Not Wanting to Move, out of fear of messing up a “Good Thing”

Writing Out My Day.
First, I will slow myself down, breathe, and ok, write.
I woke up a 7am and had a few things to do today, one being “posting my new add” from my Snow Removal Service am offering where I was basically ‘refining’ and ‘tweaking’ my already existing add which I placed 22 days ago. Interesting 21 days was the first initial phase of “my business” where I am the Manager, administrator, labourer, accountant, marketer…etc. Its just me at the moment, but just observing the interesting point of this first phase Lasting 21 days.

A few days ago, as I was looking at the point of “gathering everything in, refining, and then re-placing everything, in terms of just getting more specific with the details of the business, and in a way preparing to expand.

The point that came up was that I saw within me, a fear of doing this, in that, “I might fuck it up” or “mess something up” The phrase surfacing inside of me was, “if it aint broke, don’t fix it”.

So I simply am walking though this point and not allowing it to direct me, meaning I restructured and tweaked the add, and refined the Logo, as well.

So rather I direct me within this point, not fear. I did not want to change the picture because “what if there was points within how I placed and structured my initial add that was “attracting customers” and if I change something, I might fuck up the geometry that is triggering people to reply to the add.

Though what is the point if I do not understand what is actually working about the add, and thus why not refine the point, place it and then assess the “feedback” so that I become clear on how the entire point is actually functioning.

And what is at the bottom of this Fear – MONEY, Fear of “Not Making Money” of changing something and “stopping the flow of money” Ok so simply see here a point of Self Trust, where I, rather than give into this fear, walk in Self Trust, and Common Sense, and allow myself to push through the fears, and even challenge the fears, and Trust Myself to “Keep It Practical” and allow me to “Live the Point” into effectiveness, instead of allowing me to go into a paralysis out of fear of making a mistake.

3 thoughts on “Not Wanting to Move, out of fear of messing up a “Good Thing”

  1. I was also considering earning the money by offering snow removal service, but then I imagined how tired I would be after physically working all day and that this would be too much for me.

  2. Suggest to make sure that your “imaging how tired you would be” is actually valid or if in fact it is self created justification/excuse based on past.

    I had to push through many ideas / resistances about “what I imagined it would be like” if I would have allowed myself ‘imaginings’ to direct me, I would have never done it.

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