I turn into a Zombie on Saturdays

I was at work today. Today my mind was rattling on as I was digging this one trench. And also during the day the point came up of the mind wanting to go somewhere else, like going home. I was looking at this point of how at work there is moments where I get fixated on this point of wanting the end of the day to come. Or even like wanting lunch to come. Where the entire time I am working I am looking at my watch or the time for that moment when I can finally break. And I was looking at that experience that occur within me when I get off work. That moment of elation that wash over me as I am finally done now and safe in my car and can drive home. So definitely see that This is a mind point that occur everyday after work, when work is finally done and I have this feeling experience come over me like a momentary high. I see that the point would be to simply walk through that transition without going into an emotional experience of being done work but simply walk through as breath and not accepting and allowing the change in environment to create this experience of self which I give power to. I mean why not just be stable here as self all the time, instead of existing at work within the perception of me as a slave waiting to be free at 5:00pm. Another dimension I was looking at also is that the mind wants to escape points of facing self that we have accepted and allowed and now must face, thus mind does not want to work all day, which is actually a point of walking through what we have created as this world and so at work the mind keeps attempting to run and to escape by dreaming about being home instead of here within and as the task at hand.

I was also noticing this in relation to what day of the week it is. For instance today was Saturday and even though it was my first day back to work in a few days I still approached the day like it was a “Saturday” and so I saw this influence point coming up as kind of an “attitude” or accepted and allowed “approach” to “who I am” in relation to Saturdays, specifically when work is involved. I have been aware of this point before from the perspective of simply walking each day the same from the perspective of establishing self within a point of stability where self is not defined and directed by what day of the week it is rather direction/expression of self is determined by Self in every moment, not by some repeating cycle that cycles as the 7 days of the week going through this particular energy cycle. So I I “re-noticed” this point  today. Its like I become this hypnotized by my own definition of what I have accepted and allowed myself to become when it is Saturday. This means that I can/am able to relax more????lol WTF So the other days of the week I am not allowed to relax and I must be tense? Shit that’s interesting because I see that Saturdays I am actually more relaxed due to not feeling stress to work, like the other normal working days of the week. Basically showing me that I am allowing a program to completely determine my experience of self where I am generally more stressed during the week then Saturday I have programmed in that I can be more relaxed so then I do so. WAFU (what a fuck up)  So My Saturday Program means at work that you really take your time and drag your ass, and take long breaks – Its quite strange because even if there is points to direct at work, and there is lots to do, one still  allow the “slack” point to dominate and influence how one move.  And also that this point is unanimously accepted by others so if you decide that you are going to be directive it throws everybody off and you are going against the grain, so just a way how we have all agreed on these particular definitions in terms of how we function within this world and its just accepted and if you do something different you really fuck people’s life up. So This is a point I see I can give some direction to, where I stop adjusting who I am according to what day of the week it is and just direct me within and as breath within a more constant and consistent application of self and stop accepting this pre-programmed reality to determine how I move an function within this world.

We don’t actually Need TAXES – Equal Money System Research

I read an article today in the local newspaper here focusing on a ‘issue’ related to a Taxes. The article explained how our cities Mayor has decided to not move forward with tax cuts, but rather keep everything “as is” which means, instead of the money that would have stayed in the pockets of the people under proposed tax cuts will now go into the pockets of the government which will be used for various projects the city has scheduled to undertake.

What I find interesting about this article is it illustrates how the attention of the media, of the government, of the people are all focused on this aspect of our system called “Taxes” and how best to go about implementing taxes to ensure the functionality of the system, missing altogether the point that we do not actually require taxes at all and that there is an alternative systematic approach to running a government and managing a city , country, world where we will not require taxes at all.

This is something that not many are able to consider and ver possibly would  laugh at the mere mention of this. That we actually do not require taxes.

This is from my perspective because we as people as governments are simply not educated in how this would work.

We have been raised and conditioned in this system and that this system is all we know, where we  have, so whole heartedly and completely, accepted Taxes, as a normal functioning point of Society, that cannot be done without.

Though we at Desteni Propose a System where in fact there is no Taxes what so ever. Where all members of Society are Fully Functioning  Participants, there is no homelessness, or unemployment as we know it today, All have a stable and bountiful income and any other element required in the basic development and support of the human being, in order to live a fulfilling, dignified life. Education, Housing etc. And of course there is No Taxes

This System is an Equality based system including an Equal Money System.

This is not some mumbo jumbo pipe dream utopic proposal. This is an actual Structural System able to be  implemented and operated exactly the same way as we have currently a System which has been implemented and is operating to manage the ins and outs of society and ensure that all get their daily bread etc… The problem though is that the current system we have in place (the capitalistic system) all do not get their daily bread.

I mean would you not agree that a basic function of a System that we as humanity have in place and agreed upon  to manage ourselves ensure first and foremost that each individual that is Here, is included as a consideration within the functionality of that system.

Or do you believe that we should only include some humans that are born into the system and not include millions of others and essentially just ignore them completely?

Common Sense that A system which takes ALL points into consideration would be more effective than a system that only takes some points into consideration and completely ignore other.

I see that this will however take some Education or Re-Education of Man to show that we in fact do not require such a function as Taxes. And that we are able to place a world system that actually provide for its citizens – Meaning ALL citizens of this world leaving not one child out of the equation and that within this ALL will be properly cared for, and have the basic necessities  and necessary support to live a full, dignified life.

It is up to each one to take a serious look at this world and realize that in 15 years, if we do nothing, that this world will continue heading in the same direction it is going, and that is definitely not cool. And we will effectively be standing in the same pile of shit as we are now.


We realize that WE are the ones,  the citizens, the members of this world,  who are actually creating this world, I mean we ARE the only ones on this planet.  Who else is creating, and is implementing the systems of this world But us ourselves.

So as one generation move out and a new generation move in – WHO WILL WE BE. That is entirely up to us, and it depends where we place our attention, it depends on how we educate ourselves.

If you would like to carry on with living out the same cycles over and over again, than yes, simply stand by our current way we have been doing things, Stand by the believe that we must have taxes.

Though if you are interested in learning about a New Proposed System which is able to effectively support ALL that is Here, and not only just some of us while millions die of hunger than I suggest to start to investigate what Desteni is Proposing as an Equality Based System

To find out how this will work join us  – www.equalmoney.org