Stop Mediocrity – Stand up For A More Effective Being – Desteni i Process

Stop Mediocrity – Stand up For A More Effective Being – Desteni i Process

I have recently started a new job, and this means that I am now working with other beings. What I observed is that some of the considerations of the job, are…well, not being considered. Since I started walking/participating with Desteni now for some time, this has introduced me to certain ‘considerations’ of this reality that I had not taken into account before. And that I see others simply are completely unaware of.

What I see as that these considerations I now look at within certain moments or instances are as such related to my participation with desteni and what desteni stand for, that being, to put it in a single phrase, “what is best for all”

Through my participation with desteni I have stopped many of those “small habits”  that are very likely a part of most humans beings general acceptances with regards to who they have become and how they express themselves and live in this world…I mean if everyone else is letting it slide, why not I let it slide to. And slowly but surely we have created, developed, and built ourselves within this world as this world within the point of ‘letting things slide” or “getting to it later” and this has become us to the core where now it is nearly impossible to stop these “little habits” which are in essence a mark of our laziness as a human race which we have accepted and allowed ourselves to stand as. Literally Humanity has really let itself go, and now is standing/applying itself from a certain perspective as the manifestation of Laziness.

So I noticed this point coming through at work today where for instance I would observe a co-worker “let something slide” where within myself I see how I used to do the exact same thing, not actually grasping the full scope of what this seemingly innocent act of “letting something slide” is actually implying. So what I was even more seeing here was not that my co-worker was letting something slide, but that, I, WAS NOT letting it slide, and that I simply cannot allow such a point as I see that this is self compromise and me allowing myself to allow another to compromise themselves, rather than taking on the point of Self Perfection, Taking Self Responsibility in this world and creating a new being and and new world that actually care for itself and love thy neighbor. Too long we as humanity have been letting the little things slide. Its like we just, in a single moment, let it happen, and pretend we didn’t see it.

Well I work today, I did see it and I refuse to “let it slide” as I Know this road. I have been down that path of letting it slide and I simply cannot accept and allow this from myself any longer as I know what kind of being this creates. And what kind of experience this creates. Rather I push me to instead, stop the excuses and justifications and push self to get it done, and not accept or allow any limitation of self as to why I would not direct that which is required to be directed in the moment as it come up.

We require to clean up this mess of a world and it is not ever going to happen if we continuously allow ourselves to cut corners, because this is actually impossible to do. One can only cut corners when it comes to money, and because of this, this has allowed one to believe that they ‘escaped’ and ‘are in the clear’, not considering that one is not actually able to cut corners but that there will be a consequence.

So when it was time to leave work today, there was still tools that were laying about and my co-worker was eager to get going. I stood looking at all this and could not accept this, yet I see that there is a point of compromise still occurring here where I am not adamant and immediate in directing the point yet but allowing my co-worker to have the benefit of the doubt, or hesitating, and thus see to push myself to that point of immediate direction where I am directing me towards, where in I do NOT accept and allowing myself to stand as anything Less than what I am actually capable of doing, directing and becoming.

I also looked at this point as me showing a lack of self value as who I am as a being that is in fact standing as what is best for all and thus accepting nothing less than this and there-in, being certain within my decision making to not allow abuse and self compromise to take place, where in for instance I assert myself and to no more accept and allow myself to hold back or take a more “submissive role”, even when I see clearly that to simply accept this other persons way of doing things is effectively compromising myself and another.  So I did see myself pushing this point today of where I allowed myself to push my self-effectiveness and will not simply compromise or diminish myself because “that’s just the way things work” kind of thing. So will continue to do this at work, and rather than reduce myself down to a lesser application to make everyone else ‘happy’, rather I stand stable within my application and within this push beings to direct themselves more effectively and from my perspective this is actually what real happiness is anyways, where the being experience a certain degree of self confidence that they actually pushed themselves beyond their limitations so to speak. And this is a Life that I would rather Live and thus will live and accept nothing less than this from myself. Its time to stop diminishing myself just to be nice and fit in. This is absolute compromise and a perfect way to allow nothing to ever change.

If you are interested in becoming a highly effective being in this world and are tired of the mediocrity and limitation that this world accepts / promotes as who we are – Investigate the “Desteni I Process” And begin the process of the creation of self as a dignified honorable effective being that is actually here supporting life and doing what it is Best for ALL to ensure that all beings are properly cared for and supported equally as the next, so that ALL live a dignified life and not just a few with money.

Layer of Depression – There’s no Point to it. – Nov 3 / 2010

Layer of Depression – There’s no Point to it. – Nov 3 / 2010


Ok one more point before I go to sleep. I have noticed that “my life” is like “all depressive” its like such a slight experience of myself but at the same time this “slight experience of depression” is constant, like it is there in the background of my experience each and every day, and in every moment. So have now identified this point in my world and within the experience of me so can now work with it here to no longer accept and allow this point of “depression” to simply exist in my world for “no apparent reason”. Its like I have simply just accepted this point, this way of being or experiencing myself or living within my world. Where there is like a layer of depression around me always, and is like a cloud that exist in my world always, where it is kinda groggy all the time. I mean there is no point to this but at the same time will have to identify specifically how I actually manifest this point within the experience of myself in my world.


At the moment I see the point of fun coming up from the perspective of identifying myself as one who is “boring” and really just bland in my day to day interactions, like pretty basic kind of living. Working on the computer, drinking coffee, writing, like basic shit, though there is not reason why I cannot enjoy and express me within this and be more “light” so to speak, because this “depression” point that I now see coming up in my world is “more heavy” Ok just thought Id write this out before sleeping.


Ok now I am going to bed, and also get up tomorrow in enjoyment, and actually live and enjoy me in this world, No point in being a stick in the mud.

Fear to Move Out Of Sub-Par Existence – October 29th/2010

A point that I have observed in myself which has come up in relation to my job, is the point of accepting my own limitation by not pushing myself while I am around others, because I don’t want to trigger the point of jealousy in the other, and so instead I dum myself down, and essentially limit myself, and actually  simply allow those around me to dictate how I live my life.


I noticed this come up at work with regards to points around workplace that I see can be “fixed-up” and organized but have noticed I hold myself back from pointing these things, out or really taking these points on because I get the sense that it is “out of” the accepted way of doing things, and I realized that I actually compromised myself and am compromising myself  through not actually realizing that it is OK to to actually push myself and push others to become more specific and more directive in their worlds, and actually push myself here also to become more specific and directive in my world.


Its like in this one particular moment, I held back in directing myself to immediately take on a point that I saw because I didn’t want to be seen as doing something out of the accepted way of doing things. Specifically I did not want to “diminish” the other being in my presence. Its the point of jealousy, I noticed in a few instances, I held back actually fucking directing myself and directing a point because I do not want to trigger that point of jealousy reaction in other, where in they go into a form of reaction out of jealousy with regards to how I direct or apply myself.


Fuck, what I realized in this moment was that I am actually accepting and allowing myself to limit myself. And realized that this is/was actually how we ended up in this mess. Because we did not want to cause any friction. We did not want to stand up and act in a way that actually pushed people a little bit.


Its like I did not want them to say “don’t do that” and then come up with some excuse or reason why I “should not do that” or how “thats not the way things are done here” .


And what I see is that if I accept and allow this, I am actually accepting and allowing “this current system, and this current world” to dominate me. In other words, I am tacitly stating that I am actually in support of this current system, because I simply just allow it to have precedent over that which I have developed within myself as for example self will, and self determination.


I seen within this how so many squander within this world. Because Sub-Par is the accepted way things are. Everybody fights for Sub-Par. Even those that are effective fight for Sub-Par because this way they seem superior and dominant.  And I realized how in that moment, the “sub-par” remain the standard in this world. Because so many, as I did in that moment, accepted the “sub-par” as the dominating factor, and was unwilling stand in that moment, and actually stand-up and push and challenge myself, and within this actually push and challenge others as well.


In a way its easier to live in an unnoticed way

Its easier to never push to hard, as to not make people feel like there not doing enough.

Its like the point of supporting laziness.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear pushing myself as this might cause others to resist me and have friction towards me, and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself  to let my fear of other people influence me to not stand up and do anything about this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compromise myself within that which I have developed within myself as my application and discipline within walking, living, and applying myself in this world because I don’t want to make people feel bad, and react towards me for feeling bad.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear people being jealous of me, because within this they may not enjoy me being around, because I push and move them out of there comfort bubble.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as an observer in this world, never actually pushing myself to stand up within this world because in doing this it would cause to much friction in other peoples worlds, and there-in, I simply accept the sub-par as how things are, and be sure to remain under or on this line of “sub – par” as to not cause any reaction in another where they might observe within themselves something that requires a correction, and in this may become fearful or not wanting to give up who they are, and thus , lash out on me.


I forgive myself for not allowing myself  to push myself in the work place to be absolutely effective within my direction and actually look at the point from the perspective of a permanent solution.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to simply just do the bare minimum, instead of pushing and willing myself here to become effective within my application, in particular my practical application.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold back within expressing myself within absolute clarity in communication as to not upset someone, and within this not fully honouring myself within creating my world the way I want, where I push myself and my world to the utmost specificity, because I see that this is a point I would like for myself, and thus allow me to give to myself as I see the ‘benefit’ this have on a being