The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (Movie Review) – Who are You as a Brand?

I just finished watching the move “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” which is a documentary about Advertising, where the entire movie is based on showing the Filmmaker approaching different/various companies and business and getting them to sponsor his Movie, in exchange for product placement/advertising in the movie itself.  As the viewer we get the “behind the scenes” look at the advertising processes involved in such an endeavour as well as commentary on the overall role advertising plays not only in movies and the creative process, but our day to day lives as well.

One of the questions raised in the Movie was the question of “Selling Out” specifically related to the Film-makers personal integrity during the creative process of making the movie, as well as looking at the integrity of other individuals or “Artists” who “take-money” in exchange for product placement or Advertising where a particular expression such as a movie or work of art or song, or even individual  allows within their expression a point or points  specifically, deliberately, and for no other reason and purpose but for Generating Money.

I faced this question myself in my life as I decided early on that I wanted to be an Artist, and make paintings and art. I saw this point of “Money” and how this could potentially influence my creative expression but from my perspective this was not a valid consideration within the context of the Artwork from the perspective that, if I allowed money to influence the work of Art, and “My Self Expression” than I simply missed the point altogether of what it means “To Be an Artist” or to have “Self Respect”  – and so thus it was apparently obvious to me that “of course you do not incorporate money making into the creative process…duuuuh” Though I realized eventually that I actually was still not seeing the entirety of the point!

I did not see how this world was Designed. I did not see how the world/money system actually operate. I believed that it was actually possible to do this – To make a work of art that was not influenced by money. I did not see to what depths money has/had infiltrated this world and was already placed absolutely as the Foundation upon which my very existence depended on, and thus also the foundation of the Art I would be making.

So the question of selling-out is really a non-question as we are so beyond selling out that the question in itself only show the lack of understanding/awareness of an individual with regards to where we currently are in terms of how the world/money system is functioning at this very moment and the extent of Control it has on “The Creative Process”

I Grew up mostly in the Country (out of the city) and our family was more oriented towards “Artistic Stuff” , and so thus I was not really exposed to the “truth” about money and how it was actually already infused into absolutely everything of this existence. And here I believed it was possible to make “Original Art”

Though from a certain perspective I did have the opportunityto see/experience life and in my case making art for the sake of just expressing me rather than basing it on money, which in turn supported me in seeing what a fuck up we have created as our current world system and how there can be no such thing as Original Art in a world where Money is God. Where money determine if you live or die, what kind of education you have, the skills you develop, the resources you have, the way you express yourself and of course also the Art you would make.

Part of my process was realizing that now is not the time or the place the “purse art” to “pursue my dream to be an artist” I mean I can see how in our current system we are limiting ourselves extensively in terms of our potential. Our potential has a “ceiling” has a “Cap” Perhaps thats why its called “CAPitalism” – Because there is a “cap” on our potential and possibility of our expression within such a system.

I mean you can only pedal your bike so fast…eventually you require a different “system” to go faster. Like a car for instance.

Thus we fist must actually change the world, change the system, change the environment we live in before Art or Self Expression will be able to expand and grow and actually become Valid and not simply be just another “product of money”,

So from a certain perspective this Movie “Missed the Point” It did not go deep enough into seeing that we have sold our souls long ago so to speak, simply by accepting and allowing such a system as capitalism to exist as the Ruling System that is the foundation of ALL experience of ourselves here on this planet.

I was also looking at how we ourselves as individuals advertise.  How we play out the exact same process we see playing out between the Hollywood movie and the Advertiser, where partnerships are formed and adds are seamlessly interwoven into the movie/creative product.

We do exactly this – For instance becoming friends with someone simply because they are cool and it will make us look cooler in the eyes of another we are trying to impress. Its advertising!

Wearing a certain article of clothing to look appear a certain way and in this attract specific friends and attention from others.

Talking/speaking/communicating  a certain specific manner in the words/topics and tonality of voice we express so as to “get others to like us” To give us their attention so that we feel and experience ourselves a certain way.

Or knowing an inside joke – its like a commercial we run as advertising which symbolize our status within our world.

We as individuals are walking advertisements/presentations and if anything, what Hollywood and giant corporations are showing us –  is who we as individuals have actually become. And to the degree/extent  which we exist prominently as absolute advertisements where there is nothing left that is actual substance. Just like a Hollywood movie. We as humanity has become all surface!

So obviously this is not an acceptable way to continue existing, and also is an indication of it is not about what is taking place “out-there” but that we first must sort ourselves out and explore/investigate why we accept and allow ourselves to exist as walking advertisements teaming up with others to generate more attention, more viewers.  We must have a look at the clothes we wear, our environment, the type of car we chose to drive. The coffee shops we hang out in. Everything to develop our own personal Brand as who we are as personality and only doing this to “appear a certain way” to be “liked” to be “cool” To be “better than another” to “be the best”. Our goal as a being in this world has to become a brand and create ourselves as a product, a perfect presentation, but is that who we really are?

I see that I am still in the beginning of realizing that there is something “more” to myself than what I had considered and explored before. I am still in the process of deconstructing the personality, the brand that I have created that is me, so that I no longer exist as a walking advertisement and presentation. Id like to actually find out who I am if I let go of all this superficial bullshit that I see myself existing as daily. I realize that this will take some time considering how I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in this way for so long. though this is a decision I have made, that I am in the process of making still. Knowing that what I am living is a lie, but still finding the courage and discipline and way within myself to actually change/transform myself and find out who I am/will be in no more accepting such an existence of myself purely as a a personality, as advertising, as a Hollywood movie that I want everyone to like. Who are we when the movie stops


Equal Money Website Link –

Desteni website –


Featured Products on the Equality Store

Equal Money Book – An in depth explanation of all the in’s and out’s and workings of How an Equal Money System will be implemented and Function in this world.


My Evil Twin – By Sunette Spies Audio Recording -Sunette explains the manifestation of a parasitical ‘evil twin’ that grew and exists wihtin and as self as a resonant back-chat system.






My Relaxed is NOT Relaxed- Realizing I have a Fear of People

An interesting point came up today. My roommates left on Christmas holidays and so now I have the whole house to myself. Some people were supposed to come and stay here though, they are not here yet and I don’t know if they will show up.
Anyways, after some hours of being here in the house alone, by myself, with no people, no roommates, and knowing that they will not be back here for at least a week, so just me with myself alone in the house, I noticed something interesting.
I was calm, I was relaxed and I was actually enjoying myself.
Was quite fascinating to see this, because what it revealed and showed to me was that in fact “I have a fear of/towards people”
I definitely was not expecting this point, where all of the sudden I realized, “omg, I am actually relaxed” compared to ‘stressed’, ‘tense’, ‘irritated’, ‘anxious’ and simply not able to relax and be me.
I noticed that when my roommates are around, I experience myself as stressed out, and its interesting because over the last few months, I could see this point of “being stressed” all the time, but I though it was because of money, I did not realize to the extent that my experience of “being stressed” over the last few months was actually “being caused/triggered” through having my roommates around, or simply people in general.
I had actually completely accepted my experience from the perspective of when I would relax and watch movies here at home while my roommates were around, that I believed I was relaxing, and had accepted this experience of relaxation, not realizing until now, that in fact I was holding onto a point of anxiety/fear/stress, that I had become so accustomed to it that it became a part of my definition of relaxation.
I also noticed today that I was actually enjoying myself, this due to the point that I could move freely in the house without fear that someone would suddenly show up, and then I would have to restrict my expression once again.
And this is one of the points I am seeing within my experience at the moment, that I completely limit and restrict and suppress myself around others, even if they are upstairs doing there own thing, and I am down here in my room doing my own thing, I still “tense up” and am not comfortable, and relaxed.
So was quite interesting to see this point, as I had not realized how fucking rigid and tense I was over the last few months, which is in relation to this point of “fear of people”
So I will have to take this point on, as to remain within this point of suppression around people is essentially a point of killing myself literally, as me, as I simply suppress myself and exist within a very limited parameter so as to not offend or intrude or cause any friction from others.

And so I spend all of my energy “being aware” of where others are in the house, and how they might react if I do this or if I do that. I see the point is to allow myself to be as relaxed and comfortable with others as I am with myself, as I see this point now which I have not in quite some time, of me actually “letting go” of the point of “holding myself” within a specific presentation, or attentiveness when other people are around.
I also painted today with oil paints which I have not done since getting here to Calgary. I painted because “no one is here to be offended” if I “try this out”
I can move where I want in the house, which is this little room that “the guy” who owns the house, built and put in a ventilation system, to make “silk screens” – its just down the hall from my bedroom and no one ever goes in there, though interesting connection that today was the first day I actually went in there and tested out painting.
I painted a self portrait, and really enjoyed it. I was satisfied with the “technique” I used as I tried something a little different. Though the proportions of the face could have been more specific. All in all, it went pretty cool, I spent maybe around 2 and half to 3 hours painting it.
I did the painting as a “preparation painting” for another piece I had in mind, though wanted to first “get warmed up” so painted a self portrait.
I have also been busy creating some designs for a women for t-shirts. I have been using Adobe Illustrator and have quite enjoyed getting to know that program, so have had the opportunity recently to do some more art which has been cool.
I don’t see art the same as I used to. And so am still busy “placing the point” meaning, it is a point that “Kind of just sits there” and I try to ignore it but at the back of my mind, I am always like “keeping the door open”…ahhh, thats it! I am “keeping the door open” on painting /art. Though there is a chance that “nothing will come of it” .
When I left the farm 7 months ago, I was coming back to Canada to do art, though things changed as I “entered the system” so to speak. There was no point in “trying to do this point” meaning, trying, and actually making my life more difficult because of not “taking care of” the practical side of living in this world, like making money and making sure my rent, and food is sorted out first.
In the past I would just ignore everything and painted in my studio, and this was not a good recipe for living in this world. I am enjoying now “trying other stuff” and doing different jobs that I would have “despised” doing before. Though I am looking at the point at the moment of “me actually holding myself back from doing art when I have the opportunity to” So am pushing myself to allow me to still do art in my life and is not something I have to completely cut out. Ideally I would like to “work it in” so I can actually “build on the point” and have it be supportive, both as a point of self discipline and specificity, and also as a point of self expression, though my priority is “the desteni process” which is actually simply a point of common sense of seeing that “this world requires some direction and some sorting out” and that it is each and everyone’s, thus, my own responsibility to do this, and so am busy with working on my application to that we take the most direct route to sorting out this world, which at the moment I see and understand to be establishing and Equal Money System – thus, this is my priority and focus.
Art is a personal preference and I do not accept and allow myself to place me before all of humanity and all of existence, thus I stand firstly as What is Best for ALL, I Stand as the ALL and direct What is best for all, in my daily living application, not what is only best for me.
So if I do art or not is irrelevant. I will continue with the point as the opportunity to do so is here, though if I require to let the point go, I will.