2012: The McDonalds Mentality of Ascension and 2012

We like things in our world to be instant, to be automatic. McDonalds comes to mind as an effective  “symbol” for representing this consumerist mentality we have cultivated within ourselves and within this world.

To have everything at our finger-tips instantly, like instant gratification, and instant fulfilment. Obviously western culture being the primary example for this kind of life-style and mentality of man with each one busy striving after “the good life” which has within it this McDonalds attitude to “how things should be” believing that this will actually bring that ultimate experience of satisfaction that everyone is chasing.

So I was looking this whole idea of Ascension and 2012 and realized how this entire point is so much like  and based in this “McDonalds Attitude.”

What to I mean…

Nobody knows exactly what processes are at work “behind the scenes” to make available the kind of life-style that are being lived by 1st world countries. It is like this life just magically appears before us and nobody asks any questions or even thinks to ask.

The clothing magically appears on the racks, the food magically appears at the first window of the drive through, our food doesn’t come from the earth, it comes from the store

We have basically constructed our lives around this McDonalds attitude that just wants everything instantly and has no consideration or awareness for how it actually go there.

And this is Exactly what the entire point of Ascension and 2012 is based on. We have all these apparent spiritual gurus in supporting such ideas basically revealing that they are just as McDonaldized as everyone else that supports / believes in such a point as 2012 and Ascension – Basically just wanting some “Magical Solution” without actually considering or caring to consider what goes on in the background – the inner processes/workings of it all.

Another point I wanted to bring out here is the whole “Magical” side of Ascension…You know, when I create a drawing or art work there is nothing Magical to it. It may seem like it in the end, but I actually had to walk a process step by step until the drawing or artwork was done.

I could explain in detail step by step to another how to do it – Because it was a Real process I walked – Nothing magical, no shortcuts. It is created step by step by step practically in real time.

So I am not opposed to Ascension per-se from the perspective of a world that is more effective and harmonious than the one we are currently existing in – I am opposed to our current accepted and allowed IDEA of what Ascension is and how it is supposed to work.

It is amazing how many people will approach what we are presenting Here at Desteni as the whole process of self change and also the implementation of an Equal Money System as Laughable and Impossible, and in a way making us out to be insane or something for believing that such a “utopia” could exist

I cannot  help but wonder if these same people then turn around and get excited about Ascension and 2012? Because this is the epitome of magical solutions where what we are promoting with Desteni is an actual practical process of self change and self transformation where such points as Equal Money are points to be given practical direction as we walk step by step in bringing forth change in this world. Where we walk every step of the way in awareness of the process we are walking so as to know exactly how we Got there once for instance an equal money system is placed. Total and absolute Self Awareness – No Shortcuts!

Because in a way Ascension is like skipping the entire process of change and just getting to the end part! But you have no idea how you got there – Is this like waking up in someone else’s bed after a night of partying and you have no idea who is sleeping beside you?

It makes much more practical sense to me to focus on self awareness and self direction than wishing or hoping for some magical experience to suddenly transport you to some other dimension. What is the Ascension Bus does not show up?

At Desteni we are not waiting around at the bus stop for some magical solution – We are busy already walking day by day the process of self change and self correction and working towards the development of a world which 2012er’s only know how to fantasize about but have no practical way to actually create it – Is this because they do not like hard work?

People want solutions but are not willing to walk the necessary practical application to create that solution and so just end up agreeing with these nice ideas which imply they can just keep doing what they’re doing and something else will save them.

So I invite anyone who is interested in 2012 and Ascension to join us at Desteni as we are in a way already busy with Walking a process of Ascension – only we are not interested in short-cuts, or Mysterious leaps in time and space , Or McDonalds Mentality or Magical golden arches for that matter– we are interested in how to Actually manifest / bring forth a world change that is best for all. We are interested in self change and we are willing to actually walk the process of self change and not just want to skip to the end!

At Desteni we are making Ascension Practical!

Join us.



2012 Exposed – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrgLFomgsuM

 EQAFE – Self Perfection Merchandise to support practical Self Awareness and Self Change

I turn into a Zombie on Saturdays

I was at work today. Today my mind was rattling on as I was digging this one trench. And also during the day the point came up of the mind wanting to go somewhere else, like going home. I was looking at this point of how at work there is moments where I get fixated on this point of wanting the end of the day to come. Or even like wanting lunch to come. Where the entire time I am working I am looking at my watch or the time for that moment when I can finally break. And I was looking at that experience that occur within me when I get off work. That moment of elation that wash over me as I am finally done now and safe in my car and can drive home. So definitely see that This is a mind point that occur everyday after work, when work is finally done and I have this feeling experience come over me like a momentary high. I see that the point would be to simply walk through that transition without going into an emotional experience of being done work but simply walk through as breath and not accepting and allowing the change in environment to create this experience of self which I give power to. I mean why not just be stable here as self all the time, instead of existing at work within the perception of me as a slave waiting to be free at 5:00pm. Another dimension I was looking at also is that the mind wants to escape points of facing self that we have accepted and allowed and now must face, thus mind does not want to work all day, which is actually a point of walking through what we have created as this world and so at work the mind keeps attempting to run and to escape by dreaming about being home instead of here within and as the task at hand.

I was also noticing this in relation to what day of the week it is. For instance today was Saturday and even though it was my first day back to work in a few days I still approached the day like it was a “Saturday” and so I saw this influence point coming up as kind of an “attitude” or accepted and allowed “approach” to “who I am” in relation to Saturdays, specifically when work is involved. I have been aware of this point before from the perspective of simply walking each day the same from the perspective of establishing self within a point of stability where self is not defined and directed by what day of the week it is rather direction/expression of self is determined by Self in every moment, not by some repeating cycle that cycles as the 7 days of the week going through this particular energy cycle. So I I “re-noticed” this point  today. Its like I become this hypnotized by my own definition of what I have accepted and allowed myself to become when it is Saturday. This means that I can/am able to relax more????lol WTF So the other days of the week I am not allowed to relax and I must be tense? Shit that’s interesting because I see that Saturdays I am actually more relaxed due to not feeling stress to work, like the other normal working days of the week. Basically showing me that I am allowing a program to completely determine my experience of self where I am generally more stressed during the week then Saturday I have programmed in that I can be more relaxed so then I do so. WAFU (what a fuck up)  So My Saturday Program means at work that you really take your time and drag your ass, and take long breaks – Its quite strange because even if there is points to direct at work, and there is lots to do, one still  allow the “slack” point to dominate and influence how one move.  And also that this point is unanimously accepted by others so if you decide that you are going to be directive it throws everybody off and you are going against the grain, so just a way how we have all agreed on these particular definitions in terms of how we function within this world and its just accepted and if you do something different you really fuck people’s life up. So This is a point I see I can give some direction to, where I stop adjusting who I am according to what day of the week it is and just direct me within and as breath within a more constant and consistent application of self and stop accepting this pre-programmed reality to determine how I move an function within this world.