We Require New Breed of Politicans and World Leaders.


I am continuing my investigation into the Canadian Political System, particularly the election process, as I follow the latest election that is underway here in Canada.

Today I am going to take a look at a statement made by Liberal Party leader Micheal Ignatieff within his unveiling of what is called “The Learning Passport” which is a proposed program which gives extra funding to those enrolled and who will be enrolling in post secondary education.

What I find to be quite interesting as I continue to follow the election is the “short-sightedness” of our political leaders and for that matter the people who are not only going along with this but also cheering their favourite candidate, no matter if what is being presented as ‘solutions’ is nothing more than an attempt to fix or make better our current system but that is in fact missing the point entirely of what is required to actually bring forth an actual permanent change to this world that will support in establishing a management system that support the betterment of man and the well being of all that is here.

So to help illustrate this ‘shortsightedness’ that I have been observing within the debates, topics, discussions, policies, of the election thus far I will focus on a statement made by the Leader of the Liberal Party in his unveiling his educational program.

I understand that it is not to blame politicians because from a certain perspective they are perhaps making the best out of what they had available to them such as education or family environment or the social system they were raised etc…Though at this point in time it is becoming clear that the world we have created is quite a mess, and we are going to require not just amendments to the current system but rather quite a drastic transformation of what is here in order to bring about a world that is actually dignified and ultimately valid in terms of considering the point of continuing our existence as a race. because I mean at this current rate, I am finding it difficult to justify at all why we are even Here on this planet if all we are going to do is abuse it and abuse ourselves,  and each other. So thus we need to drastically shift our political considerations, which from my perspective will take many years of re-education to effectively detangle from within ourselves the embedded belief systems/strucutres which our current politicians are at the moment acting within and that in fact only cause and create more harm and abuse and inequality within this world.

So Liberal Party Leader Micheal Ignatieff stated within his unveiling of the “Learning Passport” that no Canadian should be “denied a world class education in the machine room of the Canadian economy”

First of all he is referring to Universities and Colleges as “The Machine Room” which in itself is true to a certain extent as education within Canada has effectively become about preparing individuals to be able to perform very specific/specialized tasks so that when they finish University that they are able to walk out into the world and fill a very specific role within the already existent system. Essentially turning individuals into machines to function within the system.

He also mentioned that these Universities are the “Machine room of the Canadian Economy”.

Now this is quite a startling implication being made within this above statement by Micheal Ignatieff as within this statement has reduced education to being specifically for the “Canadian Economy”. I have a question. What happen to Life? What happen to Self Expression? Or has our entire Learning/Education process of this world become simply to prepare us to make Money within the system. Which is Exactly what is being implied within such statement as mentioned above, and what is even scarier is that this is being spoken of without him even batting an eye, meaning there is no awareness at all within the being what so ever that his/this ‘view’ of reality is not actually in alignment with actual real life in terms of a Life as that which can be considered in any way Dignified. Nope. Rather What is being implied in this statement that no Canadian should be “denied a world class education in the machine room of the Canadian economy” is that in essence all an education has become in this world is a machine room to create perfect money making machines to support the capitalistic system that we have in place. And let us not forget that this is also being considered to be “World Class” education as well.

This is why I support what Desteni Propose as an Equal Money System, because the discussion within and around Desteni and the Equal Money System are more in line with looking at how to create and educational system that if fact support the development of the human being as Life Form in where we are essentially ultimately looking at perfection. The perfection of ourselves as an expression of Life. Not fucking limiting education to that which is designed to create the best money making robots as possible.

Why are not political discussions and debates around the point of the perfection of self as Life and how to create a dignified world for all. I much rather participate with that which is aware of what life is actually and this is why I am one vote for an equal money system. Obviously this will take time to bring forth and in the end each one decide for themselves what discussions and debates they see as valid.

So if you are interested in bringing forth a world that actually consider its fellow man enough to abolish a capitalistic world system based in greed and put into place a system which give to all equally where all within this system are able to live like millionaires and actually be honoured as life then suggest to check out what Desteni is saying and presenting with an Equal Money System.




CANADIAN ELECTION – High-Jacked by the EGO

So an election is underway here in Canada as last week our government was found in “contempt of parliament” which was an apparently ‘historical’  first time ruling resulting from our government censoring and withholding information which should have been made available to all but that would have certainly not gone smoothly so instead simply decided to hide the information.

So I have been now following the election process which is underway  for me get an idea of how our government actually function and what they actually stand for, and how the political process actually work.

So what have I seen so far in this all important process of electing those who will manage our country – EGO!

Out of the gates the basic ‘strategy’ of each party was to begin by first accusing, attacking and pointing out the flaws of the other party in an initial attempt to gain the upper hand in the eyes of the public.

This was quite revealing to see that the Leaders of the country and also that our political process/system allows such acts to take place, obviously revealing straight away the ‘state’ of our world, where in the all important process of establishing those to be responsible for our well-being, and to manage the country is founded on ‘accusing the other guy’ and bolstering oneself in the eyes of the people as the best for the job. It has simply shown thus far that the key characteristics of our political system is manipulation and accusation. I will continue to follow this process as to get an idea of what are the Key components which comprise the entity that is our political system, and to see if this is an entity that has integrity and is actually capable of making decisions in the best interest of the people. And the world as a whole.

Thus far what is showing is how The EGO is actually the dominant aspect of our world which is put into the fore in all scenarios and effectively that it is in fact the EGO that we have allowed to take over and govern the country.

So my observation of the election/political process thus far has simply revealed that the country of Canada is essentially preparing itself and supporting, not a process which is actually looking at how to effectively establish a functional system which manage ourselves in the best way possible but rather, it is preparing for and entering into a process which essentially has been High-Jacked by the  Ego, which fascinatingly enough is accepted by both the Majority of the People as well as the Politicians. It seems to be more about winning than actually supporting ourselves as a race to create a system where within we will actually become a “better” race so to speak.

So obviously here the entire political system in itself must be ‘reconsidered’ and ‘re-structured’ so to speak. Because how can one really expect to create a system that actually support themselves, if the very process for putting into place those who are deemed suitable for effectively managing and creating that system reveals such a saturation and dominance of  the EGO. Where the principles of the EGO are effectively emerging as that which is guiding and standing most prominent in this stage of the political process as seen thus far within the fact that the very first messages from each party running for office is simply to accuse and name call the other one.

So before I even begin to comment on the platforms being presented by each party I must be sure here to point out that the very structure and foundation as the election/political process in itself which  support these to be announced ‘platforms’, from what I have seen thus far is corrupt and has been highjacked by the ego, and thus simply nullifies mostly anything that will be presented within such a structure as being valid.
