I spent the morning following some of the stories on the news. WAR. War is one of the primary points that is being reported on.
Many of which are a result of religion that have created divides among people and races to the point where war is then used as a point of ethnic cleansing where one group attempt to claim prowess over another by simply killing them off. That is one Motivation for War. There are others as well – such as Money.
I have never read the bible. Christianity would be the religion that is closest to me, so if I were to have taken on a religion it would have been Christianity from the perspective of the religion that my family and environment would have embraced as their religion and thus so to me.
I saw this common sense point however – That one should not require a Book to tell them “what is right and what is wrong” and how one is supposed to live. It simply did not make sense as it was not fair because what if for some reason I did not have access to that book? How is that fair? Than I would be fucked – How could the all mighty God fail to consider such a simplistic practical point – How am I supposed to follow a God that miss such a simplistic common sense point that a kid can see?
If religion was in fact real and true than it would be an immediate point of accessibility to all.
Religion is strange because it implies that we are not able to live without reading instructions from a book? Why then just not give us the knowledge to begin with instead of first having to learn the a language and then get the book and read it – There is just way to much room for error in this equation. What if I make a mistake and fuck up my life before I have time to read the bible – Who’s fault is that? Mine?
What about animals? They can’t read – so then what religion are they – How do they know how to act the right way or learn what god is? What religion is my doG?
So yes, I never was directly indoctrinated into a particular religion though I see the point of religion being obviously deeply embedded into culture so that in ones normal daily living they are actually being conditioned within religion.
I do understand that religion and the whole idea of god is much more deeply engrained into a being’s normal daily life, and also that to be religions does not in fact require one to read some holy book.
A religion is just an elaborate belief system.
Thus any belief system is form of religion
Believing that one sport is better and more important than another is a religion
Believing that your values within your peer group are more important than others is a religion
Having a core set of Family Values is a religion
Mac or PC
Coke or Pepsi
Religion is simply a more elaborate belief structure.
Any type of value-sets you have decided to believe are right or wrong is in essence the same point as believing in a religion – as a religion is a set of values that is laid out for you in a book in a very specific way.
People have arguments with each other based on “difference of opinion” The same as we have Wars based on religion which is just a “difference of opinion.”
Like “I believe I have the right to kill you so that I can have your resources!” – obviously this would lead to a difference of opinion in the matter.
It is absurd that there can be any valid reason for us to justify harming another life form as acceptable.
This whole point of WAR is strange because it is accepted as a normal function of existence – That there must be war, that it is who we are. This from my perspective is massive psychological disorder – It does not make sense to me to even continue existing as a race within the context of WAR, seeing as how to have such a point of WAR is showing that we are not Living anyways but that we are Killing, and heading in the direction of our eventual total self annihilation.
Killing is NOT normal
Harming another life form is not Normal.
What we currently accept as Normal is Not Normal.
To End all Wars seems so common sensical yet at the same time a point which many laugh at – Even within myself it feels like a lofty idea – But that is bullshit because I also see that to accept anything less than that implies a point of self accepted limitation and an acceptance of myself as a living expression of life that believes that I must exist in a state of constant self abuse and self affliction of pain. Because that is what war is – It is a kind of self imposed turmoil and torture of self – To live that way is to exist as/in one’s own living Hell. Why would we settle on an existence such as this?
The Common Sense to end ALL War is simply too Substantial to take any other position but to walk the process of stopping all war. Obviously this starts with self and the investigation of self to determine see how WAR exist within and as self. And take on the point of stopping and Correcting all aspects of how one individually participate and exist within the point of War within/towards self and others, ensuring that ones expression in no way harms self or another. This will be the foundation of how to then take on / support the point of ending all wars within our world.
This is what we are busy doing at Desteni. And this is what the Desteni I Process is for – To assist and support oneself to become aware of oneself and how one is actually creating oneself and this world and everything within it including war.
We are also proposing the implementation of an Equal Money System as a foundation of a world system that is based on equality so that the very system we have of managing our relationships and interactions with each other in this world is not based on competition and winning which is what capitalism is currently based on.
Thus An Equal Money System will provide an effective platform for ourselves as Humanity to walk the process we require to walk to correct ourselves into living expressions that honour each other and honour life.