Exposing Unnecessary Fears in my Day to Day Living.

Tonight after work later in the evening I noticed a part of the text that my boss sent me earlier in the day before I had left from work that I did not give direction to. Fear immediately came up within me and my entire experience of myself shifted in that moment from being fine to suddenly being uncomfortable and possessed by the fear related to this point.

There was a few different aspects to the fear. I forgot to properly cover up some bags of cement before rain had started to fall and to confirm that that was cool before I left for the day.

The rain had already been falling for about 6.5 hours before I noticed that I missed this point so the damage could have already been done.

A question that came up within me is, “Is it necessary to participate in this fear that I immediately went into / became possessed by” in that moment of realizing this missed point?

The point that I see is no. There should never be any reason why one should accept and allow oneself to exist within fear.

No matter what reason I looked at in terms of why I was actually going into fear; they simply were not valid for me to put myself through that experience instead of  letting the experience of fear go.

The physical reality facts is still the way it is. It is more a matter of letting go of the fear attached to that scenario.

This does not mean that I don’t have to be practically responsible for my reality, it just mean that if I make a mistake I support myself to stop all self judgement related to the point and rather just focus on what is required to be directed practically. To fear about it does not fix it or actually make it worse or better. So then what is the purpose of the fear, and is it necessary?

This event also showed me how simple it is for one to overlook or skip-over something that is required to be practically done and how that one tiny point could have quite a big consequence. Today’s point would have literally taken me 2 minutes to direct and in not doing this could have let allot of valuable resources and material get ruined. I did not ignore the point, I simply forgot.

So this event showed me that I am able to be more specific and thorough within my moment to moment application.

Also within this I see that even within the context of this event there is no valid justification for me to “go into fear” or Self Judgement, no matter what the stakes. Fear does not support me at all. The experience of existing in fear is not a cool experience at all and thus there is no reason why I should accept and allow myself to do this to myself.

So yes, this event today brought up this point in relation to fear where I have been looking recently at my own experience of myself and that often my experience of me is not that pleasant and yet, it is me doing it to myself, and so investigating why I would accept and allow me to put myself through experiences within and as self that is really not cool, because that is backwards. Refusing to let go of an experience that is causing allot of discomfort. So I have been investigating this and working on actually letting go of these experiences of fear that is really not necessary to be in.

So there is just a few aspects that came up today.

2012: Earth Hour – 147 Countries prove Global Ignorance Towards Life.

Its Earth Hour!
Earth hour is an event that takes place every year on the last Saturday in March where this year a total of 147 countries are participating in “going dark for an hour” where people are encouraged to turn off their lights for one hour; the event is a Global Effort to highlight climate change.
I have a question
Will we just keep having Earth Hour every single year?

How come we are not implementing a solution so that this event become non-existent?

From my perspective one should in fact be absolutely aware in every moment how ones participation in that moment actually form a relationship with the planet and what affects and consequences that relationship has on the planet.

The fact that we have such a thing like “Earth Hour” is showing that we have in fact completely lost touch with the earth we live on (if we ever had it) and are unaware of how the way we live is affecting and influencing what is here. Or put another way – We are unaware of how what we do, creates what is here.

We must Stop accepting and allowing ourselves to continue existing in such abuse and neglect towards ourselves and our planet and start taking responsibility for ourselves / what is here / our creation.

This has been a process for me to start seeing and understanding “how to live” so to speak. And that we as humanity have essentially lost ourselves in the world we have created for ourselves and have given up on even trying to find a solution. We have completely accepted ourselves as limited in our ability of who we are as life and what we are capable of.

I see this within myself from the perspective of even being able to fathom the point of it being possible to exist in every moment where one is absolutely aware of how ones actions affect the earth we live on. Before I would have thought there to be no way to actually do this. In a way, I understood this point but did not see myself capable of actually being able to become this where I am in fact aware of the earth in every moment so to speak.

Does this not simply suggest a point of Self Awareness?

I see that I have drawn allot lines and thus limitations upon myself with regards to what I am capable of. Now its a process of stopping accepting and allowing myself to limit myself in anyway and rather to push myself to a point of total self awareness.

I understand how this is necessary to end the abuse that we have accepted to take place in this world. Where in I take responsibility for “my every moment” and make sure that my actions in that single moment accumulate into that which is best for all. Or Accumulate into Support, instead of what we have now where our actions and behaviours are actually accumulating into abuse and degradation of the planet and ourselves as life. Hence Global Warming or Wars or Poverty and all the other abusive shit that takes place on this planet.

What I also see is that I first must begin with myself. Where in I stop my own abusive behaviours / relationships and thus when I am living in every moment as actual Support of Life than this is how we individually each do our part to support the emergence of a planet that actually exist in Dignity.

I have found this to be quite a process from the perspective of the vastness of self and how extensive I have accepted and allowed myself to establish abusive behaviours within and without.
I have been walking this process of developing self awareness along side Desteni and other Destonians. The Desteni material has been invaluable in assisting and supporting me to understand myself and how I am actually functioning where I am able to actually start seeing how I able to take responsibility for and as myself In Every Moment!

There is endless material available on the desteni.org site as well as the equalmoney.org site. You can also find countless desteni videos on youtube or take actual Lessons designed to support you to walk your process of self realization self awareness at desteniiprocess.com
Another cool point for those that are curious is to explore Eqafe.com where there is more “exclusive” material and interviews that one is able to purchase to support desteni and support yourself.
Ok but getting back to the Earth Hour Point…
Placing our attention on the Earth for once a year for one single hour is obviously not enough. We must incorporate earth hour into our Every Single Moment for it to be effective. Where in each moment we ask ourselves the question – Is my actions/expression in this moment supporting the continued abuse of the planet or is it practically supporting a change to stop the abuse that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to inflict on Ourselves and The Earth.
So rather than simply spend one hour every year considering this point, I see that this must become an “in every moment” consideration to actually bring forth a solution. Where this become a point of our general awareness of ourselves where we are actually aware of how our actions affect our environment. And thus ensure that our actions do not have a flow out domino affect that support the abuse and destruction of the planet.


2012: The Concise Version of My Day


I was up early this morning to go and do my snow removal route as it snowed last night. I got up at 5:30am because I prefer to get started on it early.

I was experiencing a slight anger/depression as I went about doing the route, like a general disappointment within my experience of me. I finished the route in about 4 and half hours to 5 hours.

Then I drove around trying to get into this coffee place to get a latte but the freak’n road had no way of getting in there…so I just looked at the shop as I drove by on the highway with no way of getting into the other lane..lol. So I decided to just go home and do the whole coffee thing later.

Plus I have been going out to get coffee as a point of just changing my behaviour patterns to not just stay in all day but doing the coffee thing as a way to “get out” more.

Though today as I put in the brown sugar and stirred the cream into my Double Americano I was thinking that “I really must actually sit down and stay in the shop a while instead of just getting my coffee and then leaving right away which is what I usually do, because to just leave isn’t really changing my pattern – Staying would be me actually changing my pattern.

So I took a seat along this bar table along the window and read the newspaper as I drank my coffee.

I have been reading/watching a bit more news lately as I have been wanting to incorporate some of the points in my Artwork. I have rented a studio space for next month and so will for the first time in 5 years have an actual painting studio to work in! So am preparing at the moment and just doing some research of some subjects/contents to base some of the art on, and thus have been investigating some of the current events of the world to base my work on. It is almost disorienting to try and make sense of the news and connect all the dots of how fucked up this world really is. War, Starvation, Oil, Rebels, Bail-Outs, Austerity Measures, Occupy Wall-Street, Income Disparity, Extreme Household Debt Levels, Corruption in Politics, Sexual Assault, Suicide Farmers, Suicide Bombers, Poor Education, Poor Middle Class, Poverty, Obesity, Slave Labour, Holy Wars…and the list goes on and on and on.

In the midst of this of course, The Oscars, The Royal Wedding and the Score from the game last night.

So The Media I find is like going to a carnival or something. Its like everywhere you look its chaos and you never know who’s side of the story your getting.

Its nice to have the foundation point of being aware of an “Equal Money System” as a Solution to Stabilize me as I read through everything because one begin to see how so much is simply based on money and that capitalism as a system is part of the problem, this, not being seen by media, politics, or anyone in the system where instead everyone is looking at it from the perspective of “how do I fix capitalism”  basically trying to come up with solutions to save a sinking ship and not yet seeing an alternative to what is here such as Equal Money System.

So being aware of equal money as a solution is actually an anchoring point for me to go and sift through everything and not get lost within it all.

I had to laugh as I sat there in the coffee shop because a person pulled a seat up beside me and actually had a sketch book and was drawing. I was only sitting there in the first place to deliberately direct myself to in a way force myself to interact with people more. Turns out this person had just gone back to finish art school after a hiatus from art altogether. So I chatted a bit and then headed home.

I was a dizzy again today. I have had this dizziness come up this past week and it came up today again so when I got home I decided that I would lay off the computer screens a bit and I just put on one of the Atlantian Interviews from the Series on Eqafe.Com, turned out the lights and listened to that…well I more just fell asleep but it was cool as I just laid there and breathed and listened to the interview and that helped stabilize me from the dizziness.

So that is the concise version of my day.



2012: The McDonalds Mentality of Ascension and 2012

We like things in our world to be instant, to be automatic. McDonalds comes to mind as an effective  “symbol” for representing this consumerist mentality we have cultivated within ourselves and within this world.

To have everything at our finger-tips instantly, like instant gratification, and instant fulfilment. Obviously western culture being the primary example for this kind of life-style and mentality of man with each one busy striving after “the good life” which has within it this McDonalds attitude to “how things should be” believing that this will actually bring that ultimate experience of satisfaction that everyone is chasing.

So I was looking this whole idea of Ascension and 2012 and realized how this entire point is so much like  and based in this “McDonalds Attitude.”

What to I mean…

Nobody knows exactly what processes are at work “behind the scenes” to make available the kind of life-style that are being lived by 1st world countries. It is like this life just magically appears before us and nobody asks any questions or even thinks to ask.

The clothing magically appears on the racks, the food magically appears at the first window of the drive through, our food doesn’t come from the earth, it comes from the store

We have basically constructed our lives around this McDonalds attitude that just wants everything instantly and has no consideration or awareness for how it actually go there.

And this is Exactly what the entire point of Ascension and 2012 is based on. We have all these apparent spiritual gurus in supporting such ideas basically revealing that they are just as McDonaldized as everyone else that supports / believes in such a point as 2012 and Ascension – Basically just wanting some “Magical Solution” without actually considering or caring to consider what goes on in the background – the inner processes/workings of it all.

Another point I wanted to bring out here is the whole “Magical” side of Ascension…You know, when I create a drawing or art work there is nothing Magical to it. It may seem like it in the end, but I actually had to walk a process step by step until the drawing or artwork was done.

I could explain in detail step by step to another how to do it – Because it was a Real process I walked – Nothing magical, no shortcuts. It is created step by step by step practically in real time.

So I am not opposed to Ascension per-se from the perspective of a world that is more effective and harmonious than the one we are currently existing in – I am opposed to our current accepted and allowed IDEA of what Ascension is and how it is supposed to work.

It is amazing how many people will approach what we are presenting Here at Desteni as the whole process of self change and also the implementation of an Equal Money System as Laughable and Impossible, and in a way making us out to be insane or something for believing that such a “utopia” could exist

I cannot  help but wonder if these same people then turn around and get excited about Ascension and 2012? Because this is the epitome of magical solutions where what we are promoting with Desteni is an actual practical process of self change and self transformation where such points as Equal Money are points to be given practical direction as we walk step by step in bringing forth change in this world. Where we walk every step of the way in awareness of the process we are walking so as to know exactly how we Got there once for instance an equal money system is placed. Total and absolute Self Awareness – No Shortcuts!

Because in a way Ascension is like skipping the entire process of change and just getting to the end part! But you have no idea how you got there – Is this like waking up in someone else’s bed after a night of partying and you have no idea who is sleeping beside you?

It makes much more practical sense to me to focus on self awareness and self direction than wishing or hoping for some magical experience to suddenly transport you to some other dimension. What is the Ascension Bus does not show up?

At Desteni we are not waiting around at the bus stop for some magical solution – We are busy already walking day by day the process of self change and self correction and working towards the development of a world which 2012er’s only know how to fantasize about but have no practical way to actually create it – Is this because they do not like hard work?

People want solutions but are not willing to walk the necessary practical application to create that solution and so just end up agreeing with these nice ideas which imply they can just keep doing what they’re doing and something else will save them.

So I invite anyone who is interested in 2012 and Ascension to join us at Desteni as we are in a way already busy with Walking a process of Ascension – only we are not interested in short-cuts, or Mysterious leaps in time and space , Or McDonalds Mentality or Magical golden arches for that matter– we are interested in how to Actually manifest / bring forth a world change that is best for all. We are interested in self change and we are willing to actually walk the process of self change and not just want to skip to the end!

At Desteni we are making Ascension Practical!

Join us.



2012 Exposed – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrgLFomgsuM

 EQAFE – Self Perfection Merchandise to support practical Self Awareness and Self Change

2012: Convincing Myself That I Have Changed.

I started to notice/become aware of this point about a year ago, where it was something that would come up more frequently where I started to see this point within myself where I would build up or create an idea of myself/ of who I am, only to realize that this idea was not at all who I really was and thus, was just in fact an idea created and constructed within my own mind.

This point has “matured” during the past year where I began to see more and more how I would constantly exist within only an idea of myself (energy)and also particularly an idea of myself as someone who is walking process and in the process of change.

When in fact there was very little change actually taking place.

From a certain perspective I see this point as being the current predicament we as humanity find ourselves in. We have superimposed an “idea” of who we are and what this world is onto the actual truth of ourselves and this world, which we are not actually able to see, due to us only seeing our projected idea of ourselves and this reality.

So for me it has been a process to begin to differentiate between this Mind Projected Self and The Actual Self and to thus stop participating with the Mind Projected Self so that I actually start living Here and working with that which is actually real.

This is how I understand it. And obviously all the context put forward by Desteni has assisted and supported me in this process to begin to establish for myself what is actually going on in this reality and how I can approach investigating and working with myself so that it has some actual value. So that it (my life/time) is not just wasted and end up being pointless.

So over the last 4 years I have made many many many many changes – But have come to realize and see that mostly all of these “changes” took place only within my own mind. I had believed and perceived myself to be in a process of change but I was really in a process of just first seeing the difference between what actual change is vs perceptual pie in the sky change.

Or coming to see what it means to “not change”

I simply did not know any better – I had really spent so much time existing as my mind that the mind was the only reference I had in terms of how I had come to assess and make sense of myself and my reality – Thus the mind was where I initially looked to see/assess my process of change.

One way to describe it is as the following;

“One ‘actual’ change, no matter how small, is worth more than a million perceptual changes no matter how big.”

So it took some time for me to actually start to see the actual me. To see that I was not changing for real, but only getting trapped in the mind, within the illusion that I was on the right track

Though I guess form a certain perspective I did actually see this “actual me” but I could not put my finger on it. I just felt uncomfortable about the process I was busy with. Because I could see that I was not actually changing, but it was like I was denying that I could actually see the real me and so just attempted to convince myself otherwise, convince myself that I was changing – when in fact there was very little actual SELF Movement and Lots of Mind Movement, Mind Movement having no actual bearing on the truth of myself, on the real self.

You can change in the mind a million times and nothing will happen – ‘YOU’ are actually not changing. It is the mind that is busy at work constructing these ideas of Self in this process of change But Self as the physical is Actual Substantial Matter and Form, and to actually transform and work with actual substantial matter is different than simply changing within your mind, or creating / reconstructing the Idea you have of yourself.

So this is basically where I am at the moment – Starting to see the actual me down there beneath the layers and layers and layers of perception about who I am that I require to first get through to start to see and work with the actual self.

So in a way I have up to this point just been busy getting through these layers and learning how not to get caught up, trapped, seduced, side tracked by these imaginary perceptions of self so that I can more effectively work with “the real stuff” so to speak.

So this has actually been quite a cool point to have start coming through because I realize that it does not matter how much I change myself within my mind, or convince myself that I am changing, it is irrelevant. What I must look at or pay attention to is Me as the actual real physical substantial self. And to work with myself at that level, and in a way I have really just begun this or am still even in the process of beginning this. I say this because I still daily suddenly realize – “Fuck I have been in my mind that entire time”

I realize that I am a work in progress, that I likely will be working with this “difference” between the Real Self vs the Imaginary Self for some time to come.

So I just wanted to mention this point because I have noticed that lately this point has emerged as something that is more tangible and that I am able to “explain” and place into words.

Lol – Though I do see how one of the primary ways I have/had ended up trapping myself in the imaginary self is through/within my writing! Where I will go and write something, to discover how I ended up making the writing more about forming an idea or perception in the mind instead of actually assisting and supporting and getting down to and sticking with that actual real substantial Me Here in the Moment within my expression. So also here I am working with this dimension of writing. To  develop more stability in this application so as not to get side tracked by the energy / perceptions of the mind so that when I write I am not just busy constructing some idea about something but that I am really Here with me and actually working with the actual real substantial self /  the physical. And in this supporting myself to become real.

I also find one is able to trap oneself in an imaginary idea of self when one is speaking as well as when one is thinking or participating in the mind – Meaning this can happen in writing, speaking or silently – So which is another reason why I wanted to mention this point today because of how “easy” it is…or at least how easy I have found it to get lost within myself in some perception of myself that I constructed either in writing or in the words I spoke or just within thinking/participating “silently” within my mind or any combination of these.

So I will continue supporting me within breathing, writing and self forgiveness to make sure I am walking with me during my days and not floating around somewhere in the mind.

For Further Expansion on the Point of the “Idea Self VS The Real Self” Please See Video Interview– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B531BWrLN4Y&feature=player_embedded



How Did WAR Become Normal?

I spent the morning following some of the stories on the news. WAR. War is one of the primary points that is being reported on.

Many of which are a result of religion that have created divides among people and races to the point where war is then used as a point of ethnic cleansing where one group attempt to claim prowess over another by simply killing them off. That is one Motivation for War. There are others as well – such as Money.

I have never read the bible. Christianity would be the religion that is closest to me, so if I were to have taken on a religion it would have been Christianity from the perspective of the religion that my family and environment would have embraced as their religion and thus so to me.

I saw this common sense point however – That one should not require a Book to tell them “what is right and what is wrong” and how one is supposed to live. It simply did not make sense as it was not fair because what if for some reason I did not have access to that book? How is that fair? Than I would be fucked – How could the all mighty God fail to consider such a simplistic practical point – How am I supposed to follow a God that miss such a simplistic common sense point that a kid can see?

If religion was in fact real and true than it would be an immediate point of accessibility to all.

Religion is strange because it implies that we are not able to live without reading instructions from a book? Why then just not give us the knowledge to begin with instead of first having to learn the a language and then get the book and read it – There is just way to much room for error in this equation. What if I make a mistake and fuck up my life before I have time to read the bible – Who’s fault is that? Mine?

What about animals? They can’t read – so then what religion are they – How do they know how to act the right way or learn what god is? What religion is my doG?

So yes, I never was directly indoctrinated into a particular religion though I see the point of religion being obviously deeply embedded into culture so that in ones normal daily living they are actually being  conditioned within religion.

I do understand that religion and the whole idea of god is much more deeply engrained into a being’s normal daily life, and also that to be religions does not in fact require one to read some holy book.

A religion is just an elaborate belief system.

Thus any belief system is form of religion

Believing that one sport is better and more important than another is a religion

Believing that your values within your peer group are more important than others is a religion

Having a core set of Family Values is a religion

Mac or PC

Coke or Pepsi

Religion is simply a more elaborate belief structure.

Any type of  value-sets you have decided to believe are right or wrong is in essence the same point as believing in a religion – as a religion is a set of values that is laid out for you in a book in a very specific way.

People have arguments with each other based on “difference of opinion” The same as we have Wars based on religion which is just a “difference of opinion.”

Like “I believe I have the right to kill you so that I can have your resources!” – obviously this would lead to a difference of opinion in the matter.

It is absurd that there can be any valid reason for us to justify harming another life form as acceptable.

This whole point of WAR is strange because it is accepted as a normal function of existence – That there must be war, that it is who we are. This from my perspective is massive psychological disorder – It does not make sense to me to even continue existing as a race within the context of WAR, seeing as how to have such a point of WAR is showing that we are not Living anyways but that we are Killing, and heading in the direction of our eventual total self annihilation.

Killing is NOT normal

Harming another life form is not Normal.

What we currently accept as Normal is Not Normal.

To End all Wars seems so common sensical yet at the same time a point which many laugh at  – Even within myself it feels like a lofty idea – But that is bullshit because I also see that to accept anything less than that implies a point of self accepted limitation and an acceptance of myself as a living expression of life that believes that I must exist in a state of constant self abuse and self affliction of pain. Because that is what war is – It is a kind of self imposed turmoil and torture of self – To live that way is to exist as/in one’s own living Hell. Why would we settle on an existence such as this?

The Common Sense to end ALL War is simply too Substantial to take any other position but to walk the process of stopping all war. Obviously this starts with self and the investigation of self to determine see how WAR exist within and as self. And take on the point of stopping and Correcting all aspects of how one individually participate and exist within the point of War within/towards self and others, ensuring that ones expression in no way harms self or another. This will be the foundation of how to then take on / support the point of ending all wars within our world.


This is what we are busy doing at Desteni. And this is what the Desteni I Process is for – To assist and support oneself to become aware of oneself and how one is actually creating oneself and this world and everything within it including war.

We are also proposing the implementation of an Equal Money System as a foundation of a  world system that is based on equality so that the very system we have of managing our relationships and  interactions with each other in this world is not based on competition and winning which is what capitalism is currently based on.

Thus An Equal Money System will provide an effective platform for ourselves as Humanity to walk the process we require to walk to correct ourselves into living expressions that honour each other and honour life.








The “New Years Resolution Attitude” Towards Self Change.

Today I watched the video “ How Thoughts Create Physical Reality”. This is one of the many support videos that have been uploaded by Desteni as practical support videos to assist and support one to change / transform self and this world. And also initially to give one the opportunity to start understanding and have some actual insight into what it actually means to Change Self

The point  I wanted to mention here is about our/humanities current perception and understanding of what Self Change is, which one is able to see within the point of the “NewYears Resolution”

As I watched this video today (how thoughts create physical reality)  I was thinking to myself  “how is one actually supposed to change if they do not have the understanding which this video placed into perspective/context, in part along with all the other desteni videos/material and the entire desteni process, including the desteni i process courses, all of which is basically focused on the point of Self Change. This process of self change being in essence a 24/7 application that a being take on for oneself within seeing realizing the extent of dedication required to walk the point of self change. And not just reduce this point of self change into a momentary “nice idea” as a News Years Resolution type approach to changing self.

So, it just makes me think about all of those NewYears Resolutions being made out there right now at the moment in preparation for the new year and changing self into a “better person”

The Point of the New Years Resolution actually show at the moment our current  limited understanding as humanity of what it actually means / implies to change self.

Where one can go literally the entire year without giving this point any attention to then attempt to add it into there lives as a new years resolution – It is really just like making the point of change just another fad like everything else in this consumer culture world.

Lol – Next there will be an “App” for that – The instachange app – lol

Instead of self change being  understood as a  day to day application of self, walked in dedication and willingness to give up ‘who self has become’ in order to recreate self, it has become a momentary application that only comes around once a year where there is this kind of build up of energy and one get all excited and decide to make a change in their life, but have very little practical understanding or context of what it is really going to take to change self and further more the degree of change which is in fact required in this world to create a world that is best for all, a world that is actually dignified to live in.

So I suggest anyone serious about following through with your NewYears Resolution check out this video  “ How Thoughts Create Physical Reality” to get some perspective on how we have actually come to create ourselves as human beings as this will give some indication of what is actually required to change and transform self; and obviously to support self to realize that life should in fact be a consistent dedicated walking of self change and not just some fad that you can try out once in a year for a month or so as a “New Years Resolution”

For information regarding the process of self change visit


To join the Desteni I Process visit


For Self Supportive Merchandise and Products visit


Featured Eqafe Product


Writing as Self Support – My Fingers have a mind of their Own.

Ok, I am going to pick up on a point that I came across while writing last night which was the point of directing myself in relation to energy from the perspective of “energy” and “experience” of self, being the starting point of self movement.

For some context Here is a quote by Bernard Poolman:

“your real life on earth move by actual breath as time –from the first breath to the last breath – and breath determines the effectiveness of living on earth. The less you are aware of breathing, the more you will live in a system world where life is not honored and things like money will drive you. The more you live by breathing as timekeeper, the more you will notice the kazillions of nonhuman beings on earth.”

So with regards to the point I mentioned above, this quote by Bernard Poolman offers a context for how one “should” direct and move self – That being rather by/within breath instead of as/within the mind as energy.

Basically what I was looking at last night was that how there always seemed to be a kind of “anxiety” within myself that pushes me in this direction or that. Within this I found I was much less effective in what I was doing due to what I was doing being subject to this anxiety/energy/experience of myself that constantly push me and influence my moment to moment expression as living application.

This point actually showed itself this morning as well as I sat down in front of the computer to write. I was simply sitting down to write as a point of self support. To just direct myself to write as a way to support me to start being able to see myself and become more aware of myself where in writing is a tool to develop self awareness and also self stability. Self stability from the perspective of supporting myself to slow down within and as myself and not spend all my time existing in the mind or in some experience of myself that is influencing me where I end up feeling like I am just along for the ride with no directive principle at all, with no ability to be deliberate and specific and directive within my expression what ever I might be doing, because there is this kind of force pushing/forcing me along and in this I end up skipping over things and rushing things and not being as specific and deliberate as I could and thus within a greater context end up creating and manifesting my world from the starting point of skipping over things, rushing and not being specific – thus this has implications that flow out into the very creation of my life/world/ as my immediate surroundings as well as the world as a whole – lol…Ok getting back to the point.

Today as I sat down to write, I shot “out of the gates” like a race horse blasting towards the finish line. My fingers hardly keeping up. It wasn’t long before I lost track of what I was writing and everything became like one long drone or run on sentence where I experienced me as not really supporting myself in the writing anymore due to this point of feeling a bit “out of control” like my fingers and what I was writing had a mind of its own. So this is showing me that how I am more existing in mind in my world and that when I go to write, the mind attempt to assert itself as the governing principle of me – though what I have found is that the tool of writing supports in stabilization of self in by supporting the slowing down of self even though initially “out of the gates” or in other situations the mind attempt to position itself as the dominant directive principle, so yes, it will not be an automatic correction but like anything I see simply requires consistent application for effective support.

This reminds me of a conversation I had with Bernard while I was in South Africa. This conversation was quite long, somewhere between 1 and 2 hours. During the discussion one of the points that was mentioned was how when I speak it’s like within myself my mind races way ahead and I end up trying to keep up with mind and in this my communication is not effective. I always enjoy seeing people who are very stable in their communication where they are “Here” within each breath as each word they speak and their mind is not just racing a mile a minute inside themselves going all different directions, but rather it is like they are stable and here and silent. In this their communication is much more effective and stable.

So in essence this morning I see the point was “my mind” racing a mile a minute, and instead of stopping and slowing myself down, I ended up initially getting caught up with trying to chase down my mind or keep up with mind as it just races all over the place.

For me that is one of the points in using writing as a tool to support me – The point being to assist and support myself to slow down and stabilize myself within me. So I am not constantly running around in my mind. And so in writing I can take the opportunity to slow myself and make sure I am not running/chasing after the mind but that I am here and specific and directive in the placement of my words.

So will see how this develops – it has been a point that I have been working with since I started process – which is cool in itself because before process I had never even herd a practical description of this experience that was happening inside myself to be able to support me to even know where to begin to correct the point and become more effective in my communication and writing – So yes, the point I work with is stopping the mind/energy and rather writing from the perspective of being here as Breath.

To reference again, this time a segment of the above quote by Bernard Poolman:

“The less you are aware of breathing, the more you will live in a system world where life is not honored and things like money will drive you.”

So when I started writing this morning I was not aware of my breathing and ended up being directed by the “system world” where I am “driven” by points other than Self.  Which is what I started this document off by writing about – This point I came across last night which was how I was seeing that I always seem to directed or influenced or moving myself in relation to some energy or experience of myself and rarely am I simply here directing myself within and as breath as a point of Self Direction – Self direction does not require energy or experience or some kind of anxiety to push self to move, but is rather Self moving, directing self as a Self Expression.

So I can just continue to support myself through writing and developing the point of slowing down and also identifying such moments when I end up “trapped” within my mind, within the system world and being directed by this where there is like this kind of energy pushing and influencing me like pushing me through something instead of me just walking through a point breath by breath with no urge or pressure experience within myself to quickly get to the finish line.



2012 – New 21 Day Breathing Challenge – Interview done on utilizing breath as practical self support

Desteni I Process – Self Development and Leadership Course



Support Products and Merchandise available now at the EQAFE.COM


Freedom Blogs  – Read Blogs by many destonians who have dedicated themselves to practical self support through writing regularly on various differen




No 1. Beginners – Thoughts, Writings, and Self Forgiveness – Covering here the basic points that self will face as one’s Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind in initially starting walking one’s process of facing the Mind as self




The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (Movie Review) – Who are You as a Brand?

I just finished watching the move “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” which is a documentary about Advertising, where the entire movie is based on showing the Filmmaker approaching different/various companies and business and getting them to sponsor his Movie, in exchange for product placement/advertising in the movie itself.  As the viewer we get the “behind the scenes” look at the advertising processes involved in such an endeavour as well as commentary on the overall role advertising plays not only in movies and the creative process, but our day to day lives as well.

One of the questions raised in the Movie was the question of “Selling Out” specifically related to the Film-makers personal integrity during the creative process of making the movie, as well as looking at the integrity of other individuals or “Artists” who “take-money” in exchange for product placement or Advertising where a particular expression such as a movie or work of art or song, or even individual  allows within their expression a point or points  specifically, deliberately, and for no other reason and purpose but for Generating Money.

I faced this question myself in my life as I decided early on that I wanted to be an Artist, and make paintings and art. I saw this point of “Money” and how this could potentially influence my creative expression but from my perspective this was not a valid consideration within the context of the Artwork from the perspective that, if I allowed money to influence the work of Art, and “My Self Expression” than I simply missed the point altogether of what it means “To Be an Artist” or to have “Self Respect”  – and so thus it was apparently obvious to me that “of course you do not incorporate money making into the creative process…duuuuh” Though I realized eventually that I actually was still not seeing the entirety of the point!

I did not see how this world was Designed. I did not see how the world/money system actually operate. I believed that it was actually possible to do this – To make a work of art that was not influenced by money. I did not see to what depths money has/had infiltrated this world and was already placed absolutely as the Foundation upon which my very existence depended on, and thus also the foundation of the Art I would be making.

So the question of selling-out is really a non-question as we are so beyond selling out that the question in itself only show the lack of understanding/awareness of an individual with regards to where we currently are in terms of how the world/money system is functioning at this very moment and the extent of Control it has on “The Creative Process”

I Grew up mostly in the Country (out of the city) and our family was more oriented towards “Artistic Stuff” , and so thus I was not really exposed to the “truth” about money and how it was actually already infused into absolutely everything of this existence. And here I believed it was possible to make “Original Art”

Though from a certain perspective I did have the opportunityto see/experience life and in my case making art for the sake of just expressing me rather than basing it on money, which in turn supported me in seeing what a fuck up we have created as our current world system and how there can be no such thing as Original Art in a world where Money is God. Where money determine if you live or die, what kind of education you have, the skills you develop, the resources you have, the way you express yourself and of course also the Art you would make.

Part of my process was realizing that now is not the time or the place the “purse art” to “pursue my dream to be an artist” I mean I can see how in our current system we are limiting ourselves extensively in terms of our potential. Our potential has a “ceiling” has a “Cap” Perhaps thats why its called “CAPitalism” – Because there is a “cap” on our potential and possibility of our expression within such a system.

I mean you can only pedal your bike so fast…eventually you require a different “system” to go faster. Like a car for instance.

Thus we fist must actually change the world, change the system, change the environment we live in before Art or Self Expression will be able to expand and grow and actually become Valid and not simply be just another “product of money”,

So from a certain perspective this Movie “Missed the Point” It did not go deep enough into seeing that we have sold our souls long ago so to speak, simply by accepting and allowing such a system as capitalism to exist as the Ruling System that is the foundation of ALL experience of ourselves here on this planet.

I was also looking at how we ourselves as individuals advertise.  How we play out the exact same process we see playing out between the Hollywood movie and the Advertiser, where partnerships are formed and adds are seamlessly interwoven into the movie/creative product.

We do exactly this – For instance becoming friends with someone simply because they are cool and it will make us look cooler in the eyes of another we are trying to impress. Its advertising!

Wearing a certain article of clothing to look appear a certain way and in this attract specific friends and attention from others.

Talking/speaking/communicating  a certain specific manner in the words/topics and tonality of voice we express so as to “get others to like us” To give us their attention so that we feel and experience ourselves a certain way.

Or knowing an inside joke – its like a commercial we run as advertising which symbolize our status within our world.

We as individuals are walking advertisements/presentations and if anything, what Hollywood and giant corporations are showing us –  is who we as individuals have actually become. And to the degree/extent  which we exist prominently as absolute advertisements where there is nothing left that is actual substance. Just like a Hollywood movie. We as humanity has become all surface!

So obviously this is not an acceptable way to continue existing, and also is an indication of it is not about what is taking place “out-there” but that we first must sort ourselves out and explore/investigate why we accept and allow ourselves to exist as walking advertisements teaming up with others to generate more attention, more viewers.  We must have a look at the clothes we wear, our environment, the type of car we chose to drive. The coffee shops we hang out in. Everything to develop our own personal Brand as who we are as personality and only doing this to “appear a certain way” to be “liked” to be “cool” To be “better than another” to “be the best”. Our goal as a being in this world has to become a brand and create ourselves as a product, a perfect presentation, but is that who we really are?

I see that I am still in the beginning of realizing that there is something “more” to myself than what I had considered and explored before. I am still in the process of deconstructing the personality, the brand that I have created that is me, so that I no longer exist as a walking advertisement and presentation. Id like to actually find out who I am if I let go of all this superficial bullshit that I see myself existing as daily. I realize that this will take some time considering how I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in this way for so long. though this is a decision I have made, that I am in the process of making still. Knowing that what I am living is a lie, but still finding the courage and discipline and way within myself to actually change/transform myself and find out who I am/will be in no more accepting such an existence of myself purely as a a personality, as advertising, as a Hollywood movie that I want everyone to like. Who are we when the movie stops


Equal Money Website Link – equalmoney.org

Desteni website – desteni.co.za


Featured Products on the Equality Store

Equal Money Book – An in depth explanation of all the in’s and out’s and workings of How an Equal Money System will be implemented and Function in this world.



My Evil Twin – By Sunette Spies Audio Recording -Sunette explains the manifestation of a parasitical ‘evil twin’ that grew and exists wihtin and as self as a resonant back-chat system.







Being a Fully Functional Member of the System (Standing Equal to the System)

Being a Fully Functional Member of the System (Standing Equal to the System)

This was a point that I took on doing when I entered back into the system around a year and half ago now. This point was not always totally clear in terms of what or how I would be doing this, but has clarified over the last year as a Directive Point that I have taken on. To Stand Equal to the system where I work and function as a member of the system, playing by the system rules, and using the tools of the system to become effective and successful in the system. So I required to do a few things as I had previously in my life wanted to do anything but stand equal to the system. I never did my taxes or cared about credit, or cared to get a job, or become an upstanding citizen so to speak. I see that I must do this, that I must “become” the system so to speak by standing equal to and as it, and becoming effective within it.

This is something that actually goes against my initial pre-programming seeing as how I was raised in a  more “creative” family system that did not use money as motivation or a marker for success per-se but more focused on creativity / art as that which was given allot of attention. In this money or system savvy was simply not a part of our family really. Though some of my uncles and were business men so I observed this point in the peripheral of my family structure but was never a point that penetrated to much into/through the walls of our primary family unit…

One of the main aspects of my life/approach/starting point which I required to adjust for myself to become more aligned with how the system actually function is what I placed as my “priorities” Because for a long time I placed Art and Creativity and Personal Enjoyment very high on that list, and making money and working in the system as secondary. I have though re-established my starting point to where “making money” and working in the system where in I ensure always that I have a basic income stream always coming in, is now my priority. This is much more “Practical” in terms of actually supporting me in the context of this world and what I am here doing.

My previous approach was simply not practical at all, and because of this I always struggled to meet my basic survival needs and was always living on the fringe of society. In essence that is what Art Schools do. They prepare the individuals who are going to live on the fringe of the system. What a fuck up.

So that was quite a Key Adjustment I required to make and I must say it makes everything much simpler. Art in my life is now a secondary point as something to explore expand only after I have established in my world my foundational income stream as support to live and function within the system.

I am getting there but still I have work to do in terms of actually getting caught up on my loans and start building up my credit so I can actually get a credit card! – lol.

I am kind of just “going over” a few points here as basic background to how I have been living and assisting and supporting myself to get this point sorted out for myself so that I am not “stepping on my own feet” in my process to assist and support the bringing forth of an Equal Money System.

This is in essence my Top Priority. This is my total dedication of myself because there is no point to support such a system as the one we are currently living in due to its cruel and abusive nature and what kind of world our current system is sustaining/creating. Thus the only reason I am directing myself to become equal to the system, to become a fully functioning member of the system is so that I can be stable and in a position to actually assist and support the bringing forth of an Equal Money System. A New System that actually support life.  Thus this requires food to eat, internet connection, place to live etc, so I can do the basic responsibilities which are required to bring forth an Equal Money System.

So Yes, Art simply is “not important” to me at the moment in terms of how I used to give it such importance. Of course I still enjoy exploring this point but It no longer has control over me the way it used to. Though this definitely took some years of (4) of walking out of this possession I created of “wanting to be an artist”

So I rather look at things more practically. Art may be able to generate an income, but it is not as practical as sticking to something initially that is more consistent and aligned with how the system function. Thus I have directed myself to do more practical labour jobs, as this is a point that I have had some training in. Actually I remember the words of Bernard mentioning to me before I left the farm that I can “always fall back on my hands” (or something like that) meaning to utilize “my two hands” and do practical labour as something I can use to support me if other things do not work out. So in a way I actually went straight to this point. Looking at what practical services I can do, and how I can use “my two hands” to effectively support myself in this world. I enjoy working with my Hands, like doing practical things. And many people try and get away from doing this, so it opens up space for people who are willing to do this to generate money for themselves.

So I focused on this aspect when looking at what kind of work I could do in the system to start supporting myself effectively.

One other little point that supported me in my process of standing on my own 2 feet and working with my own 2 hands – lol was : Don’t do what you want to do, Do what must be done. This point has assisted me in expanding myself in terms of what I am willing to do to support myself. Even 5 years ago I would have refused and resisted to do almost anything that was not related to art and my own personal desires.  I had really really limited myself in this but I did not know any better. I did not see nor understand the “greater context” of this world so to speak.

So obviously my understanding/perspective has change allot over the past 4 years participating with Desteni. And thus so much of who I was and what I was willing to was simply based in Ego which a point I am assisting and supporting myself to stop within myself.

What Kind of Human Being am I, that would look at / see this world and all that is happening and simply ignore it and refuse to assist in sorting it out. Its like standing face to face with a starving child and saying “sorry, Id rather paint a picture, and satisfy my own aspirations and desires that make sure you at least have an equal amount of food and support as I do” This obviously being Ego, and ignorance particularly in relation to the fact that I was simply born into my life of having food and money. I could have easily been the one born into poverty – Anyways “my priorities” where quite delusional and fucked up to say the least.

So I have now just worked the Last 6 months at a full time job doing Landscaping. This job is now winding down as winter is just around the corner and you cannot do landscaping in the winter. So I am preparing now to move into doing Snow Removal for the winter season which is a point I did last year as well.

A point that I would have not considered doing if I had continued to just allow myself to “Do what I want to do” instead of “doing what must be done”

I started doing snow removal last year which was quite a cool experience. I did not have a job and in a way this was a situation where I was “falling back on my own two hands” so to speak, because I was willing to work, and thus saw an opportunity to apply myself doing snow removal and generate some money for myself through the winter months. I had allot of fears about doing it, and that it wouldn’t work and I would fail and all that stuff. But I did it anyways, and realized in the end that these fears were not real, even though they seemed very real. I ended up doing it for the entire winter season and managing to get myself through the winter.

This year I am little more prepared so will be interesting to see how it goes. I see I have these same fears as last year coming up inside me, though my experience with walking through these fears last year is supporting me this time around to just breathe and continue to direct and apply myself within the point.

My expenses has gone up also so my goal this year is to double the amount of money I made last year doing this. I have just got my business cards and advertisements from the printers a couple days ago, and will head out (I think next week) to focus on some neighbourhoods around where I live to see if I can get my clients more in one area this year.

I am much more stable this year at this stage than I was last year. I see that that is because I actually did apply myself and find work, so that I have something to build off of, and already established to support me so to speak. This process has not been a breeze or magic or happening really fast either. It has taken time. My approach has been more basic and fundamental in terms of supporting me to establish a stable base income for myself. But I am grateful that I have placed attention on doing this and not leaving this as a secondary point. It has assisted me in stabilizing myself much more in my world.


