2012: The Concise Version of My Day


I was up early this morning to go and do my snow removal route as it snowed last night. I got up at 5:30am because I prefer to get started on it early.

I was experiencing a slight anger/depression as I went about doing the route, like a general disappointment within my experience of me. I finished the route in about 4 and half hours to 5 hours.

Then I drove around trying to get into this coffee place to get a latte but the freak’n road had no way of getting in there…so I just looked at the shop as I drove by on the highway with no way of getting into the other lane..lol. So I decided to just go home and do the whole coffee thing later.

Plus I have been going out to get coffee as a point of just changing my behaviour patterns to not just stay in all day but doing the coffee thing as a way to “get out” more.

Though today as I put in the brown sugar and stirred the cream into my Double Americano I was thinking that “I really must actually sit down and stay in the shop a while instead of just getting my coffee and then leaving right away which is what I usually do, because to just leave isn’t really changing my pattern – Staying would be me actually changing my pattern.

So I took a seat along this bar table along the window and read the newspaper as I drank my coffee.

I have been reading/watching a bit more news lately as I have been wanting to incorporate some of the points in my Artwork. I have rented a studio space for next month and so will for the first time in 5 years have an actual painting studio to work in! So am preparing at the moment and just doing some research of some subjects/contents to base some of the art on, and thus have been investigating some of the current events of the world to base my work on. It is almost disorienting to try and make sense of the news and connect all the dots of how fucked up this world really is. War, Starvation, Oil, Rebels, Bail-Outs, Austerity Measures, Occupy Wall-Street, Income Disparity, Extreme Household Debt Levels, Corruption in Politics, Sexual Assault, Suicide Farmers, Suicide Bombers, Poor Education, Poor Middle Class, Poverty, Obesity, Slave Labour, Holy Wars…and the list goes on and on and on.

In the midst of this of course, The Oscars, The Royal Wedding and the Score from the game last night.

So The Media I find is like going to a carnival or something. Its like everywhere you look its chaos and you never know who’s side of the story your getting.

Its nice to have the foundation point of being aware of an “Equal Money System” as a Solution to Stabilize me as I read through everything because one begin to see how so much is simply based on money and that capitalism as a system is part of the problem, this, not being seen by media, politics, or anyone in the system where instead everyone is looking at it from the perspective of “how do I fix capitalism”  basically trying to come up with solutions to save a sinking ship and not yet seeing an alternative to what is here such as Equal Money System.

So being aware of equal money as a solution is actually an anchoring point for me to go and sift through everything and not get lost within it all.

I had to laugh as I sat there in the coffee shop because a person pulled a seat up beside me and actually had a sketch book and was drawing. I was only sitting there in the first place to deliberately direct myself to in a way force myself to interact with people more. Turns out this person had just gone back to finish art school after a hiatus from art altogether. So I chatted a bit and then headed home.

I was a dizzy again today. I have had this dizziness come up this past week and it came up today again so when I got home I decided that I would lay off the computer screens a bit and I just put on one of the Atlantian Interviews from the Series on Eqafe.Com, turned out the lights and listened to that…well I more just fell asleep but it was cool as I just laid there and breathed and listened to the interview and that helped stabilize me from the dizziness.

So that is the concise version of my day.



Process Update – Managing My World. (3 Stories)

I am definitely within an application of “avoidance” at the moment, and allowing my mind to direct me. This morning I slept in until 7am when I planned to get up at 6am, though within me last night I can see that I “was not up for it” and believing 6am was to early as I was quite exhausted last night. And so I ‘intended’ to get up but overslept my alarm. I experienced guilt immediately upon waking as I started doing a 21 days 6 hours sleep process.

So when waking I went into a point of guilt and noticed also that I was “less directive” in my day, as I was in a way, allowing me to remain ‘stuck’ in this energy of guilt and slowness. Like a point of “I have failed”
When if I practically look at the situation, I mean it was 7am instead of 6am, practically speaking that will have not “great affect” on my day, and it is more practical to let go of the point and start directing myself in that which I require to do today.

I saw that I allowed the point of guilt in a way as an accepted experience of self when I “fail at something” or “fall on a point” – Though the energetic experience I was allowing was not related practically to my reality but more on past experiences of guilt as what I noticed is that my day is Still Here in front of me, and so pointless to allow me to exist in this point of guilt, like making a big point of nothing really.

Its interesting I see that I within this point have allowed this very initial starting point of the waking up in the morning determine the rest of my day, instead of me being the starting point of me in every moment here, where in any given moment, I can correct self, instead of locking myself into a cycle where I have to wait for the next opportunity.

I remember on the farm I was faced a few times with the point of experiencing a point of depression, and that I could allow myself to exist within this point of depression, and regret, or I could Stop, and get up off my ass and apply myself within my world.

This is the point that I saw this morning, where I realized that I do not have to exist within this point of guilt or depression which was “triggered by sleeping in” Fuck that, I can Stop, and correct myself and start applying myself in my day.

Last night I met with an x-girlfriend of mine who I had been in a relationship with for 8 years and who I broke up with around the time I started with desteni.

So was interesting to sit and chat last night as I had not spoken with her for couple years now.

I noticed that I within the discussion I experience quite a bit of paint in my upper shoulders, back and neck as we communicated, so see a point of straining myself and clenching myself within during our communication last night where I was accessing points of mind within our interaction and within communicating. So interesting to see this tension and pain come up immediately within starting to communicate with this being.

Its like a point of “really wanting to get a message though” within which I tense up my entire back and shoulders. And even a point of not trusting my expression, communication, words to communicate effectively.

Like wanting her to agree with me and see and understand my words and affirm what it is I am speaking about.

Though overall the conversation/discussion was quite cool.

Another point that occurred yesterday was that the point of doing “furniture assembly and delivery” for the furniture shop I am currently working with opened up.

This is quite a cool point and can see there is some excitement within me towards this though , I am also experiencing a “straining” within this excitement I experience, like “what if things don’t work out” so it is like two adverse points manifesting a strain within me.

So basically yesterday within discussion of possibly expanding my duties at the furniture shop, I inquired if “they have a delivery service” because I had noticed that there are usually a few items in the back waiting to be picked up by customers and most often these items are smallish – and so wondered if “there was a market for this” in where why not I “Offer the service of doing the delivery” as I at the moment have a van and so can fit in some smaller items for delivery.

So I discussed the point some with the owner and she said she would pass along my number to clients, and also recommend me to clients who require small furniture delivery.

So this is quite exciting because I see here another opportunity of taking this point on as a business, of which I can do furniture delivery and assembly. So I have done some research today on the point and this seems very realistic so am going to take this point on, as I also see that this will not simply “end after winter” like the “Snow Removal Service” but can actually walk this point and develop this point for a longer period of time.

So now I am at the stage where, I see this point and am exceeded, yet must breathe as reality only move so fast and thus must take this point on “practically” and “common sensically” and like the “Snow Removal Business” There are points of uncertainty with regards to money, and how/if I will manage the point of getting this going.

I also got a call yesterday which I have not yet returned about, would ya know it, doing “furniture assembly” lol – I actually had found a job application online doing this and inquired about the point which funny enough, opened up inside of me the point of inquiring with my current company about offering my services through them. Lol,

So this is quite funny as this is similar to what happened with the snow removal service where I initially “began the point” by browsing through jobs, and going for a job interview, and then within looking at the whole point deciding to simply “do the point for myself” instead of “working for others” doing something I can actually do on my own.

So I am sure I will update later to indicate/show, what’s working, and what not, and the type of specificity and application required to ensuring that these “businesses or service offers” are practically functional. Though for now will keep it simply and keep it physical.

Stop Blaming the Government – Vote for a New Equal Money System

Stop Blaming the Government – Vote for a New Equal Money System

I woke up today at around 8:30 or something like this. I read a few posts and then prepared to go to work, as I was scheduled to work today in the furniture store. Interesting point here, I get paid twice as much per hour working at the furniture store than I do on the horse ranch. LOL – that illustrating the complete fucked upness of this reality, that there can be such a polarity between wages.

Basically the furniture deals with money in a different way, and in a way its pretty cool they offer quite a high wage for a basic job there in the store, where on the ranch the wage is initially low.

Though I experienced a point today of basically being a slave. Which I am, for money at the moment, where within the current system one must work for money, and to get that money must do what ever the one who is going to give the money sais.

This is why we require a new money system, so that no being must be subject/slave to another who has money and can tell them what to do because that particular being is in need of money.

That is an absolute fuck-up.

That is why I have given up my world, my life and given up this current world and reality because I see no other solution but than to stop this fucked up system and create a new one which actually allow beings to express themselves and live in freedom- Something that is no where existent in this current world of enslavement which we all accept so readily and not even realize the point of enslavement we are all accepting.

I am simply not just going to “find my place in this reality and in this system” And attempt to make it work for me and then live out my life, while I make the system work in my favour where in a make money and live a comfortable life, all the while ignoring the fact for one, that I had to completely compromise myself and my self expression to fit into this system of enslavement and have the system work in my favour, and also completely disregarded those that suffer and who are not in a beneficial point within the system so that they can have money and live comfortable as well.

My focus is not how can I fit into this system and make my life work.

My focus is how can I direct and apply myself to place myself in a position to change this system so that it is actually an enjoyable world to live in FOR ALL. Because anyone who actually say they enjoy this world are fucking lying or have completely deluded themselves into believing and accepting that they in fact enjoy this reality, this world. I mean if people enjoy enslavement – that’s pretty fucked up.

Its fascinating how we are able to IGNORE the millions of beings suffering in this world, and that we have conditioned ourselves into believing that “they don’t matter” or that it is “irrelevant”.

Imagine if all beings on earth decided to place as their direction and purpose in life to bring support to those in need. I mean the fact that there is such a fucked up existence at the moment is because no one is actually considering or caring about each and every being on earth. We have completely lost touch with who we are, with the point of caring for our neighbour.

I stand for and support A New Equal Money System and have given up my life to support the emergence of this system, because from my perspective it is a solution that Will actually Support all beings on Earth.

And also the life I gave up was not actually living anyways so realistically I gave up enslavement to live.

And thus I place my attention on bringing forth an Equal Money System and a World Equality System where the Equality of Each and Every being on Earth is Reflected in the way the World System Support beings here on earth. And thus with an Equal Money System all beings on earth will be supported as Equals.

Not like today’s system where some have millions and others actually just die after a few years because they have nothing.

And I mean this is the system that many support – Is this really acceptable?

An Equal Money System is a New System. It is an Alternative to this current system. I mean if you look at the extreme outflows of this current system – mass wars, millions dying, millions starving and in poverty, even now the “good countries” struggling to manage massive debt levels and unemployment. Thus a few tweaks here and there are not going to do it. – If we want to actually correct this world we require Mass Change

Its so funny I have noticed that people want thier government to change everything to fix everything. People are completely fucked up because all they do is blame their government. What a Fucking Joke – they go to the little booth, put a check mark on a card, and then there, they have done their part! Now they apparently have the right to complain? Fuck, all that’s showing is that people are unwilling to take responsibility for themselves and for what is here on this earth. They just expect the government to do it. And the fact that they complain about it shows that they really don’t understand at all how the system works

The problem is – The system is so fucked up that there is no way out – Every way you turn there is a massive snag. But the people are not willing to see this – they simply blame the government for not finding them a job, for not giving them their pensions – but if in fact they would actually look for themselves and see that this World System is such a fuck up that there is actually no real solution within this current system. That they themselves have no actual clue on what to do or how the system actually work. Because if they did, they would have stopped supporting this system and the political system along time ago, but people do not actually know how it works. Yet still complain to their government that its the government that is the problem. So what is their grand solution – Another Election! We want another president – one who will give us jobs and money and oh my fuck people!


Ok so I have a solution

Desteni Has a Solution.

It is called The Equal Money System…Let me guess…”It won’t work” how do I know you will say this – Because this is the only thing you can say. Its as if you have not developed the ability to actually investigate something for yourself. So hardened into the current way things work that you are unable to actually consider something else…it simply won’t work shows the degree of how one is programmed to accept only the current system and is not able to actually consider something else.

So I suggest investigate the Equal Money System that Desteni is Proposing.

The Principle of an Equal Money System is “What is Best for ALL”

The Point of taking all beings on this planet into consideration within the creation of a system that will support each and everyone of them equally, so that all beings are supported on this earth with the basic living requirements in place facilitated through an equality system that we create and develop on this earth.

I mean aren’t we supposed to be evolving?

Then would this not be an actual point of progressive evolution for humanity, it we were able to create a world system that supports each and every being on earth to a point of a dignified life.  From my perspective that indicate to me an actual point of evolution because at the moment our current world system only support a few, while millions are dying and do not have support from the world system.

There is a proposed system already in the works for this – It is called and Equal Money System as Presented by Desteni and you can research it on www.equalmoney.org or visit the desteni website at www.desteni.co.za to find out more.

I am one Vote For World Equality and A New Equal Money System.

I mean of one start to investigate what an equal money system actually do it is fucking amazing.

It is a system that provide for all beings on earth the basic necessities of life as a birth right, meaning they will receive an allowance so to speak – All beings on earth, from when they are born until they die – Obviously practical points are considered as well like for instance a child of 2 years only will not be able to handle his own money for example.

Along with this distribution of money to beings it will also be ensured that each being has equal shelter. Now I am not talking about some hut with not floor, I am talking about the basic physical requirements so that all can live a dignified life. So all one has to do is look for oneself. What are the basics to live on this planet and have basic physical support. Food, Shelter, Water, Heat, and so forth.

I mean instead of having to fight to get yourself an education – Education will be provided for all, Why, because that is how one support itself as life. This is not about “trying to make it” in this world. The reason why this point currently exist where beings have to “try to make it” is because there is only so much ‘room’ in the system.

Does it not make sense rather to create a system which actually support beings instead of suppress them? I mean the system is a reflection of ourselves, is a reflection of what we accept and allow ourselves to be, and the fact that our current world system is not considering all beings as equal in this world is actually saying that in fact it is us who is not considering all beings as being equal in this world.

Thus to a suggestion.

Do what is best for all.

Replace the Starting point of Yourself.

It is a point of self re-creation where one actually re-create and re-design oneself so that they do in fact consider all beings equally within this world.


Stand as What is Best for ALL.

Become What is Best for ALL.

Do What is Best for ALL.

Be What is Best for ALL.

In every moment of your life – Act in the best interest of ALL.

Yes this will require everything about oneself and about ones life to change.

Actual evolution yes.

Or we can do nothing.

Which we are really good at by now

So you either Support a New Equal Money System and What is Best for ALL

Or you support the Current System and Millions Dying each day of starvation.

You Decide



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that equality is not possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a system that support all beings on earth is not possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because I did not ever think of a system like this, that it cannot be right.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to consider anything other than what is here and within this believe that nothing else is possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I am not capable of actually creating something that works and is effective and actually supports beings and life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not smart enough to create and system that is best for all and that actually support all beings on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I “don’t have it in me to be able to do this”

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am incapable of standing as a system that is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must be some great smart person to be able to actually see how this system works and actually direct this system into existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself who I am as life and equal to every part of life as having equal value to all points as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand in separation of life instead of stand as all life as what is best for all as myself as who I am in every moment.