The longer we wait, The longer It Takes. How Long Will it Take To Change The World

The system / the world I live in is all around me. It is the way it is because it is exactly what we have created, either deliberately/ in awareness  or through implication / unawareness. At times I get frustrated with the System / This world and how I must interact with it in what I have to/must do to survive in it.

Nothing will ever change unless deliberate physical actions/direction is given/taken by ourselves to change the system. Every moment we do nothing is simply prolonging the moment when we are Free because we have created a system / world that is actually best for us / what we would like.

How long will it actually take to transform this system we live in completely and absolutely so that it support and honour all life and self expression. So that it actually support our functionality and existence within such a system, so that we are not “fighting” or “Struggling” with the system where it makes our lives more difficult. A System that makes our lives more difficult shows a lack of intelligence.

How long will it actually take to re-create the entire world/system from the perspective of changing/transforming that which is “man-made” into a structure that function in such a way that it allows us to actually do what we all common sensically would like to do with ourselves in our life on earth. That is simply enjoy ourselves here, have fun.  Explore, Expand, Investigate ourselves and the world we live in, Being Free to simply be Here.

Take a look at so many individuals in this world living their life, working their job, earning their money. What does their life consist of? When/Where are they taking part in bringing forth a New System That will actually support us on this earth or have they accepted the current system and simply have created Their Life and are now set/locked into their “Life”…Working their job, going on holiday, buying products, buying a house, setting themselves up in the current system so that they can functionally exist until they Die.

So many simply live in this system, and have no idea how it is created or how they contribute to this creation. They have simply accepted the general layout and structure of things and attempt to make it work for them the best they can.

I see that nothing will ever change if we as individuals do nothing to change it. I would suggest to have a look at your expression/ participation in your day to day living, and ask yourself “where are you going with this” ask yourself “what will this lead to” What are we doing here. What is the point of existing – To exist within a closed cycle within the current system until we are dead?

Are we happy with how the System Currently Function?

Happy with millions of people starving to death

Happy with slave labour

Happy with working a job we don’t even like because its “all that’s available”

Happy to have “the weekend”  2 days a week where we are  apparently “free” from our lives/responsibilities.

Happy to always struggle with, fight with and fear money.

Happy to give up our hobbies and what we really enjoy doing as self expression because we must dedicate more time “making money”

Happy to live in a world which we are constantly trying to escape.

That is the current life that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to live.

Lets Rather Create a World that we do not want to escape from = Common Sense.

But are grateful and appreciative to exist within. A world where We want to be Here.

The longer we wait, The longer we wait.

Every moment is a moment to take physical practical direction in bringing forth a new world, a new system.


For more information with regards to understanding how to Re-Create Yourself please visit the Desteni Website


Desteni also offer a comprehensive course which practically assist one to begin the process of self creation/transformation where one will discover/learn/ become aware of how one actually “create” themselves and this world, thus providing a practical foundation for one to be able to in fact support the creation of a World and a Self that is Best for ALL.

One is also able to Support the Emergence of a New System based on the principle of “What is Best For ALL” by purchasing exclusive products such as Books, Interviews, Music available at the Equality Store.

 Featured Products at Equality Store

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (Movie Review) – Who are You as a Brand?

I just finished watching the move “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” which is a documentary about Advertising, where the entire movie is based on showing the Filmmaker approaching different/various companies and business and getting them to sponsor his Movie, in exchange for product placement/advertising in the movie itself.  As the viewer we get the “behind the scenes” look at the advertising processes involved in such an endeavour as well as commentary on the overall role advertising plays not only in movies and the creative process, but our day to day lives as well.

One of the questions raised in the Movie was the question of “Selling Out” specifically related to the Film-makers personal integrity during the creative process of making the movie, as well as looking at the integrity of other individuals or “Artists” who “take-money” in exchange for product placement or Advertising where a particular expression such as a movie or work of art or song, or even individual  allows within their expression a point or points  specifically, deliberately, and for no other reason and purpose but for Generating Money.

I faced this question myself in my life as I decided early on that I wanted to be an Artist, and make paintings and art. I saw this point of “Money” and how this could potentially influence my creative expression but from my perspective this was not a valid consideration within the context of the Artwork from the perspective that, if I allowed money to influence the work of Art, and “My Self Expression” than I simply missed the point altogether of what it means “To Be an Artist” or to have “Self Respect”  – and so thus it was apparently obvious to me that “of course you do not incorporate money making into the creative process…duuuuh” Though I realized eventually that I actually was still not seeing the entirety of the point!

I did not see how this world was Designed. I did not see how the world/money system actually operate. I believed that it was actually possible to do this – To make a work of art that was not influenced by money. I did not see to what depths money has/had infiltrated this world and was already placed absolutely as the Foundation upon which my very existence depended on, and thus also the foundation of the Art I would be making.

So the question of selling-out is really a non-question as we are so beyond selling out that the question in itself only show the lack of understanding/awareness of an individual with regards to where we currently are in terms of how the world/money system is functioning at this very moment and the extent of Control it has on “The Creative Process”

I Grew up mostly in the Country (out of the city) and our family was more oriented towards “Artistic Stuff” , and so thus I was not really exposed to the “truth” about money and how it was actually already infused into absolutely everything of this existence. And here I believed it was possible to make “Original Art”

Though from a certain perspective I did have the opportunityto see/experience life and in my case making art for the sake of just expressing me rather than basing it on money, which in turn supported me in seeing what a fuck up we have created as our current world system and how there can be no such thing as Original Art in a world where Money is God. Where money determine if you live or die, what kind of education you have, the skills you develop, the resources you have, the way you express yourself and of course also the Art you would make.

Part of my process was realizing that now is not the time or the place the “purse art” to “pursue my dream to be an artist” I mean I can see how in our current system we are limiting ourselves extensively in terms of our potential. Our potential has a “ceiling” has a “Cap” Perhaps thats why its called “CAPitalism” – Because there is a “cap” on our potential and possibility of our expression within such a system.

I mean you can only pedal your bike so fast…eventually you require a different “system” to go faster. Like a car for instance.

Thus we fist must actually change the world, change the system, change the environment we live in before Art or Self Expression will be able to expand and grow and actually become Valid and not simply be just another “product of money”,

So from a certain perspective this Movie “Missed the Point” It did not go deep enough into seeing that we have sold our souls long ago so to speak, simply by accepting and allowing such a system as capitalism to exist as the Ruling System that is the foundation of ALL experience of ourselves here on this planet.

I was also looking at how we ourselves as individuals advertise.  How we play out the exact same process we see playing out between the Hollywood movie and the Advertiser, where partnerships are formed and adds are seamlessly interwoven into the movie/creative product.

We do exactly this – For instance becoming friends with someone simply because they are cool and it will make us look cooler in the eyes of another we are trying to impress. Its advertising!

Wearing a certain article of clothing to look appear a certain way and in this attract specific friends and attention from others.

Talking/speaking/communicating  a certain specific manner in the words/topics and tonality of voice we express so as to “get others to like us” To give us their attention so that we feel and experience ourselves a certain way.

Or knowing an inside joke – its like a commercial we run as advertising which symbolize our status within our world.

We as individuals are walking advertisements/presentations and if anything, what Hollywood and giant corporations are showing us –  is who we as individuals have actually become. And to the degree/extent  which we exist prominently as absolute advertisements where there is nothing left that is actual substance. Just like a Hollywood movie. We as humanity has become all surface!

So obviously this is not an acceptable way to continue existing, and also is an indication of it is not about what is taking place “out-there” but that we first must sort ourselves out and explore/investigate why we accept and allow ourselves to exist as walking advertisements teaming up with others to generate more attention, more viewers.  We must have a look at the clothes we wear, our environment, the type of car we chose to drive. The coffee shops we hang out in. Everything to develop our own personal Brand as who we are as personality and only doing this to “appear a certain way” to be “liked” to be “cool” To be “better than another” to “be the best”. Our goal as a being in this world has to become a brand and create ourselves as a product, a perfect presentation, but is that who we really are?

I see that I am still in the beginning of realizing that there is something “more” to myself than what I had considered and explored before. I am still in the process of deconstructing the personality, the brand that I have created that is me, so that I no longer exist as a walking advertisement and presentation. Id like to actually find out who I am if I let go of all this superficial bullshit that I see myself existing as daily. I realize that this will take some time considering how I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in this way for so long. though this is a decision I have made, that I am in the process of making still. Knowing that what I am living is a lie, but still finding the courage and discipline and way within myself to actually change/transform myself and find out who I am/will be in no more accepting such an existence of myself purely as a a personality, as advertising, as a Hollywood movie that I want everyone to like. Who are we when the movie stops


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Featured Products on the Equality Store

Equal Money Book – An in depth explanation of all the in’s and out’s and workings of How an Equal Money System will be implemented and Function in this world.


My Evil Twin – By Sunette Spies Audio Recording -Sunette explains the manifestation of a parasitical ‘evil twin’ that grew and exists wihtin and as self as a resonant back-chat system.






Steven Hawking : Heaven is a Fairy Story? – The Debate is Over as Desteni and Equal Money Create Heaven on Earth!

There seem to be some reaction to recent comments made by famous physicist Steven Hawking who in an interview with “The Gaurdian” stated that Heaven is a “Fairy Story” for those who are afraid of death.

This point of Heaven is quite interesting given our current situation and what is HERE all around us in this world. I guess what is here as Earth would not be considered a Heaven?

I wonder what those who do not believe in Heaven would define as our world?

Because in arguing a heaven does not exist, they are still arguing about “Heaven” where in they must understand the concept of heaven to be arguing about its non-existence, so in a way those that argue that heaven does not exist are actually confirming that they do in fact believe in heaven from the perspective that they are in essence holding that same “idea” as the “heaven believers” which they are arguing against, so from my perspective, actually believing in heaven, because heaven in itself at the moment is simply an idea, a concept. Because if you look around, this earth is definitely not heaven.

Or is it?

I guess it depends on, what exactly, heaven is to you. Its seems there are various definitions of Heaven. In fact, it seems that depending on what religion you believe in, or family structure you were raised within, or culture, or kind of music you listen to etc, would determine what kind of Heaven you would believe in.

From my perspective, Heaven is HERE. We have just really fucked it up.

What Desteni is presenting is that Heaven is possible, though it is up to us to create it for ourselves. So to for instance develop ourselves so that our interaction with each other, and nature and this planet can stand as actions that would exist in and as a heavenly heaven. Thus it is to stop all Hope, all dreaming, all believing, and to start Practically Moving and creating Heaven on Earth. I mean, what do we have to lose really? Our reality is already quite fucked up with pretty much everything that constitutes a Hell actually. War, murder, mass poverty and starvation, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, slave labor, horrendous animal abuse, the toxification and destruction of earth itself. So really nothing to lose if we were to actually in fact change how we live in this world. Change our behavior, how we interact with what is here. An absolute overhaul actually of how we live. We cannot go living the same way and doing the same things every day and expect our world to change. The world is essentially an outflow of our participation and movement, and thus we must change our participation in order to create a world that is dignified and best for ALL.

So suggest to join us at desteni as we as a group are those individuals who rather than sit back and debate whether a heaven exist or not, are actually standing up and taking practical action to thus create heaven on earth for ourselves. Why Wait?

Thus investigate what we are proposing at Desteni as an Equal Money System as one of the initial phases of bringing about heaven on earth as that which is dignified and best for all. The Equal Money System is a New Money System designed to replace the current money system that obviously thus far has created anything but heaven on earth.

I mean look within your own world. There are moments when one in fact decide to change. Where you exist within a certain behavior pattern that actually just make your life miserable to the point where you decide – Fuck, I need to change. So why not do this with the entire planet. We have existed within destructive behaviors towards the earth for long enough. Thus, it is time to stop this. Thus the Equal Money System will be quite a change for this planet and not a moment to soon.

Another fascinating process underway which anyone can participate within is the “Desten I Process” The “Desteni I Process” is a way for those who are willing to stand up and say “NO MORE” and actually start to direct themselves to change and create themselves as beings that are not any more products of our current/old system of abuse and suffering, but who are willing to stand as something new. As a New Humanity that no more accept and allow such abuse and suffering that is allowed now, and who effectively will become those who are able to stand in a Heaven on Earth. This means that the beings themselves must actually in fact have a deep respect for earth and each other and life, as if there is anything less than this, than this would not actually be heaven now would it. Thus to actually in fact create heaven on earth, we must in essence transform ourselves, and re-educate ourselves, and purify ourselves, and this is what the Desteni I Process is for. Where one get monthly lessons designed to support a being in the process of self change and self transformation…essentially self creation where one in a way stand as a God from the perspective of actually creating themselves and supporting the creation of a practical heaven on earth.

So let’s stop debating about Heaven and Start Creating it Here on Earth, Starting with an Equal Money System and the“Desteni I Process”

“THE COVE” Dolphin Slaughter – Do Humans Deserve to Live? Change Human Nature with An Equal Money System

I recently watched a documentary called “The Cove” It is a documentary where a group of filmmakers secretly filmed a ‘cove’ in Japan where every year from March to September around 23,000 dolphins are trapped by fishermen and then either sold to aquariums or “swim with the dolphin” facilities, or slaughtered and used for meat. A live dolphin can fetch somewhere around 150,000 dollars where a dead dolphin can fetch around 7000.00.

The documentary shows the course of these filmmakers secretly planting cameras around “the cove” to capture the events that take place within this small cove which is fenced off and basically out of view of the public where the dolphins are herded into and then slaughtered by fishermen who stab them over an over again with long spears until the dolphins succumb to the injuries.

As I watched the documentary, it was fascinating to see every detail of this entire operation was being fuelled, motivated, orchestrated, manifest out of one singular point. MONEY! If one remove the “profit motive” from “the equation” then there would be no reason to for such an event to take place at all. I mean these fisherman are not doing this for fun! They are doing it for money. Because it can earn a profit. So that they can get their hands on what has become the “Life Force” of this existence. Money.

If you remove the profit motive then the fisherman would not get up in the morning and head to the cove, start the engines of their boats, lay their nets, spend hours stabbing dolphins to death while drenching themselves in blood, and then return the following day to do such things. All of these such acts are in fact being stimulated by money / profit and thus, if the motivation of making money was taken out of the equation the actions would simply cease to continue.

The dolphins would rather just swim by enjoying their natural habitat as this particular hunting ground is a natural migratory route of the dolphins which makes it quite a“rich resource” for the fisherman as this is exactly what the dolphins have become in the eyes of the human within a capitalistic environment. In this world, they are not actually seen as beings who are equal to that humans at all, they are seen as a resource for the humans to harvest for profit and thats it. What a shameful thing we humans have become.
Within an equal money system events like this would cease to exist as there would be no more profit motivation to go out and get money by whatever means available.

I mean why does a dolphin fetch $150,000 in the first place. Because people will PAY to see or swim with a dolphin. It is all about the movement of money. I mean the fact that we are abusing life to this extent on so many levels, like for instance manipulating the desires we might have to experience ourselves swimming with a dolphin where we would put the animal through such horrific experiences, Firstly Herding the being into a small cove by using large boats and nets, to then pull the being from its natural environment shipping it off to some zoo somewhere where it is now held captive for the rest of its life……so we can have our desires fulfilled of “swimming with the dolphins” yet we are so blinded by our own Self-Interest that we someone are able to ignore what goes on “behind the scenes” so we can get our energy fix! Place yourself in the Dolphins Situation. What if that were you!

This is why I support an equal money system and for all those who are not aware/familiar with EMS I suggest to check out which present an economic model that effectively extract the “profit motive” from our reality. A profit motive that is the CORE motivating engine generating such intolerable acts as the Dolphin Slaughter in Japan being exposed in the Documentary “The Cove”

What is being investigated and Proposed by Desteni is a new Platform for essentially managing our world, where through political means we are able to replace the current “profit based world system” which is actually stimulating such acts as this Dolphin Slaughter, and implement A New World System based on Equality where we as a species actually consider other species within a point of equality and stop training ourselves to see anything that looks different than ourselves to appear as one big flashing Dollar $ign.
So for all out there who claim they actually care about animals and the inhumane acts we humans inflict on other beings of this earth I suggest to investigate and the Solution proposed as an equal money system so that we can simply Stop ALL such acts which will effectively STOP under a New Economic System based in Equality. Not from the perspective of anyone Forcing such acts to Stop. Nope. But because within an Equal Money System “Profit Motive” will be simply removed from the equation and thus ALL such acts that are based on the foundation of generating money will also cease to be. Image all the different kinds of Atrocities done by humans for money that will be stopped. Do you really think an individual would prefer spending each day of their lives slaughtering animals if they are not getting money to do it. Within the current world / capitalistic / for profit system we are at the moment managing our world with, we are essentially begging individuals to slaughter animals for money. For god sakes we are actually rewarding these acts with dollars.

So suggest to research what we are saying and presenting at desteni in the way of an Equal Money System so that we humans can begin the process of correcting ourselves / forgiving ourselves so that we are in fact worthy of life, and worthy to co-exit on this earth with all the other beings that are Here. Because as it stand now, I am finding it increasingly difficult to justify the continued existence of humans, as we, are the most inconsiderate, ignorant, brutal, and heartless, species currently living on this planet and are definitely causing the most damage to what is here.

Thus Suggest to get informed on how to bring about a world where humans are actually able to co-exist with the earth, each other, other species and all that is here, and stop the blatant rape and harvest of our environment as if we are some apparent Gods. We should be ashamed of ourselves, and realize it is time for us to change how we have been interacting with what is here. And one Key, Fundamental component of this change is a world and economic system based in Equality and Doing what is best for ALL that is Here.

Equal Money Website –
An Equal Money Book is in the Works and Scheduled for release September 2011 –

Desteni Website –

Self-Support To Move From Scattered to Stable

Self-Support to Move From Scattered to Stable

I experienced myself a bit scattered today. This is often actually that I experience myself in this way. I had a few things to do today so this broke up my day and found within my day that I was not able to settle myself effectively and really establish myself Here within what I was doing.

So I am looking at this point of how to effectively stabilize myself within my world.

The first points which come up are:

1.Stop participating in the mind

2.Stick to simplicity

3.Stick to breath

With this first point I see that when I participate in my mind, where in I accept and allow myself to engage within the dialogue in my head, that I am not stable, and that if I were to actually Stop participating within my mind that I would actually be stable within my world, and be here, and be able to effectively assess my world with common sense and direct myself accordingly .

So I require to be more effective within this point of “stopping the mind” from the perspective of not engaging with the thoughts, pictures, emotions, voices, debates etc, but assist and support myself to remain Here and not participate with the “Back-Chat” that is the mind.

I see that my “Back-Chat” is fucking extensive, My mind is automated literally 24/7 and so if I am not Here and aware in every moment and supporting me to remain HERE and be HERE as myself as silence in each and every moment, Supporting me to exist here where there is no “movement” or “energy fluctuations” then it is the mind that is here as me as thoughts, feelings, emotions, as movements and fluctuations within and as self.

Thus I require to ground me. To Earth Myself.

So I see I must be more effective in actually supporting me to Stop my mind, and stop engaging in the conversations in my head.

Thus to support me,  I simply stop  participating with any voice, and thought, that exist inside me / within my mind, and that I must be ruthless within this, as to not allow myself to trick me into participating within the mind

Life for example how “positive thoughts” are fucking deceptive as these generally “feel good” to participate in and “seem harmless” but this is mind as a program and so to participate in these ‘positive thoughts’ one is actually supporting the mind, and in this case enhancing my own instability which I mentioned in the beginning of this post, from the perspective of “feeling scattered”

So this is where I am going to start to assist and support myself to re-establish my stability of Self, I am going to push the point of Stopping  Myself from Participating, engaging within conversations, thoughts within my mind. Where as soon as I notice that I am actually existing as a voice in my mind as Back-Chat as thought, and as soon as I notice that I am participating within an energetic fluctuation or movement  within me than I stop immediately, as I realize that this is my mind, and immediately bring myself back here.

And within this I focus on simplicity. And use breath as a stability point, by focusing on breath, my breathing,  to assist and support me to remain Here in the physical with and as my physical body, and not “up in there” in my mind.