Sharing My Daily Process – Settling in At Landscaping Job

So at work at the moment, we are building a fence. A cedar fence. It smells nice and I enjoy working with the wood. I have been cutting allot on the table saw, and the saw slice through the wood quite smooth as the wood is ‘soft’ So I have been busy on this project at work for the whole week. I have enjoyed now starting work and the process of working. There is quite a bit of “moving points” within the job that one must require to align together at certain points in time, and so am pushing myself to get effective with my direction within all this, and essentially just becoming as effective as possible at doing my job.
I have now been more busy the last 2 weeks at this job so things are still opening up and from a certain perspective everyone is still busy aligning with each other, and adjusting ourselves, from the perspective of puzzle pieces which must make some adjustments so that all pieces fit together as one unit, so from this perspective each one is still finding how everything is going to work and move etc.
Each day I see points where I can improve myself within my application at work so this is cool, as I would like to be getting the most out of each moment, no matter where I am or what I am doing.
I mean this is full-on work in the system now so would like to get precise, meticulous, specific, stable, and as directive as possible within this. So yes as mentioned, I am seeing each day areas where I can be more effective.
Like for instance today I was looking at the point of not accepting and allowing myself to be lazy in my communication at any point in the day, where in I do not communicate a point thoroughly and precise but just kind of say what ever comes up, but not really taking on that point of stopping for a moment before I speak from the perspective of making sure that the words I speak are actually going to be clear and give effective direction, as I noticed I would at times, blur words together or not explain my point through using words in my vocabulary that would have made the entire explanation much easier to grasp.
Aside from work, another interesting point came up today as I was standing in the shopping mall. The point is that I noticed that I was seeing/experiencing people as if they were ‘mean’ or “out to get me” or “would get angry” if I spoke or communicated with them. So this is interesting as I have accepted and allowed myself to within this develop a fear of people. Why? Well because I simply expect them to get angry or mad at me or be annoyed at me or things of this nature, if I am even in their presence, let alone actually communicate with them. Because of this perception I had/have towards people, I Always hold-back, and retract myself and never ever communicate with people or strangers, as it is like I expect them to “lash out” So this is one side of it, and I also see a fear of have of the presence of people. What I mean is its like I feared to actually ‘address’ that presence of the being, or bring myself to that level where I am actually communicating with the being as their self presence but rather I would always just speak to them from the perspective of mind/fear, as from a certain perspective I feared actually bringing myself to that point of where I am actually seeing/addressing/experiencing the presence of the being. It is a point of Self Intimacy, and so in seeing this today at the shopping mall, I asked myself; what is it that I am so afraid of as to why I would not ever want to actually stand before a being and actually speak to them like a human being, but always just talk at them reciting pre-programmed phrases but never ever actually communicating anything. It was like I was afraid of actually communicating with them.
It was like I was afraid of what the might say or immediately go into defence mode, and stuff like this. I will investigate this point more and see what else comes up.
So those were a few points from today.

New Job – Preparation

Before I begin writing this I am going to remind myself here, that what I write, is me. And that what I write becomes me. And what I write becomes my inner structure, and therefore to effectively support myself by writing an inner structural support that Stand as what is best for ALL, and that creates a functionally effective human being within the context of what I am currently facing , what I will be facing and where we are going in process in terms of bringing forth equality, an equal money system, a world that is best for all, and a human being that is dignified, self respected, trustworthy, and self honest.

So today I met with my new boss to go over some details of the Job I will be doing this summer, which is Landscaping. I experience excitement and anticipation to “get into the swing of things”, and noticed all sorts of questions coming up inside me that really are only able to be answered in time as I walk the process of the job and see what it is all about, and see where I am effective, and particularly see where I will require to breath and support myself to strengthen my resolve in certain areas. I see one area where this will be required is “afterwork” as the job I will be doing I expect to be quite physical and thus one usually is quite ‘tired’ after work, and so may have to breathe in these moments to be able to continue effectively participating within my written work and desteni process stuff. Other than that I at the moment simply require patients and not get ahead of myself. So Just breath and focus on remaining here and not going into my mind at this stage and creating imaginary worlds of what all will happen in the future to the point of creating anxiety inside of myself.
I am looking forwards to the job, and also getting a more consistent routine in place and have money coming in.
We have a SnowFall warning tonight for the next day or so, so my “ Snow Removal” job may be going out with a Bang Here, or rather…A Flurry!

Re-Designing My Life

So I was busy sending out resumes today. I will be focusing primarily on this point until I get myself a stable job. This is Step One. A step which “went out the window” not to long after I arrived back in Canada, and by “went out the window” I mean became lost within the constant and continuous swarm of thoughts, feelings and emotions of the mind, to the point where this simplistic common sensical first step was not effectively walked or established. Humbling to say the least that it has taken me a year to get to back to step one and realize that I had not effectively placed this step.
I see that this will require diligence to effectively establish. From my perspective I should walk this basic simple step of working a consistent job for a year.
I see that I must practically design my life based on principles. And then within sticking to and walking these principles that I am actually able to change myself. I see that I had not actually effectively “placed a design” so to speak, which to ‘follow’ and because of this, I fell back into following my pre-programmed life.
Interesting. The whole point of Desteni, and Process is for one to Step Out of their pre-programmed life. This means that for every program that one is living as their pre-program, one must effectively place an “alternative” so to speak, where one essentially lay out for oneself, how they are going to walk, how they are going to communicate, how they are going to move, to sleep, to speak to shit, to breathe. How one is going to interact with others, where one is going to get money, how they will go about getting money. Everything must be considered.
One then is literally re-designing their world.
Ok so for this first “Step A” design point, I require to stabilize myself within the system by getting a regular job. This must be a full-time job working a normal 40 hour work week. A part time job will not do. That is it. It is a simple point. Yet because of my programming, if I do not deliberately place this as “what I am going to do” as a course of action, then I will then just continue to follow my programming.
Ok cool.
In terms of Content of this job. This is not priority, from the perspective that Money is the Key aspect of this element. A paycheque that comes in monthly. Content should support what is best for all within the consideration of where and how I can be most effective within process given my current placement.

At the moment I am seeing myself in Canada, where eventually I will have a House and Land. In terms of Education, I am not clear on this yet.
Points I am looking at


not necessarily in that order.

Another aspect of this re-design, is that it will be based on principle. There will be no “feeling attached” to the words as the design as the steps that I will take. It is simply using mathematics to equate what point will accumulate to the next in the equality equation and amount to what is best for all.

Anything to do with “feeling” is the mind, is my programmed life, and thus I must place the points in practical common sense, and stick to them within and as principled living.

Equality Either Lives or Dies by Your Hand.

I see that I wanted equality to manifest, to happen, and then YAH it would be here, be accepted and then one would be able to expressive themselves within this point of equality. Yet I missed the point of “how it would get here” I missed the point that this is actually directly related to my participation. I did not see this, even though I have been told this before, numerous times, but this point escaped me, This point as the clear blue sky became clouded and foggy and I could no longer see this point but all I see is the clouds and the fog. So there is a momentary clearing here so I am writing this down as a record of what I see. I see that Equality is directly related to my participation and expression as equality. The equality that I see and have come to understand within my participation in process is a point which not many see, and this “Not Many” is less than what I even perceive I am sure.

I see that I was waiting for equality to come.
I see that I did not see myself as the one to bring forth equality.
I see that my direct participation with and as equality is directly related to if, when, and how equality emerge.

Thus if I hold back, if I wait, then equality sit there dormant. Why…My understanding is as follows.
Because people do not understand what equality is as it is being shared in process. Equality is not programmed, meaning it has no points to connect to within the current system. It has no place in the current system. Equality does not exist within this world as this world is this system which has no room for equality…why? Because equality will destroy the system. Why would anything make room for something that will destroy it. Lol.

This world is designed to make sure than anyone which support life and self expression feels inadequate. As they become inadequate in the system as that which they support is actually not a part of the system, thus it cannot connect to the system, they cannot connect to the system and end up with not system support, no money, no voice, and perceive themselves as inadequate.

So yes I see that I had “sat back” and was waiting. Waiting for more people to come forth and support equality, not considering the point that these people do not just “come forth” but that they must be ‘gotten’ meaning, would I have even realized the point of equality if I had not see a desteni video. Unlikely as I see that the context that desteni presented was not something that I had herd anywhere before. It was as if the entire context of Desteni was “out of this world”

Equality is not pre-programmed but must be a self-directive Act. Meaning nothing is going to come to me and say “Hey please talk to me about equality” or I am not going to suddenly stumble upon some ‘outlet’, out there in the system that is a match for my equality ‘plug’ Essentially I see that I and that we within the desteni process are the source of equality and thus it is not “out there” anywhere. We are the very edge, the very outside ripple of equality expanding through our self will and self direction into an ocean that has never touched equality before.
Like giving birth to equality if those that stand for equality sit back and wait, then equality also sit back and wait.

I have yet to take an “active role” in bringing forth equality by introducing it to others, yet I now see that if I do not introduce it, if I do not bring it forward and place it into someone’s life, they will never see it. They will never have the opportunity that I had when desteni place themselves into my world through by placing the website and placing the videos.

It seems difficult at times when my entire world do not understand equality, but it is common sense that if I sit back and wait…that, because the entirety of my world is not aware of this point, that there is no point within my world that will bring this point of equality into it. Thus I cannot wait for it. I am the point within my world that must bring forth the point of equality and the emergence of equality is from this perspective my responsibility. The question is. Why do I give up and give in on this point – Do I really want equality in my world. Am I really willing to do what it takes to bring this point forth into my world so that equality does not only exist within my bedroom! But exist also in my household, my world environment, etc. If I do not ‘spread’ equality than thats it, it stops. ‘Spreading’ Equality is not preaching equality. I cannot convince someone of equality, but I can ‘introduce’ it to them. So that is the point I see. That I am able to introduce equality into my world. And that within this context, Equality either Lives or Dies by my Hand

How to give yourself a Headache – Don’t try this at Home.

Ok so I’ve got a bit of a headache at the moment. This headache was interesting as it started early in the evening like suddenly. Normally there is a more gradual process involved but today it was like suddenly in one moment I could see that I had “the beginning of a headache”.
I have been suppressing some points today, and procrastinating somewhat. Though the specific point when the headache arrived is as follows. I went to the coffee shop and book store to just “get out of the house” get a coffee and look around at some books, just ‘unwinding’ a bit. While in the bookstore I started looking at books related to marketing and branding as this is related to the point I am currently busy with which is setting up a graphic design service through a website where I will offer Custom Logo Designs. I do have doubts around doing this and one being in relation to “my experience level” with this kind of thing, as I do not have a certified degree in marketing or business. Anyways I was found a book specifically related to Logos which was quite cool as I enjoy reading about this process and basically at the moment I am collecting all the necessary vocabulary so that I am able to operate within this industry and be able to “talk the talk” so I enjoy reading about how others go about doing Logo and Branding Design as I can pick up Key words, terms, phrases, ideas etc about the process so that as I design how I am going to set everything up I have some guidelines so to speak.
After a while of sitting there looking through this book I decided it was time to go home now and possibly get a few points placed in relation to my own website I am setting up. The process is slow at the moment as I am having to essentially model my design and how it will work very much off of what other people have placed. In fact I have found one designer in particular who basically has his process laid out for all to see, so from a certain perspective am using this as a template to form my own ‘system’ in terms of how to set everything up until I get more experience and then can direct it accordingly.
After reading the book for a while (Around 15 min) I placed the book back in the shelf and started to leave the store. I immediately noticed something that was not there before I sat down and started reading this book. I noticed a build up of pressure, like a very slight headache in the back of my head. So something occurred since the time I sat down and started reading the book, to when I stopped. It was like as I read the book, I started bring up, thoughts, and ideas, and uncertainties, and excitement, and basically activated this entire point that I have been working with for while now and as I left the store experienced a slight headache in the back of my head. This indicate to me that I have created allot of energy around this point.
It made sense because this point of setting up this whole Logo Design point has been challenging at times, and especially over the last few days in getting the structural layout and placement of the content together has not been easy but I have really had to labour and work my way through it. I mean when I read about in books, it all seems so easy, like I get it. But then when it gets down to actually placing the structure for myself I simply do not have the experience and so it does not just flow out of me but I have to find the information and arrange it word by word.
So that initial starting point of that headache that was triggered in that moment in the book store quite quickly escalated into a full blown headache within a few hours, And due in part to how I have been participating with this logo point where I have had allot of judgements and doubts, and uncertainties about it and basically pressurizing the points within me instead of “moving them through” by directing them physically and pushing myself to simply walk through this stage of placing the content so that I can just get this point through. Instead I have suppressed the point at times and so as a consequence end up with a headache like this one where in I go into suppression instead of expression and direction.

Anxiety Demon – Shoulders and Back Pressure

I had an interesting point come up today. I could see today that I was experiencing quite a bit of anxiety. I could immediately identify that yes I was experiencing this anxiety but was not able to pin-point exactly why, or what was the point or points that I was working with/ dealing with.
So this energetic possession I experienced moving within me was quite prominent, and I did experience myself being possessed by it as I was not able to relax. This was quite strange because there was not “real reason” why I would be experiencing this point today. From a certain perspective it seemed out of context, that is why it was so odd. Firstly because it was out of context, and secondly it just kind of came over me…in fact if I look I see that I was experiencing this point when I woke up this morning.
I have been busy lately and having to direct and move many points so I can relate this energetic anxiety to this, though even in looking at/investigating these points today in relation to this experience I was having, it had no affect on this energetic experience take over. I experienced allot of pressure in my upper upper back, in my shoulders. This point did not “move into a headache” as it often does, but rather I experienced a compounding build up of pressure moving into, and in a way being stored in my shoulders which created quite a pressure and pain and strain there. It was a heaviness there also and a tenseness, so like this anxiety within myself accumulating and building up and sitting in my upper back shoulders area.
Then at around 9 oclock tonight the point released. I do experience still traces of this , though I experience myself as more relaxed and actually able to stop. As one of the characteristics of this energetic possession I experienced today is not actually being able to stop. Its like I am stuck on auto mode and I just do stuff, though am not able to be here, and to stop. Its like I am unable to stop myself.
There was one specific point which I did eventually get to tonight at around the time I experienced this energetic point release, which was the point of writing some content for my website, but in assessing my daily activities today I did not see that I was suppressing this point, but that I would eventually get to it, which I did, though here, to simply consider the point of am I able to be more specific with myself and that as I move within my process I will require to become more and more specific within myself and within my self-direction.
The content I did eventually “get to” around the time the energetic possession point released had to do with sorting out basically the “money aspect” business I am developing. I had some reservations and uncertainties about facing this point as I did not know exactly how I would place the content and also see a point of ‘doubt’ or ‘inadequacy’ within this point I was facing where I saw myself as “not equal to the task”. The task being the service which I will be offering in the business and more specifically the money that I would be asking for it. As the service alone I am confident of, it is when money gets involved that I start to go into a reactive state.
I see that I did “create the point” to be ‘important’ where I gave it a certain value as I had actually feared it and was uncertain about it so was in my day often looking at the point and so from this perspective building it up and so experienced some nervousness towards approaching it, but also wanting to get it moving as well.
Ok well that’s all for tonight.

Breath Walking – Desteni Process Blog.

Today I was up early to shovel snow. And again tomorrow as well. The forecast is calling for a few days of snow coming up so I will be breathing and simply walking one day at a time.
I have noticed a bit of a tendency lately to slightly go into a form of ‘pushing’ from the perspective of ‘pushing within and urgency’ So this is a Red Light as the point as I see it is to Stop. And no more accept and allowing that ‘urgency’ to direct me, to come in through the back door and kind of massage its way ‘into me’ without me noticing.
I worked on some graphic design stuff today, as well as mind construct stuff and other computer work. Though as I have been writing about lately is the point of Self-Direction from the perspective of slowing myself down to a Stop, so that I actually stop, and get out of my mind. I realize that there is no point in attempting to do what’s best from the perspective of doing this from the mind. I must stop and get here into the physical. And I am interested to see how this goes as well, to actually Stop, and see what this is like.
So I see the point of keeping it simple coming up here and not overcomplicating things, but rather just keep it simple and breath and be here. I noticed that I was carrying a belief around that “it is not possible to be Here in the system” meaning that because of how everything is set up in terms of the world system that it is not actually possible to be Here. I have realized that this is just a belief so now am in the process of living the realization I had that “wait a minute – I don’t have to live in anxiety all the time actually” So have really been pushing me to take my time with points past couple weeks. Like a turtle! lol.
Winter will be over soon hear in Canada and so I have one more month of doing snow removal and then that job will be over. And I must say I am actually quite grateful how this point has worked out so far. It actually supported me through the winter when I was not successful at finding a stable a job so this was a very cool temporary solution. Though it will be done soon.
Because of this I have been busy lately working on my Logo for the graphic design service. I have gone through many revisions to get to a point where I am satisfied with the “lay-out” and today a point came through which I was satisfied with and so will be able to move from this point now and also co-incidentally my paypal funds went through so will be purchasing the web-host asap and getting the graphic design point set up on wordpress.
Will be nice now to move into this stage and get some physical points placed to see how it will move. I really have no idea of the system will start generating money within the month, or if it will take three months or 6 months. I am still learning when it comes to doing stuff like this so I will find out as I go in a way. I mean I can do some preliminary assessments but then I am required to test the point in actual real 3d to see what is effective and what is not working etc… So what is here now is to simply get the basics laid out on the website and start by getting an “introductory add” together to get initial clients.
So if the point moves effectively within the next month and I see I will generate sufficient income for me to support myself then cool – when my snow job is finished on the 21st then I will be able to make the transition into this next business. Though if it will require more refining and time before it starts generating income then I will start around mid march to start looking for a summer job.
I have never tested the “graphic design” market before. It ‘seems’ like there many people that require this service though as I mentioned, I must test what I see, and what “seems like” the case.
So that is some points that I am busy with at the moment. And Breathing. Remembering to Breath when the surges of anxiety come up as a form of fear of not having enough money and running out of money and what if things don’t work out, and so when this occur, I breathe, and do not participate because there is no point to participating. I see these surges as my program, as my pre-design, as my mind, as that which is there to keep me locked into “myself as the mind” So I see that effective support Here is to Breath and remain Here, and move the physical. Movement of the physical is Key, and that this movement takes place once one is consistent and constant within their application, otherwise movement is slow or does not take place at all, so here this is where I use breath as a support within self direction and self movement and I move myself.
And I experiment and explore this application of breath as support to get myself here and stabilize myself Here within consistent application and movement of self here in the physical.

Self Reflection on Consistency and Constancy

I have a sore throat at the moment. I haven’t experienced a sore throat like this in a while so it is a ‘new’ point. It is not overly painful or anything like that. It is just a bit tender and scratchy. I have been busy the last few days, and have been pushing myself to be more busy. Though within this I have realized that I must do this in breath otherwise I will crash, or fall, or end up in a battle with energy, attempting to fight energy and that I have found is not cool and not sustainable and not ‘constant’. So I have been seeing this point of breath, and Here and the physical as a cool reference point the last few weeks and have been focusing on slowing myself down so that I can actually start getting myself effective within my world and within this reality and actually live that which I up to now have ‘wanted’ to live but have not yet been able to practically live in fact. And this is simply to be effective within my reality and within myself. It is not to do something amazing or anything like that, it is just to be effective. I mean if I cannot be effective within my world in my application then there is no point of taking on anything else, so it is simply a point of getting myself consistent within my application and effective in my basic day to day tasks. I realize that I have to stop, that everything and anything I do is not going to be effective unless I am Here. So have been really pushing myself to slow down and get Here. And so push past my accepted and allowed energetic boundaries, doing this by not allowing myself to focus so much on energy. Obviously it is to stop energy all-together as I see it but for the moment I realize that it is still a process.
So I have not been able to be totally here the last few days. I see it like this… Like a treadmill, you can run and run and run and run and really work up a sweat running your ass off on the treadmill, but you actually never get anywhere. Rather Stop, and be Here, which means to step onto solid ground (the physical)and walk And then you actually move, and you do not have to run and race, because even in simply walking you cover much more ground than you ever did running your ass off on the treadmill.
I find when I am Here I am calm, but the last few days I have been in a bit of anxiety to and towards my world. Like over what might happen in the future or this week or tomorrow and making sure everything is in place. So I have been focusing on physical movement so I don’t get to the end of the day and think, “oh I wish I would have done that” though I have noticed that at the end of the day I still experience myself in a kind of rush to get each thing done, and so this is where I see the point of me not being here, as long as that little ‘twinge’ of ‘hurry’ and ‘rush’ exist inside of me, I am not Here.
Writing Self Forgiveness
I found with the Self Forgiveness that I was writing within the SRA course on mind constructs there was quite a bit, so I experienced a point of “a deadline” and found I tended to rush to meet this deadline instead of being Here when I wrote the Self Forgiveness.
Pushing to hard – I see I am doing this. I am pushing to hard, and this indicate I am moving and directing myself within and as and from the starting point of fear, as fear is the reason I push to hard, as “I must move” and it is that ‘must’ which is the point of fear and anxiety that “I am not doing enough” And so this is where I see the sore throat point coming in. As I am over extending myself trying to cover to many points at once instead of giving myself enough time for each point and then focusing on that point, and doing it and not allowing me to become distracted by the mind and go off on these little mind holidays, but rather focus on the task at hand, and direct the necessary physical points to complete the task and then move onto the next task. If something takes to long there is no point in going into fear over it as this only indicate that you/I am existing from a mind perspective, as within the mind, any “change of plans” is like the world ending. I see that within my world, I jam pack all these points tightly together in a day and think ok I am going to get this stuff done today, but I experience myself as if I am always “right on the edge” meaning ‘one little slip up’ and that’s it, my world will crash down.
And from a certain perspective this is true. This is how I have accepted and allowed myself to design and create my world, where there is no room for one little mistake because if this happens the chain of events might lead to me end up missing my rent or something like that, so this is a point with regards to how I have created my world. I noticed this before so it is cool to see this point again and realize Ok, I must direct myself within my world in such a way where I give myself some “breathing room”
The way I see to do this which I have discussed before is consistency and constancy. I mean if I can just remain constant in my application , that is like walking here in breath all day long instead of spending half the day speeding on the treadmill actually getting nowhere. I see consistency and constancy and more like nature, like the tide coming or even more, like snow.
Snow is fascinating because when it is snowing it can be this light fluffy stuff coming from the sky and you just observe it and it falls, it does not rush onto the ground, it simply falls and slowly but surely it accumulates. So slowly you can almost not even see it accumulate. And then in one single night as you sleep the accumulation of the snow – not rushing – but just falling flake after flake brings an entire city to a halt and then there is a massive amount of attention and energy that must then be directed on this point. So slow and steady

Having a Closer Look at my Day – Desteni Process Blog

I woke up to my alarm this morning at 6am…I got up and looked out the window to see if it had snowed. It had not so this meant I did not have to go out to work, which I was not expecting anyways. So I got back under my warm covers telling myself it was only for a moment. I laid there and allowed the point of possibly falling back to sleep all the while attempting to motivate myself through thinking to get up and out of bed. I eventually got up at 6:45. I experienced anger and guilt. But not allot, where I find the longer I sleep in past my alarm then the more anger and guilt I experience, depending also on where I am “in the cycle” meaning if this is a repeating point then I tend to become more angry and have more guilt. Ok so I was up and was a bit angry with myself but not much I can do about it now.
I don’t see, or have found that I am not able to “forgive myself” for doing this, because that would be like trying to forgive yourself “after the fact” for doing something instead of applying forgiveness in the moment to support self to push through a specific resistance. The correction for this point as I have I am sure mentioned before is to simply stick to the alarm and stop allowing myself to short change myself when I see I am capable of doing something.
On my way to work this afternoon I decided to stop and get a coffee which I often do when going to work, I noticed as I pulled up into the parking-lot that I experienced a little electrical experience of excitement rising out of my stomach and into my chest area, like one of those “sparkler thingy’s” that you light and they fizzzzzz and shoot off bright sparks all over. This was definitely a positive charge from the perspective of maybe possibly seeing someone that I might find attractive working or being in the cafe, so it is like this aspect of relationship still existing inside of me which “pops up” in moments because I can see that this seemingly small electrical charge that came up is actually connected to the relationship point and sex point.
As I walked towards the cafe from my van, In one moment I lost my footing on the ice and nearly fell but adjusted my feet in time to catch myself before I fell. I experienced my ‘ego’ come up immediately and showed me how extensively I was/am existing within my ego personality from the perspective when I slipped I experienced embarrassment as now my ‘image’ of who I was in that moment existing as completely shattered, as in that moment I was cool and collected, and serious, and professional, and precise and surely do not slip on the ice and flail my arms all about to try and re-gain balance. So it was a physical movement point here to in how I move within my specific presentation. Such a fuck up as the “Flux” I experienced as movement as embarrassment was quite allot from my perspective which indicate the degree I was not Here but rather existing as an ego, and I am seeing to also how this become more prominent as I go out in public. Upon entering the cafe I experienced immediate relief within myself, like a point of inner relaxation come over me as I noticed it was a male working the till, as I experienced fear that there may be an attractive women working the till. This is actually quite an odd point. Ok so I experience excitement within myself that I might encounter an attractive women. But then I go into fear over this point to the degree where I tense up and am no longer myself at all, and then when seeing it is a male working the till, I completely relax and am able to “be myself” otherwise I would just be this robot locked in fear if it were an attractive women. So yes obviously this point requires specific direction so that I no longer have this reaction at all to women but rather get to the point where I am not longer controlled by this point but that I am directive, here, myself, with no matter who.
I Got my coffee and went, I did not tip, felt a slight negative charge, guilt, what will they think that I did not tip.
Coffee was perfect. I was pleased and looked at the person who made my coffee thinking he is experienced at his job and is stable in making the coffees and so got a cool coffee.
When I got to work I again experienced that slight excitement within rising from my stomach into my chest, this was due to a worker that I have not yet met but only know of and wondering if today maybe I will meet this person and what she might look like. So same point as before, relationship and sex. In these moments I simply breath and do not go into the point. Sometimes I go into it but I realize the point is to simply not, to breathe and just breathe and support self to remain here with and as self and stop all participation in energy, this is the understanding that I apply.
You know, what goes up must come down. I am seeing this point now as well within my writing here from the perspective of writing from and within the starting point of energy where in if I build up all this energy to write a blog and then launch myself into it, it is like this rolling ball of momentum until the energy runs out and then the blog is over. Rather I see the point of being constant and consistent within the point of writing where I support myself by not accepting and allowing myself to go into energy when I write as what goes up must come down. So within this I can support myself in my process as I do much writing and have been exploring this point of remaining Here within and as the physical as I direct myself within my world and in this case writing as a way to be more consistent and not “burn out” all of the sudden.
So will be cool also to just expand this point and identify all the moments and points within my world where I access energy and to stabilize myself here by rather than moving within my day within and as energy, I direct myself within and as the physical and stick to the physical and breath as I walk. It is quite interesting to see how extensively I have existed within energy in my life as I always considered myself to be “more stable” and not so much energetic but am now seeing that I live much of the time within and as energy, and so to step out of this “existing as energy” has been cool, and from a certain perspective has only just begun. This entire reality is based on energy, on positive and negative and so will be pretty cool to see how it goes in terms of walking the process of “stepping out of energy” from the perspective of being directed and moved and influenced by this but rather where one direct oneself Here as Life as the practical consideration of what is best for all. So it is a change in principle so to speak, from the principle of directing myself according to energy, to directing oneself according to what is best for all.

Ultimate Excuse Exposed!!! – “Im too tired to Get Up”…Or Am I.

Using the excuse that “I am too tired” so that I can sleep a little longer in the mornings is clearly a justification, and oh god I really sell this one too, like stretching and moaning and moving lethargic – “Oh just a few minutes longer”

Oh Please.
This is not valid because any morning I have to get up to go to work, I just get up, instantly, as soon as the alarm goes off – this proves that I in fact can “get over” tiredness by willing myself up, in one breath as I do it every morning when I work – thus, “I am too tired” is not actually real. I just make it.

No matter how tired I am in the mornings when I work, or have something “time sensitive” that requires direction, I get up. proving I am in fact able to get up even though it may “seem like” I am really tired.