We don’t actually Need TAXES – Equal Money System Research

I read an article today in the local newspaper here focusing on a ‘issue’ related to a Taxes. The article explained how our cities Mayor has decided to not move forward with tax cuts, but rather keep everything “as is” which means, instead of the money that would have stayed in the pockets of the people under proposed tax cuts will now go into the pockets of the government which will be used for various projects the city has scheduled to undertake.

What I find interesting about this article is it illustrates how the attention of the media, of the government, of the people are all focused on this aspect of our system called “Taxes” and how best to go about implementing taxes to ensure the functionality of the system, missing altogether the point that we do not actually require taxes at all and that there is an alternative systematic approach to running a government and managing a city , country, world where we will not require taxes at all.

This is something that not many are able to consider and ver possibly would  laugh at the mere mention of this. That we actually do not require taxes.

This is from my perspective because we as people as governments are simply not educated in how this would work.

We have been raised and conditioned in this system and that this system is all we know, where we  have, so whole heartedly and completely, accepted Taxes, as a normal functioning point of Society, that cannot be done without.

Though we at Desteni Propose a System where in fact there is no Taxes what so ever. Where all members of Society are Fully Functioning  Participants, there is no homelessness, or unemployment as we know it today, All have a stable and bountiful income and any other element required in the basic development and support of the human being, in order to live a fulfilling, dignified life. Education, Housing etc. And of course there is No Taxes

This System is an Equality based system including an Equal Money System.

This is not some mumbo jumbo pipe dream utopic proposal. This is an actual Structural System able to be  implemented and operated exactly the same way as we have currently a System which has been implemented and is operating to manage the ins and outs of society and ensure that all get their daily bread etc… The problem though is that the current system we have in place (the capitalistic system) all do not get their daily bread.

I mean would you not agree that a basic function of a System that we as humanity have in place and agreed upon  to manage ourselves ensure first and foremost that each individual that is Here, is included as a consideration within the functionality of that system.

Or do you believe that we should only include some humans that are born into the system and not include millions of others and essentially just ignore them completely?

Common Sense that A system which takes ALL points into consideration would be more effective than a system that only takes some points into consideration and completely ignore other.

I see that this will however take some Education or Re-Education of Man to show that we in fact do not require such a function as Taxes. And that we are able to place a world system that actually provide for its citizens – Meaning ALL citizens of this world leaving not one child out of the equation and that within this ALL will be properly cared for, and have the basic necessities  and necessary support to live a full, dignified life.

It is up to each one to take a serious look at this world and realize that in 15 years, if we do nothing, that this world will continue heading in the same direction it is going, and that is definitely not cool. And we will effectively be standing in the same pile of shit as we are now.


We realize that WE are the ones,  the citizens, the members of this world,  who are actually creating this world, I mean we ARE the only ones on this planet.  Who else is creating, and is implementing the systems of this world But us ourselves.

So as one generation move out and a new generation move in – WHO WILL WE BE. That is entirely up to us, and it depends where we place our attention, it depends on how we educate ourselves.

If you would like to carry on with living out the same cycles over and over again, than yes, simply stand by our current way we have been doing things, Stand by the believe that we must have taxes.

Though if you are interested in learning about a New Proposed System which is able to effectively support ALL that is Here, and not only just some of us while millions die of hunger than I suggest to start to investigate what Desteni is Proposing as an Equality Based System

To find out how this will work join us  – www.equalmoney.org

FEAR Thy Neighbor – Canada and U.S.

Most Canadians fear sovereignty sellout in border talks with U.S., poll finds

February 18th 2011
Andrew Gable

Here is an Article in today’s paper illustrating the “Mind Set” that humanity is currently locked into, existing in a “bubble” of sorts only focused on their own individual personal interest and not actually seeing at all, the “greater picture” at stake so to speak.

A recent poll found that “Two Thirds of Canadians fear Prime Minister Stephen Harper will “compromise” by giving up too much power over immigration”

The article is discussing a recent proposal between Canada and U.S to adopt common border-security controls that could lead to joint government facilities, sophisticated tracking of travelers, better cyber-security protection and improved oversight of overseas cargo shipped to both countries.

The basic point of the Article, though which was attempting to “shed some light” on some apparent important, valuable, issues facing the citizens of the nation and our future“well being” as ‘Canadians’ actually in fact Once again proved the Oblivion of the Country to the actual real issues at stake here and the greater picture at large.

Ok so what is this article showing.

That we don’t want you coming over into our side of the playground!
That’s what’s important, that’s what’s making news.

It also show “Who we have become”
Who we have become as that which drive and motivate us, that which has become so conditioned within us that we have placed it on the front pages of our newspapers and gave it the utmost value to be regarded as a important topic of discussion and here continue to fuel and support our own Self Accepted Limitation as Life, and in fact not even realize it.

Missing entirely the heart of the matter that what we are doing here is placing our own “Fear” as what is actually important, not even seeing the REAL issue…I mean don’t you find it strange that we have created our existence now into a point where we fear our neighbors. What happened to love thy neighbor? God, and I mean, even “behind the scenes” here it goes still further into the layers of deception we have placed and created into this world which we now give value you to and see as “real issues” as for example “Immigration” which is also what this article is referencing, again showing our total separation of humanity.

It is quite interesting to see that this could become an “election point” where in this “issue” can be brought up by opposition party as a way to gain the favor over the people in the next election, paying on the fears and anger and emotions of the country to win an election



Ok that was pause……………….why? – Because of what this world has come to where ‘gimicks’ and advertising are now is what is being used to form a Government to apparently run the country in the best interest of the people.

This is obviously unacceptable.

Within an Equal Money System as being proposed by Desteni there will be no such thing as opposing parties. Because there will no longer be my government against your government. Equality is the principle which An Equal Money System is based on, and thus it is simple – ALL Countries and ALL on earth will be supported equally.

Obviously we are fucking scared of our neighbors – Because our current system is not at all based in equality but rather based on fighting to the death for power and money – Of course there will be fear in a system like this.

Of course the US is attempting to Boost there power at the expense of others, and of course we are attempting to do the same thing.

Where the Fuck is equality.

Where are the negotiations, and proposals to share and distribute the resources and money of the earth to all equally showing in fact a government that is doing what is best for all and that has the best interests of this world at heart – NO WHERE.

If the Government actually did care what was best for this planet and the people on it they would not be fucking around in meaningless proposals and negotiations about strengthening the boarders and rules and boundaries of the country, which in Fact shows that we are only trying to further separate ourselves from our neighbors and secure our own individual safety and well-being.

Well at Desteni we DO have a proposal that take ALL beings on the Planet into consideration Equality as what is best for ALL, and that if there was an equal money system in place.

The negotiations would not be how to strengthen our boarders but rather how to remove them completely so we no longer live in separation from our neighbors, from other cultures so that we no longer feared other cultures.

There is no reason to have boarders. This only exist now because we did not share equally among each other but rather attempted to hoard everything to ourselves until eventually those that were starving to death came knocking on our doors.

An Equal Money System is Designed for ALL beings and for one existence. To Support ALL that exist. So that the starting point of the system that facilitate our expression and interaction has at its root “the best possible outcome for all”



Free Parking For ALL.

I don’t think so, though with and Equal Money System, having to pay for parking will become obsolete as paying for parking is just another way the government enforces fees and fines onto its people as a way to siphon as much money as possible. This is due to the way the way the current capitalistic system is set up and functions around the world.

What happened to “flow of Society” meaning a system which actually support the ‘creativity’ and ‘functionality’ and ‘expression’ of the human being the society and the world.

There was an article in the local paper today discussing the new amendments to the structure of pay-parking within my city. Nowhere was there any discussion or consideration of making parking free for the community nor any indication of the government even being aware that it is in fact possible to do this.

Why not just make parking free – Within an Equal Money System there will be no need to pay for parking nor will there be a need for all the other various fees and fines around the city that are set up to suck money from the people at every corner – Literally as this can also be seen in traffic cameras placed at each corner/intersections to fine speeders which has very little to do with safety and more to do with making more money.

(Traffic fine revenues which totalled $36.4 million in 2010. The total fine revenue for 2010 is broken down as follows: $18.9 million – officer generated enforcement citywide; $10.9 million – photo radar and $6.6 million – speed on green.)

I mean the way a society is set up is quite startling when one see it is like one big vacuum which is designed to just fucking suck the money out of the pockets of the people.

Obviously this is necessary within a capitalistic system.

And paying for parking is one of those methods. Also paying for transit.

Within an Equal Money System the point/requirement to ‘generate’ money to live will be eliminated and thus along with it all the points which in fact inhibit our functionality and expression as a being on this earth, which are solely placed to generate money.

Don’t you find it strange that one must require to have money to live in this world. I mean look at this point, it does not make sense. A plant or a tree does not require money to live, it simply lives, it grows. The necessary requirements for the plant or tree exist is given unconditionally!

In our world we have taken what occur naturally and imposed a fee on it. I mean you do not have to pay a baby to grow. It is a process which occur naturally – Though what we have done is imposed a system that in fact Suppresses this natural growth, this natural expression of life, as we have Placed and Structured Money in such a way where you Require It to facilitate the best possible growth of yourself as a being on this earth, where IF you have money you are able to have a home, and clean water and good food to eat, so that you grow effectively and your physical is supported, and if you do not have money you are not able to have these things to support/facilitate your natural physical expression. Now that is completely fucked up.

Thus one can look at an Equal Money System from the perspective of it being more like how nature operate where the necessary survival points are “given automatically” rather than have to be paid for. Like for example Sun. I mean as humans we require sun to survive it is a basic physical requirement, just as we require water, just as we are unable to stand outside when it is below freezing without proper material support, ie: Jacket – The simple points which support our physical expression.

At the moment our system is set up where these points are not unconditionally provided but rather one require money first, and that not all have access to money. Thus within an equal money system all will be given a “Basic Income” in so that they can acquire the necessary basics to grow – food, water, shelter, etc…

Within an Equal Money System the Design of money will be re-Designed there will be new “rules” so to speak as to how money will function.
It will now simply exist as a unconditional point, like how the sun unconditionally give enough energy for all to grow. Money is the point at the moment which we use to facilitate our movement within this reality and buy our basics of life. Thus within an Equal Money System money will be designed so that it is an unconditional point and issued to all equally. It will be administered equally and unconditionally as we recognize that all require the basic physical points to Live and Grow, such as food, water, shelter, and that at the moment money is what one require to get these basic ‘survival’ points otherwise their expression is suppressed and will ultimately die if they do not have it – So to say some can have money and some can’t
is absolutely deluded and show the lack of ‘love’ that actually exist in this world. It is in fact playing God and Denying LIFE, I mean what kind of God do you want to be – One that Denys life to some and allows it for others – what a complete fuck up – Or a God that give to all life equally and nurture all points of this existence. Thus an Equal Money System is a System which facilitate the expression of life to all equally so that all have what they require – Not how the current system which is in place as the capitalistic system works, which is in fact a System that Deny Life to Some, and allowing it to others.

Suggest to get on board with an Equal Money System as we require a system that Nurture Life, not Deny it. We require to re-create ourselves as Gods which which provide for all that is here and not just for part of what is here
