really understand what is going on this planet – this existence – Is this world we have accepted really the end all be all.


Have we considered what it actually means to change.


Or are we too afraid what our friends will say if we actually change.

If we actually consider something so different that it is met with massive resistance.


From my perspective than we at least know we heading in the right direction – because we require a massive change on this earth.


I mean to stop war will take the implantation of a new system, an implantation of new way of being, of living that will be not like what is here now.


Suggest to investigate Desteni and Equal money system for those who are not afraid to actually change.

How to Actually Change – PARTICIPATE – in What is Best For ALL

Participation is not energy, meaning, it does not require energy to participate. Participation is an ACT. An Act that supports all life equally. AN act that takes all life into consideration where when one act, One do so in support of All life.

Participation is measureable in the physical. And ones participation within oneness and equality is measureable in that the physical manifested measureable result of ones participation is so, that it, in fact supports All life equally. There is no denying or disputing it. It is Here as the physical.

Thus Participation cannot be disputed, as it is an actual measureable act in the physical that supports all life and supports the transformation of our physical world. Our physical world that currently exist as structures and cities and systems that do not support ALL life equally. Thus our participation will support and bring forth the transformation of this current world into a world that support ALL life equally. Within this the systems of this world that do not support all life equally must go, must no more exist, and this actually has to be done in our participation in fact. Our Money system does not support all equally, our education system does not support all equally, our government system does not support all equally, to name a few. And so these systems must go. And be replaced by new systems brought forth from those participants walking and standing as what is best for ALL.

In order for systems to be placed that support all life equally, One who decides to walk this path must actually understand what it means, to support all life equally.

The point I see within this is that if I accept limitation within myself, meaning there is point within self that I do not understand or am not aware of, than in fact I am not in awareness of ALL life as I am not even aware of all parts of my immediate self. If this is so than I am not able actually to set up a system that supports ALL life, as I am not yet aware of all life. Thus I can only extend as far as my own awareness. I can only create that which I am as my awareness. I create that which I am. Than the question is, who am I really?

What is important to me in my life?
What am I giving attention to?
What am I wanting, what am I desiring.
Where is my attention.

And within these points – what am I actually implying about “who I am” and what I stand for in this reality. Am I in fact standing for what is best for all, if my attention is given to desires of self interest and personal comforts.

Although within this I see the common sense necessity to “focus on myself” Not from the perspective of “self interest” but rather from the perspective of actually becoming effective within this world, in so that I am able to actually assist and support actual change in bringing forth a one and equal system that is best for all. This means to participate within my world in such a way that I develop the necessary skills that I will require to become highly functioning, within this current world and current system. Within this I am able to place myself in a position of support in bringing forth new systems within this world that support all life equally, and that this support and “bringing forth” is measurable, and becomes visible within this world. Because at the end of the day. In order to change something, it has to actually change in fact. There is no middle ground, or opinion, or question – it either changes or does not. The Participant exists according to actual measurable change.

The only point that is valid is participation, because the points that are valid in this world are those points that are REAL. That actually exist, and actually impact and influence everyone’s life.

There is no middle ground with the participant – If there is no change occurring, than there is no participant. The Participant is equivalent to the actual physical measureable change.

Ultimately An actual physical measurable change within the systems of this world must actually exist in FACT. And to change the currently existing systems practically, that have been built over thousands and thousands of years, brick by brick, step by step, breath by breath, will not simply just happen without some effort, some application, some participation. It must physically, practically, Actually be done. And that will take some time, especially if no one actually see that that is what must be done in this world. And furthermore actually start to participate in the change once they do see that things must change, and stop waiting for someone else to “gather the troops” to take on the roles that are necessary to actually begin making a measureable impact in this world. Only now this measurable impact is being done so from a different perspective. The perspective of what is best for all.

No one is exempt from how the system operate and function. So those that are acting and participating in the best interest of all, must walk the same path so to speak that those who are currently in power and running this planet, have walked. Practically speaking.

One must participate within the system as how it currently exist until the system is changed.

So to walk as Participant Bringing forth actual physical measureable change to this world and the world systems to Support All Life Equally. Will take some diligence.

Essentially the same process that took place to create this world as how it currently exist, must take place again.

Our current world was created within the starting point of self interest. Walked, and lived, step by step, brick, by brick, in self interest.

What we must do now is walk the path again, step by step, brick by brick, but this time from a different starting point. The starting point of What is Best For A