Daily Writing – Oct 2

Daily Writing – Oct 3

The Point of “Not Having a Job” has come up in a SRA session, so I am going to write about it here, as this has been a prominent point now that has been coming up. Today and yesterday in particular I have noticed more thoughts coming up with regards to this point. The experience in relation to these thoughts as been, ‘heavy’, ‘dark’, ‘black’, Like ‘Tar’ and “Heavy Dark Clouds” I have been ‘fighting’ within this point from the perspective of ‘attempting’ to remain Here as I direct myself during my day, and not go into the experience, but I have found this point is like a point that sits inside of me, like a point of dishonesty. I see this experience as a “Resonant Point”.  The memory of the Farm comes up now, where I was going through a similar experience of “Resonant Possession” which I see as ‘Fear’. Though I cannot recall the exact point I was going through, I simply remember the experience I was having was like a ‘Fear’ or ‘Anxiety’ that just sat heavy in my chest and I could not “shake-it” no matter what I tried, also this is the same point that I had coming up within the Agreement where it was like a ‘point’ that prominently discordant with the rest of everything else and within this cause ‘warble’ in a way that start very small, and expand and expand until I am consumed by this intense energetic fear’ anxiety sitting in my chest. This Experience in relation to ‘work’ and ‘job’ is exactly this point of resonant possession that went through on the farm. So I must look at this point. The point with the agreement I found that I had to direct myself to “make a decision” within the agreement to either continue or not, and found that within looking at the point, that they only way to actually ‘address’ the “inner warble” from the perspective of directing that discordant point within myself was to end the agreement within the decision to “go back to the matrix” So if I look at this point here now what do I see. Firstly that I am experiencing fear because I don’t have a job lined up. I have enough money to last me for about another two to three weeks. So the thoughts and experiences coming up are – “what If I can’t find a job” I mean the experience I am having at the moment is that of fearing running out of money. Plain and Simple, that is the fear. It is not weather what I am doing is effective or not, it is the point simply of fearing running out of money, and not being able to find a job from the perspective of being ‘stuck’ and then having to go back to my parents house, but now this is just getting into projection.

Another point that has been coming up today is the point of SRA, because as I write out this point here, the point of using SRA to look at the point comes up, yet within this there is a frustration because I am so all over the map with SRA, meaning, I still have not established a stable foundation for this application yet. I today have just now signed back up so am busy downloading every lesson from the beginning so that I have Everything Organized as that will be my starting point for starting again with SRA. The last few month have been difficult because I have not know weather or not to Do SRA or to just stop until I signed back up, so occasionally I would do a little bit here in there on my own, but felt “out of place” and ‘disconnected’ due to the fact that I was not signed up for SRA, and did not have a buddy, and was kind of just “on my own” this application was not effective as I ended up experiencing myself that I was not getting anywhere with my sessions. So today when I went onto the Forum I noticed that everyone was doing the lessons in what seemed like an orderly fashion and I just felt overwhelmed and frustrated , like, shit I have to start from the very beginning again to get this point stable and effective, and so just say off into the distance with no end in site so to speak. Ok Self Forgiveness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am “way behind” with SRA

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel that I am lost

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust a feeling

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust thoughts feelings and emotions of the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I did my sessions wrong and that I was ineffective with my SRA structural development and thus have not solid foundation and that my whole process with SRA thus far is pointless and counts for nothing, and that I must start ALL over.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience jealously towards others who seem to have all of their SRA in order.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into frustration over this point, within defining myself and seeing myself as “someone who is unorganised”

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not effective with SRA, and that what I have done thus far is irrelevant and not valid.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to count myself out so quickly

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within my application of SRA instead of forgiving myself unconditionally.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go into memories of myself within writing and how I experienced myself as so ineffective within this point.

I see this one memory in particular where I was sitting at the computer and I had been working on an Essay for days then. I have written something like 6 copies of the essay and could just not get the thing to work. I experienced so much frustration, sadness and anger, This is the exact point that I am experiencing at the moment which has/is coming up with SRA. Even as I write this point out here I see the experience of frustration coming up and anger and sadness, particularly because I have not “structure” to place and organize my writing in. I mean SRA is supposed to be that structure and mine is not effective, and I have not established a structure yet to place each point specifically and be able to see and ‘direct’ that point within clarity and within context. So this is a bit frustrating that this point has not yet come through.  Its like I just fucking write, I just write in the moment when it comes up and when its over, its over. Although now, I am lost because I have never bothered to structure the points that come up in a way which supports me so that I do not ‘repeat’ myself which is the point I see coming up here. That I have done so much work, so much writing, so many pages, and I feel as if all of this work is ‘lost’ and that I have to “do it all over” because I did structure myself effectively and all this work that I have done, is now incomplete, and disorganized. Like a mess inside me. And I don’t know weather to continue, or to abandon ship and start all over again.

So these have been two prominent points that I have been experiencing today.

There is also the point of doing to many things, and not actually getting any flow or rhythm in what I am doing because its like I do 100 little things each day, and never get a rhythm and actually get results.  Its like I am spread out all over the place, So I must address this, I see it as I have/am attempting to do to many little different things in one day, and because of this never actually get past the surface of anything and get in a little deeper because I don’t give myself the time a space to do so. So must look at this point. One practical solution would be to Structure my days based on a week rather than on a day, meaning I don’t do everything everyday, but rather spread out the tasks to only certain specific days where i can do this.

So getting back to the job. Ya I experience fear with this point. Like when I sit down to draw, because I actually sat down to draw today, this fear comes up. If someone Handed me 5000 dollars right now, I surely would not rush into a job, this indicates that “it is not the job” per-se that is causing the anxiety and fear within me from the perspective of “what I am doing here at the moment with internet work and some drawing once and while” being not valid and that I must find a job that is more practical and supportive in this reality – The actual point here is cold hard cash. This is the priority point as to why I am experiencing this anxiety resonant point, I mean I look at it, if I had sufficient money, the anxiety and fear, would simply not be here.

Fascinating – So in seeing this point I can stop with the Guilt within doing art, although I see this guilt point in relation to art actually being linked to money – will have to look closer at this.

Writing Self to Freedom – Daily Writing – Oct 1 2010

Ok time for daily writing.

So today was day 1 of 21 days of Self Direction. I Started this application as a way to assist and support myself within this process of Standing Up and Standing Stable. The primary reason I ‘placed’ this point was to have a structural support which establish clear application guidelines from the perspective of before placing this 21 day application, I understood the point of applying myself in self honesty, and that within this I was beginning to develop some consistency though I continued to allow “moments of mind possession to take over” and thus have started this application to simply clarify for myself How I will stand, and what I will not accept in terms of actually placing a definitive decision where there is “no mistake” as to what I am doing, how I am applying myself, and the guidelines there-in. And so I walk 21 days of Self Direction. Within this One of the primary focus points is to STOP those moments where before I would allow “mind possession” these moments specifically I am referring to here are those ‘smaller’ moments or moments which I allowed myself participation within the mind due to not having clear definitive principles in place. I simply allowed a certain level of vagueness and obscurity to remain within me, which acted as a “back-door” or ‘vial’ with which I could in moments, quickly slip out of sight and into the mind.  So within this application my attention is Here with Self in every moment where I do not accept and allow myself to justify participating within the mind in those instances that I have clearly seen for myself are the mind, but had not effectively directed yet and continued to “slip into” thus within 21 days of Self Direction, I am taking those points which I have seen for myself as being “the mind” and I am Stopping, and I am simply remaining Here with and as myself as breath. As Silence.

So now looking at any big reaction/energy points I had today.

Was actually a fairly ‘even’ day. I got signed up to SRA again today, so looking forward to participating here again. It is a point that I stopped when I left the Farm. Though initially I attempted to continue with it, I eventually had to stop due to my situation requiring to get settled first. Over the last two weeks I have been getting my SRA stuff together and continuing with doing some sessions on myself. I kind of experience myself all over with the SRA, probably due to the fact that I have not been enrolled in the course and thus have not set guideline or direction in this way.

Anyways today I just organized a bit, and did a little of everything. I have been doing allot of that. Like doing multiple things during the day, spending a little time on each one.

I really feel like I have nothing to write tonight. Just cant get the flow here.

When I woke up, I experienced myself as being awake, I got up when my alarm went off and did not lay in bed as long as usual. Perhaps tomorrow I will take on the point of getting up with the first breath. Where in I open my eyes, in on breath direct myself out of bed and into the day, and not allow for that moment where I go ‘oooohhhhhh just 1 more minute’

I took some photos of my Art today, so I can place them on the Etsy Website. I place at least one item a day on there. I am testing out the principle of 1+1=2 where when one apply oneself consistently on a point day in and day out, eventually it will grow. So this has been an interesting process because I have yet to sell an Item. However the point is to apply myself within consistency, and continue to add one item a day, brick by brick by brick, and not go into points of energy in relation to this but to keep it simple, and based on principal of consistent application. I most definitely would have given up already before due to thinking and believing that my work is just not meant to sell. I mean now when these thoughts come up, I simply stop them, and see the point for what it is, it is irrelevant what thoughts and emotions and feelings come up in relation to this point, If I continue to place items consistently 1 by 1 by 1 eventually I will make sales. And so this is a cool platform to test myself in this application of applying self in consistency and constancy and slowly but surely compounding the point. And also it has been cool to see the reactions and energetic fluxes I have in relation to this point, like for example when I see that nothing has sold and the thought comes up “how long am I going to have to wait” and I simply do not participate, I mean for a moment I might go into the thought, but have been quite clear on what is energy and thought and mind, and what is principal. And thus simply stick to the principal and not the mind. So has been cool support in this way to. I Think I have around 30 Items now, or 25 or something like that. So I will just keep placing. This point of applying myself within constancy and consistency I developed since I joined desteni, particularly this point of understanding came through while at the Farm. And this now is the one of the first opportunities I have had to apply it here in the Matrix, from the perspective of applying the principal of consistency and 1+1+1+1…to support myself here in the real world. Pretty Cool. But that’s it for the writing.

Writing Self to Freedom – Daily Writing Out My Day – Sept 30th 2010

Writing Out My Day Here.

I woke up to go to work today. I experienced some resistance to this, and apprehension, which is why I slept in until 9:00am instead of getting up earlier. I used work as a kind of reward system, like my reward is getting to sleep in because I have to go to work, so enjoy the comfort while it lasts. In the morning it was the first time in a while where I actually “had to be somewhere” so I was a bit pressed, like the first time I was obligated to be somewhere. I was a bit nervous and also excited to see what the day would bring. This was my first time giving a hand at this shop ‘for real’. Helped out before but was for very short time. Anyways Firstly I had to “deal with my Van” as there was a gas leak problem and the thing not starting all that well, and my passenger window was stuck down. Because of this I experienced some tightness within myself the night before and in the morning, hoping and wondering that things would work out. As I write this I see’ experience this point of tightness also in relation to my ‘student loan thingy’ where I placed in the wrong digits on the application and then they did like an ‘audit’ thingy on me, so facing this point at the moment as well and walking though. Before work I went to buy some tools, as I thought that I could be able to afford this. I am becoming more selective with regards to what I buy, as I have not definitive stable point of income yet in place, though today was cool because it was a start, although I see that even though it does help, it does not ‘satisfy’ this ‘survival’ point with regards to needing a certain amount of money to survive, and thus see still that there is a point of anxiety in me still that ‘runs deeper’ than what this “helping at the shop today’ ‘covers’ in terms of providing some income. So I purchased some tools and headed out to the parking lot to attempt to ‘jimmy’ my passenger side window up as it was stuck down and they are automatic. But I was at least satisfied that I made it to the hardware shop because I was slightly nervous that this was going to be a big problem and that my van might not even start in the morning, though as I write here I see that this point was primarily a projection of feat of the “expecting the worst” and having bad things happening to my van and me having to pay allot of money and things like this. So Here I was in my van, with the plyers crammed into the window seam and I was trying to yank the window back up but it would not budge, I gave it few attempts and felt slightly embarrassed as a man walked by and saw me trying to do this. I experience a point of self consciousness relating to how I have defined myself where in I saw myself through the mans eyes as being ‘just some kid’ with a piece of junk car. Interesting because I see the point within me where I “don’t want to be see this way” as the person with the beat up car and struggling to get by. From a certain perspective I identify this point of “struggling to get by” as a point that I in a way used to live, and experience emotional turmoil around, like sadness, and low self worth and points like this. So as I came back to Canada, this was one of the points that I was in a way determined not to accept and allow to exist as me and within my world. So in that moment when the man walked by, there was a degree of my expression where I was “attempting not to live that way anymore” where I was trying to ‘pull’ myself out of that was of being as there I was attempting ‘pull’ my window back into place, where I could restore or quickly correct these mis-alignments which I identified and connected to this “old pattern”  So just wanted everything back in place again. Moving on – I checked my watch and realized that I had to be a work in 15 min so had to put the window thing on hold – I hopped in the drives seat and the van started up and I was on my way. I figured I would be meeting some new people today at work, so this would be interesting to see how I experienced myself in relation to meeting new people. I find I still have the point within me where in the “back of my mind” I am wanting to meet or come into contact with a girl that is around my age or is ‘compatible’ with me, which if I look at the point would be any girl between the ages of 18 and 35 really. I see the point of in meeting someone within these parameters I am/would actually be ‘engaging’ mind constructs and systems related to energy that I have created and accepted and allowed as myself. Though I do see the point also of wanting to communicate/interact with someone my age. I mean it is always cool to meet new people, and I find it is ‘More’ cool to meet new people now, because I find I am much more stable. And find it easier from a certain perspective to interact with them or rather where ‘I’ am more comfortable within myself, no matter what they are doing. Its like I can ‘see’ them better, which disarms reactions I may have had before. Less Resistance and More Embracing people. So When I arrived there was this girl working at the shop who I Introduced myself to, Her name was ‘Matti’ – Lol, well I think maybe though it was ‘Maddi’ in any case she was around my age so in a way this put me at ease – Shit! Never saw that point before of ‘being at ease’ with people my age, so a point in relation to why I would want or desire to be around someone my age. I noticed initially when I introduced myself she was a bit nervous, not overly, but rather normally nervous where at first our words kept bumping into each other. Though I found myself to be quite stable and not going ‘into’ any prominent anxiety points, though anxiety/nervousness was there, it was only slight and I found I was quite stable, enough so to be able to give the conversation suitable direction, And not get hung up on any words. This was pretty cool, to see that even though I perceived her as being a bit nervous, that I remain quite stable. The Furniture store where I worked today, moving around furniture, is quite a “High-End” store and the stuff costs allot of money – thousands of dollars for designer furniture. You could tell with some of the stuff as you picked it up and moved it around, that it really had no substance to it, and was purely sold as an idea of value. Quite Fascinating – there was not 1+1=2 equation directing the point at all, and you could see that everything was based on making a profit. So the point of money was quite prominent for myself today as I could see that these people move allot of money around, like LOTS! It was cool to observe the Boss women who came in later, sell to the customers. And for me to observe how she stands in relation to this point of money and value particularly when she was discussing prices with clients, It was actually pretty cool to eaves drop a bit, she seemed quite stable in the point and had little reaction if any when stating a price to a customer that “this couch is 12 thousand dollars” “or this fabric is 4 thousand” I mean, its a freaken piece of cloth. So cool to see here with no/little reaction, and simply Selling stuff for money.   I enjoyed working with the furniture and seeing all the designs and styles and seeing how they run their system. There was actually some pretty cool furniture in that store. Also we were arranging the show room and stuff so actually thats quite cool and “up my alley” as it was like walking or being ‘inside’ of  a painting, and moving shapes and colors as furniture and fabrics and lamps around. So I felt ‘somewhat comfortable’ as I was still reluctant in a few different ways to fully express, obviously, as there is this point of where/when you meet people for the first time, particularly with  a job, I found I had a very specific expression. Very controlled so to speak…not giving to much away, but also ‘constant’ in my application of working steady, and getting things done. Overall it went fairly cool. It was a cool change to actually do some physical work today, working here with my hands in a completely differen
t environment and to see how I experience myself and direct me in different environments, I was quite comfortable within working there. Just walk and breathe and walk. Its really the same with everything where ever your are. I also took some supplies they were going to throw out like some boxes and plastic wrap stuff which I figured I can use to package any art work I sell. Still emotional stuff coming up in relation to this art work point – what if I don’t sell, what if this is a repeating pattern – what if I am unintentionally sabotaging the thing – what if my frequency is not clear, and influencing my presentation of my shop – stuff like this coming up still. And also still not clear with regards to how to place everything. Like today this guy on ‘etsy’ (the art shop thingy) invited me to his group “the men of etsy” and on the group they feature and share the work of the members, I immediately went into uncertainty with regards to how to go about this. I mean I still quite adamantly avoid placing my “etsy stuff” on facebook because that’s like ‘desteni’ turf and I have this ‘feeling’ that I am “mind fucking myself” on this whole ‘Etsy’ point. And as I have been finding that with the “etsy” shop that I ‘advertise’ on sites that are not desteni related, so its like still keeping the two worlds apart in a way. I see a point of shame within me where I experience myself as being dis-honest for doing “Etsy” because it is only being done for money. The primary point is seeing. experiencing myself as only living in self interest, and that if I was self honest I would not be doing etsy – though from my perspective, this point is not entirely clear yet, so I will continue to push the point and see where/if things become more clear with regards to the whole thing. I also see the point of anger and fighting come up with regards to “not being allowed to do etsy” Almost like a mini tantrum coming up here. Fascinating I see this “mini tantrum” come up often in relation to the art point. Like I am never able to simply just express me in this point but that it always has to have these “strings attached” and emotional bullshit coming up.  I am going to MC a Word Here to assist with clarification – Ok so tested out the Word ‘Hesitancy’  So points that come up with regards to this, are firstly the point about hesitating with regards to doing the ‘Esty’ shop, like tip-toeing in, not sure if it is the ‘right’ thing to do. So this cause some frustration within me as I would actually really just like to walk into the point, apply myself and not have to wonder or worry if “I should feel guilty or Not”

Ok going to stop there for Tonight.

Oh one more point which just came up – Hesitancy in Walking in the Matrix and Making directive decisions for myself, where in I still allow myself to question the point instead of seeing clear what is the practical common sense of the point, and there-in direct the thing. So hesitancy coming up with regards to me trusting myself to see in common sense. So the correction is to actually just walk and apply myself and TRUST MYSELF that I am actually able to see and direct myself within what is best for all and let of the beliefs that I have that “from some reason” I am unable to do this. Which is simply a belief. I Mean I have never directed myself in Self Honesty before in what is best for all – So why would I just assume that I cannot do this if I have never even tried. Ok – that was just a point that came up.

Writing Self To Freedom – Daily Writing Sept 28th 2010

Writing Self To Freedom – Daily Writing – Sept 28th 2010

Today was a little different than usual, a change in the routine so to speak. I will start from Here and Work Backwards, I just read some forum posts and checked my mail. A quick scan over the basics as I just arrived home. I read a post on the subscription forum with regards to someone experiencing  have this experience of themselves while breathing, as I read through the post I could see contempt coming up within me and jealousy. In a way, hoping that their experience was not valid because if it was then what comes up within me is that I believe then that that being will be seen as special, and in a way distances me further away from “being valid” so this point is in relation to how I see and experience myself within process as being invalid. I began to open this point up yesterday during an SRA session. This point of me experiencing myself as invalid and accepting and allowing myself to submit to that and participate with this construct from a victimization position of myself. Seeing myself as unable to make process, and also the point of accepting limitation, like believing that no matter what I do, I actually believe that I will be unable to change, so see the point as well that I will actually not change until I forgive myself and allow myself to let go of this belief, which is based in comparison and separation, where in I feel like I am competing against others. But I will place that aside for the moment and continue with my “Writing Out My Day” Well I just had a few problems with my Van which cause reaction in me. I see the point of me actually judging myself because “my world is not perfect” Like within process I attempt to keep my world in order so that it is a “nice” reflection to “how together” I am within my process and life, and that if someone is having car troubles or is sick or something than I see that as being “bad” That’s a fuck up, I mean, what am I attempting to hide under the surface presentation of my life. “That I have it all together” “that my life works” “That I am effective” and in a way, even my stability within being able to handle points still as an energetic attachment of “wanting to remain stable as a ‘representation’ of how good I am in process” which is the point still of applying myself for others. So Ya, at about 4:30 my friend called me to see if I could help out at his job for a bit working at a “high end” furniture store. I agreed, and thought, cool “a change of pace” I have noticed that I am quieter of late, like in those moments of silence, where I am driving my van or just in the kitchen or something and it is quite, it is like I am also more silent within myself, less mind chatter, more silent . Pretty Cool. Anyways I mention this because I am now at the point of the ‘my day’ where I drove to work. So it was a welcome change, though I had to walk through some reactions in the moment that came up from the perspective of now taking me out of my comfort bubble, but this was simple, just breath and walk and don’t go into the reactions. I was at the stage where I was about to start on my drawing, but then did not get time for it because I went to help out instead at my friends work. On the way I thought I would record some audio stuff of me speaking as I drove to work. But my cell phone audio only lasted about 2 min, so that idea did not work out. I have been enjoying the Van because when I drive I can speak self forgiveness and also sometimes speak to myself, like explain a point to ‘practice speaking’ though I still hold back quite a bit, not yet allowing myself to “get into it” because I am actually just alone with myself with me and still perceive see the point as being weird – like “what if I am mind fucking myself” kinda question comes up – Actually that was one of the influencing points with regards to why I decided to record myself, so that I would not just be talking to myself. Anyways my Van has been smelling like Gas now for the last 15 days or so, when I first noticed it, I couldn’t really be certain if it was a new smell. SO I kinda just kept an eye…or a noes on it to see if it got worse or corrected. It never got better and eventually in the mornings my Van would not just start right up as usual, it actually would turn over a few times before igniting. “Shit” I thought inside myself, but still was existing in hope within the point. Hoping the Van would miraculously cure itself. It did not, and today when I arrived at the work place to assist my friend, we began working and the boss came out and commented that it smelt like Gas. Fuck, I immediately took the point personally, like seeing myself as irresponsible because we were in an indoor parking facility and now gas is smelling the place up. The “taking the point personally” was in relation to “the first impression” I was meeting this women for the first time, and could potentially work with her in the future, so experienced embarrassment, and a point of inferiority because my van was smelling like gas, and the point came up that now they will remember me as the guy who’s van stunk the place up on his first day. So I was there in the flesh lending a hand, and I was also there in aroma. There was not escaping me. But the Van Point was interesting from this perspective. When I arrived my friend who had called me, you could tell was rushing to get done, and in a kind of anxiety and panic, subtle, but it was there, and also this point was there with the boss as well. And they were pushing to get things done, because it had been a long day for them, so there was this kind of movement taking place that was not done in self presence, and I find when ever one begin to move from the perspective of the mind than one miss details and skip over things. Which eventually compound and cause a problem…like a Gas Leak. So ya I was a bit distraught myself with regards to my Van, like thinking, Ok how did I create this point. Because not only this…but when we went to leave we both hopped in my van and put our windows down, but the passenger side window does not do up and now its stuck down! So it was a chilly drive home tonight, and now the Van is sitting on the street with the Window down. So not only did this Gas Leak reveal itself today, the window point as well. It had been broken for a while but I never have passengers in my van so never bothered to get it checked out. Mainly due to Money. I simply cannot afford it. I Spent some time today doing a job search and just looking at what is out there for Jobs. I applied to one Job as an animal care person, where I would go and live in people’s houses and take care of their pets while they are on holidays. This could be cool. I really enjoy being with animals and also see the point of how it develop cool responsibility within a person to actually be responsible for an animal, and that that takes quite a commitment to develop that point of trust with the animal from the perspective of being stable within the point and “being there” for them in a way. And that one cannot actually fake this point but that it must be an actually physical walking, so this develop cool self discipline. So We will see if I get a return mail. I mean I am searching but everything I see, or allot of things I see as jobs want you to like “make a career out of it” and sign up like full commitment, and I actually would like to first establish a point where I could still applying myself within Desteni SRA and also the etsy website. Though it did “feel good” to get out today and “make some money” even though it was only a little bit, it simply was a nice feeling. Money is a practical point within this reality, so cool to make sure that point is in place as I walk this process.  So ya, now I must figure out these points with the Van, which I have been resisting in allot of ways due to money. Because I do not have a stable job yet, I am watching my money, as to ensure that I can live of of what i have saved until I get the job in place and than can actually “move points” meaning get my van fixed, and do my taxes and
things like this. Also though I am projecting allot with regards to van, like seeing a “BIG” problem instead of just looking at what is actually the case with the van, I mean the problem could just as well be easily fixable. But the point is time and money, also still holding on to the comfort zone point, where in “not really wanting to” take on the point of fixing the van and getting that directed. So within the experience of myself with regards to the van, I immediately saw this point of how I was/am resisting/avoiding facing the point because I would then have to break out of my routine and do something other than what I have been doing. But Now as I write this out, I see the primary point is Money, where in my resistance is more related to not wanting to face this point of fixing the van because it might cost money, and I fear this because I don’t have money to place into the Van at the moment, so that is the point I am avoiding/resisting. There is a guy here where I live that seems to know quite a bit about vehicles and I could just ask him, which I have been resisting doing also over the last few days. “I don’t want to bother him” Lol – Probably because “I don’t like it when people bother me” where I have to “help them out” – So within this the point again is comfort zone, where I am “getting to comfortable, instead of simply being HERE free to move and direct myself in any direction that requires direction. So my world is to precious still, not wanting disruptions, which is not valid because this entire world is a disruption, and that until this point is sorted out, it is not valid to try and hide from it and not face it by just hiding out in my room hoping not be bothered or thrown off course.  It was actually cool to be in a different environment tonight, I realized within this that it is one thing to be alone, but also it is necessary to be effective with people as well, and be able to direct points immediately in the moment, thus while with people to breathe and remain here, as points move fast.

Writing Myself to Freedom – Writing out My Day.

Writing Out My Day.

I woke up at 11:00am. I went to bed at 3:00am last night because I was busy with the ‘Etsy’ site which I enjoyed “digging-into”. When I woke up the back of my neck and upper back where quite sore and I had a headache. Sometimes that happens if I “sleep in” but I also looked at the point in relation to the experience of myself the day before, but as I write this, I see the point of also looking further back than to just “the day before” where actually the point of the pain, which I experienced as a built up ‘pressure’ or ‘tension’ in my back and neck and head would have been an accumulative affect of more than just one day, so to look back a few days, and look at what I was participating in, and how I was experiencing myself, and what points of energy or tension was I building up, or accessing. The point I have been walking through over the last few days/week has been, “deciding what to do with myself” and how to direct myself, so the point of ‘Future’ or fear there of. In any case, I had a pain this morning. Particularly in my neck and shoulders. So I had to walk with this pain for the day. I started my day with Coffee. Catlind, one of my roommates, said to me as I walked into the kitchen “you look cold”. I wasn’t, although I did have a headache, and maybe was ‘carrying’ myself into the kitchen, instead of being Here as Breath. I had a headache too. The coffee was delicious. We have an espresso machine so I enjoy calculating the proportions and making a nice coffee in the morning. I Sat down to do internet work and as I usually do in the mornings. I checked to see how the movement was going on the Etsy site. Maybe I had made a sale. This point is quite prominent at the moment with regards to the Etsy site, because I see the potential for me to actually be able to support myself financially with this point, so I am giving this point some serious investigation. I notice that there are people on the site who make regular sales daily and I see the potential of actually being able utilise this point to support myself financially until the Desteni Income Plan starts moving. Etsy is a site for Artist where Artists and craftspersons can create a profile/shop and sell work. From my perspective I simply see the point as an equation, so I simply must calculate all the points, and apply the correct math, and I can actually make money. I will have to be patient with actually getting it going, but all it will take is time, and physical movement. Because of the work I have done with Desteni with regards to buddying and SRA, and Vlogging etc, I have some understanding of how to actually going about linking points together on the internet and establishing a network, so from this perspective, thats all Etsy it. It is simply a point where one direct traffic, and make a certain amount of sales based on how many people visit the site. Its Mathematics and that’s it. So its cool to see this point. Its Actually empowering to see this point. I would not have seen this a few years ago, and would have looked at the whole thing based on Morality, and who likes my work and who doesn’t, then I probably would have “Lost-Hope” quickly. So I will continue to explore this point some more. I then visited the Desteni site and checked in with the subscription forum. I experienced myself as kinda shit today, because of not being satisfied with my application, and going through a point yesterday where I fell on a point for a moment because I was not specific enough.  I wrote about what I saw within the experience and I was satisfied with how the writing went. But normally when I fall on a point, I kind of go into a kind of suppression with regards to desteni and find I participate less. I experience a point of hopelessness within this. Hopelessness that I will fall and not walk breath by breath with desteni. Hopelesness also from the perspective of not changing me and ending up in the future in a position where I have to face the consequence of the decisions I made and the way I applied myself. So at the moment feeling down from the perspective of seeing myself as less than many others walking process who are standing. I also see the point of my being quite hard on myself for whenever I make a mistake. Yet, also more prominently, the point of specificity and what is required of myself within this point to actually get effective with myself in walking this process. Absolute Specificity. Slowing down, and getting fucking specific, and that I have not been specific enough. And that I am faced with points daily, and that it is up to me whether I participate or not. So, I either get really specific with me in walking my/this process, or I simply time-loop over and over until I eventually get it down the road. From my perspective I see the point of simply just doing it Now, and get it done. So Here Now, this point of specificity is emerging  and showing its face and saying – “Look, here I am, more, you need to be more specific” The point that ‘bothers’ me the most, is the relationship/sex/desire point. Because this point exist everywhere, and tempts me in every moment. I am getting more specific with this point, yet at the same time, see that I am not specific enough, and that to effectively transform myself that I will have to take this point apart and completely disintegrate it, meaning, completely re-define relationship and sex and the context of how I existed towards, and participated with women, and how I perceived them and experienced myself in relation to them, and them to me. Everything about the point must stand within the principle of what is best for all and equality. And it is here where I see that I am not specific enough. Until this point no longer exist as a desire inside me. And that I no longer define and associate sex to energy, or within and as energy or the mind but to re-construct it so that it is a supportive point within this world, and supportive point for myself as I walk this process. Where I walk an agreement that is in support of this process and where I do not compromise myself or another through in how I have created and defined sex/relationship in the past in relation to the mind. I see that I still have this picture come up as I write this of being in the perfect agreement, where I actually stand equal with a being. I Sometimes go into desire in relation to agreement with regards to the point of intelligence or ‘being able to see the shit’ meaning, desiring to be in agreement with like someone who is a prodigy at process, and who is clear, direct, no bullshit, effective, specific, but also who just gets it naturally, and can see the mind moving. I desire this because I desire support from this perspective. So the correction I see is to walk that point of self support within developing myself so that I can “see the mind moving” effectively, and get to a point of ‘innocence’ through applying myself in self honesty, and self forgiveness. And actually moving the points and taking away the layers so that I actually see and understand the points. So that that point of Desire no longer exist inside me, but that I change me and transform ME actually into that which I am desiring, I become that so to speak as Myself. I Live that. That Self Honest Walking of process. Its like I go on to many “holidays” Like taking “holidays” from self honesty. So then go into a point of desire with regards to Living Self Honesty, and Humbleness, because I am not actually walking and living SELF HONESTY the way that I would like, where at the end of each day I can actually look myself in the face and simply just let-go. Where I enjoy me, where I stand clear, transparent, nothing to conceal, nothing to hide, but to just simply stop the fucking Mind. This I am not yet effective with. Where at the end of each day I am satisfied with ME. I Got a phone call from the bill collectors today. I am requested to send in my “proof of income” statement which I actually lied on. So now they will probably ‘catch-me’ on it. I was not specific with the application and claimed I had only made 800 dollars
for the month when in fact I made 3000. Although I was not expecting to make that 3000, but in any case, now I must face the consequence of not being specific within this system. I have never been checked in 7 years of doing this, so this was the first time, so a bit surprised. In a way it is simply showing me that I am not considering ALL the points within specificity, and specificity that is and will be required as we walk this process, and to effectively support myself within this system. Banking, and taxes, and loans, and system stuff I never really considered before, it was always an afterthought. But now I am seeing how actually, I want to be effective with stuff, absolute, so that I can support others in getting these points effectively organized as well. So I am busy with really getting to the core of my organizing and structuring of my own personal system of filing and organizing. A point came up with regards to this point of organising and structuring ones world with regards to spelling. And how if one have poor spelling this would be the first place where they as a being begin to learn about structure and organisation. Language. Words have a structure, and an organisation if you will, where they are filed depending on certain variables in relationship to other words to form sentences, and the same goes with letters being ordered and applied and filed based on their character in relation to other letters, all within a big system language, so was just considering this point in relation to my effectiveness in the system, and that those who develop strong language skills from a young age, probably have a more solid foundation with regards to organisation and structure, because they have already learned the filing system of a language.  So with regards to this point, I am busy just getting to that foundational point, and looking at no more allowing my own self organisation where I organize me within my world to hold me back. So from a certain perspective, taking it back to Self. If I cannot get effective with myself and my own system, than I will be hopeless in attempting to expand this into a business.  And this has become quite prominent with the “Etsy Stuff” and just everything really since being back here in the Matrix. I have had enough of “letting things slide” Its time to consider how each and every point move and work together, no more accepting “holes” in the equation.  So the phone call from the bank kinda set me back for a moment. I experienced like a sickness inside me in my stomach. Like a grossness. But I continued on with my day. I was re-organizing my room, and as mentioned, getting down to that foundation point and getting the foundation point of myself in this world clear and sound. Otherwise, spent most of the day alone, as I have had some ‘alone time’ lately, which is fine. Not many friends here in Calgary as of yet. Its 1:00am now. Experiencing myself within a kind of Regret. Its like this regret, is a pattern, a cycle, I mean, I am not standing at the end of each day in Full Self Enrichment of myself, in Satisfaction. To many “slip-ups” during my day – So again the point of specificity, and Self Will, in Simply NOT allowing myself to justify going into the Mind for any particular reason, in any occasion.  So that I can be satisfied with me at the end of the day.

Writing Self to Freedom – Daily Writing – Sept 19th 2010

I got up around 8:30. The main point of the day has been ‘application’ . Particularly given my current situation where my days are not structured through and by working a 9 to 5 type job. So at the moment I must structure myself within my application. I have been procrastinating where I am not applying myself in that which is here to be done in that way that I could be, where I will meander about and linger in-between doing tasks and so have not been as effective with my time and space movement within the physical as I would like. I finally got my computer working again today and connected to the internet. My firefox browser would not open youtube,  but every other page it would open, quite odd. I attempted a number of things and finally corrected the point when I re-installed firefox. It was a cool experience to get to know my computer a little more and to organize it and clean it out a bit, and have the applications running clean again. Was like a kind of cleansing of self.  Once up I did some internet work, uploaded a video, and watched some process Vlogs. I have been really finding the process Vlogs to be really cool support. I mean I will watch someone’s process vlog and it will assist me with a point I am working on, and the person who posted the Vlog will never even know.  So I realized that within the structuring of my days, I would like to place a segment of time where I spend time simply watching other peoples vlogs, and basically becoming more intimate with those doing there process and sharing over the internet, so in reading forums etc. And to develop the point of actively supporting people within their process through commenting and replies. Because I see people who are quite effective with this and it is something that I would like to develop within myself as something I “would like to be”. Effective in my communication and support and interaction with others. Just pushing that point of interaction with other beings in all ways really. I noticed that I very quickly in my world go into judgement when I meet new people. Its like immediate judgement, and its a fuck up because I see how when I do that that I completely “cut myself off” from the being out a judgement that I have projected onto them that in actuality, has nothing to do with them. So Also am working on the point of not going into immediate judgement of a being, but rather more of a immediate embrace if you will, where I allow myself to let my guard down and actually interact with the being as equals.

I did some research today on ‘Art Grants’ and also to see what kind of Art related jobs there are around the city. I am at the moment also checking out what is going on in my city with regards to education and looking at different  ideas and options to place myself  within education, whether it be a teacher, or private tutor, or workshops, and also exploring ways in which to form my Art practice and Art into that which will be educational and support the emergence of equality. So yes exploring the Art world a little bit today here in Calgary. Its fucked just like everything else. So just probing it so to speak, to see what’s going on, and where, Artists, and people are placing their attention, and what points they are investigating, and how they are going about doing it. The main point is which I see, is that the Direction of things within this world, which I have been noticing quite prominently also within the direction I see the art world going, is simply self interest. Its like Every fucking Artist, has a different starting point, and heading off somewhere in their own direction. LOL! I understand how this can happen, because I was doing the exact same thing a few years back. Its like no one knows really where they are going. Scattered would be a good way to describe it. The world is scattered, and has not continuity. Fascinating to consider a world where each and every being that exist has the same starting point. The starting point of oneness and equality as that which is best for all.  The point I see also with Artists, is the point of wanting to have the big shows in the big galleries in New York or Where ever, where one in a way is locked into this idea, and there in form their practice around attempting to reach this goal – Like all artists have accepted this as the ultimate goal and have not stopped to actually consider the goal they are chasing. So in seeing these points, I find my experience with regards to Art is kind of like, where do I place myself in, Can I even place myself in, so kind of just like dipping my foot in a little to test to see what people are doing…

Ok I just created a new youtube channel called desteniArt. This way there is a platform for the reformation of Art within this world as simply one point among many that are required to be directed within and as what is best for all.

Writing Self To Freedom – DREAMS

The first point I will write about is with regards to my dreams last night and one of the more prominent ‘themes’ that the dreams consisted of. During my dream(s) last night I had two occasions where I ended up becoming frustrated and angry, where there was this king of energetic rage that emerged from within me that I then acted on/out. I found/find this interesting because this is not a point which I have been noticing within my ‘waking like’ So in a way am surprised by the content so to speak of the dreams. In one scenario I was cleaning up garbage and there were a group of us doing this, and there was also a deadline in place, like we had to get it all done, now as I cleaned up, one of my bags ripped and the garbage began to spill out all over the place – Fascinating what I see now as I write this point out, is the garbage represents the inner self, what is on the inside, that which is hidden, and suppressed, and not seen, because as the garbage spilled out of the bag, it was noticed that I had placed a few things in the garbage that were in a way placed there in haste, and in not really considering points of common sense. In my house that I am living in right now, we have a place where we are supposed to place the recycling. I have been finding that I at times just through stuff in the garbage because I have defined recycling as a ‘waste’ of time, and not practical, so instead of taking the time to sort out what goes where in terms of recycling, I simply just throw it in the trash. Also because I am new to the house so often no one is around to direct me to the what goes where so I simply just throw the stuff in the garbage. Although I noticed that each time I do this, I experience an energetic charge. One point is guilt, where I see that in those moments of simply just throwing something in the garbage, I am being ignorant, and simply not taking the time or consideration to just investigate for myself the recycling system they have in place because I am sure that if I just put in that “extra effort” that I could actually figure it out, and place the garbage in the necessary piles. So the guilt is related to believing that I am being dishonest. That I am not doing “the right thing” by not recycling everything, and that I am “not taking others into consideration. I also have built up quite a belief system about recycling being useless, not practical, poorly organized, and something that people who are mind controlled do and that they are actually not aware of the implications or are in understanding of what the “action of recycling” actually implies or entails, but that they simply do it because they “believe” it is “good for the environment” and that if you don’t do it, “you are bad”  So part of my energetic reaction/experience which comes up in relation to recycling is that I actually see myself as bad where in I have also formed a belief that recycling is “good” and that if I don’t do it I am being harmful to the environment. Or simply that if I don’t do it, I am actually ignoring the obvious common sense of recycling, and then justifying it by “claiming it is of no use” when in fact it is obvious common sense to recycle. So Part of the point is actually “not knowing” actually what the outflow/consequence of recycling or not is, and in fact if it is “Best for All”. The other point within this is that I often just simply throw stuff in the Garbage because I don’t want to spend the time investigating the point, because I am too busy, as if I do not have time for it, like something I have been “putting off” so to speak, or procrastinating on. Obviously, because it represent a point that Is still directing me from the perspective of that “ I do not understand all of the implications of it” Or have even taken the time to consider, or do research on. Some people are insistent on it! And this is another point within my experience of recycling. It is the rules of the house. And within myself I experience a kind of contempt at or towards those for enforcing a “rule” so vehemently but they themselves do not actually understand, and this content kind of emerge from within me for following rules simply to please other. So from this perspective the ‘contempt’ and frustration I can look at in relation to myself where in I am frustrated with myself for allowing myself to blindly follow rules simply to please the others, and satisfy the accepted standards of the system. So I see within this a point of blame where I am still harbouring resentment, like an inner anger, aggression, hostility towards “the system” for implementing arbitrary rules which actually not based in understanding and then enforcing these rules as if they are actually TRUE, and then insisting that they are true, regardless of if they are not, and in this whole process, simply ‘wasting’ the time of myself and the members of this world, by enforcing/imposing rules that actually enslave the human being into spending there time here on earth doing arbitrary acts to satisfy some “rule” which is not even based in common sense – I mean – What the fuck – Our time on this planet is limited, and I simply don’t want to spend my time doing something that in fact is not required to do as measure of equal and one life support in what is best for all. Because from a certain perspective then it is actually a point of suppression not expansion, where the act of recycling is a point of self suppression and life suppression – which everyone seem to believe is actually “supporting the planet and environment” I mean this planet is so fucked at the moment – What the fuck is the point of recycling, So we can make more useless consumer products so the individual can perpetuate their enslavement through supporting products which actually harm life in their creation and  function. The Act of Recycling is actually an Act of Ignorance, because human beings DO NOT actually know or understand how recycling actually work, and how it actually support the planet, or if it even is – What are we perpetuating through recycling and wanting to save anyways – our current way of living.  Who implemented recycling? Is it really an act in what is best for all – Or is it “worth it” – not to save the environment but because it is cheaper for corporations to recycle than to in fact extract the resource from the earth.  The Question – Is recycling an equality equation of 1+1=2 accumulating to what is best for all? Does anyone actually really understand the process of recycling or are you simply doing it because you “Believe” it is good for the environment, and then enforcing that “belief” which is actually ‘ignorance’ upon others, because you see yourself as “doing good” or being “a good citizen” Recycling is MIND –CONTROL, because no one actually really knows why they recycle, and what the act of recycling actually implies. I read an article which I will post here which at the end states “waste is a design flaw” – This is actually a pretty cool point because this is indicating that we have gotten the whole equation wrong and actually refer to the very beginning as the “Flaw” so to speak – I Agree – We must change the starting point, not just of recycling but of the entire system – so that if Supports All life equally and is what is best for ALL – Recycling as it currently exist is simply an outflow of a system that does not have the best interests of ALL in mind.

Writing Self to Freedom – Daily Writing

I am going to write about my day today. The first point I will discuss happened as I was walking through town going from point ‘a’ to point ‘b’ as a was busy doing “system stuff” meaning, getting my taxes done, and dealing with banks and things of this nature. As I stopped at the street corner, waiting for the walk signal to appear on the machine across the street so that I could proceed, I noticed that there were two guys standing on the other side of the street representing some “not-for-profit” organization and they were surely going to ask me if I was interested. I already knew that I was not interested, and simply had planned to walk straight through. The interesting point I noticed as approached the two individuals was the way in which I presented myself as I passed by. As I drew closer I noticed that I began to change my posture towards the two individuals and presented myself in a way which clearly demonstrated that “I was not interested” however within this, I noticed that I “went into a point of energy” where I noticed that I experienced myself actually projecting a kind of energy of ‘force’, almost like what you see in anime comics and videos where the being is able to generate a form of energy, often represented by a king of like blue glowing ball of energy in the beings hands which they are able to throw forwards as I kind of weapon. Well this is exactly what I did, I experienced myself as if I was projecting some kind of energetic force field which definitely was not based in equality, meaning this ‘force’ field was meant to “overpower” the two individuals in front of me, where is was to indicate “look out”, “coming through”, “don’t bother me” “Get out of the way”. The whole event lasted 15 seconds. The question that came up within me was , why did I go into this energy kind of projection presentation of myself? Why did I believe that I had to project this kind of energy? Why was I simply not able to walk past in silence where I do not going into a point of energy. If I look at the point now, my intent was to avoid any interaction at all with the beings in front of me, So I presented myself as not approachable. Although from my perspective I see that a correction is necessary, where in I do/did not require to go into a point of energy presentation and projection in that moment, but am actually able to remain here as myself, as breath, as self presence and simply walk on through, or simply face the point without resorting to energy participation. That was that event. I went to the Art supplies store which was pretty cool, I often enjoy going to the art supplies store and purchasing art supplies for upcoming art. I hadn’t been there in a long time, and am acquaintances with the owners of the store, so said hello to them, and spoke to them I little bit about where I was and why I had not been in the store in over two years, as before I was nearly a daily occurrence in the store. I purchased 4 sheets of paper – which they packaged in a large plastic bag against some cardboard so that the paper would not get damaged. I plan to use the paper to make some comical sense drawings that are a little larger in size. I find now that I am in a way restructuring art into my world so to speak. It has been so long since I lived in the city, that I, in a way have not reference point for how quickly it moves, and/or what type of pace it moves at where in I must ensure that my day to day movements and actions are in alignment with being able to support myself effectively within a city setting. So from this perspective I am still in a feeling out stage, Like I mean, can I even spend 3 hours a few nights a week working on a drawing? Or will this cause me to not be able to make my rent at the end of the month, just points like this I am looking at. Because I find now within my life I am busy arranging it in a way where I can be most effective, where my focus is to in essence “lead by example” from the perspective of what I am doing with Desteni, and the Structural Resonance Alignment course, and Standing within “What is Best for ALL” where in my day to day actions bring forth the necessary changes so to speak to create a world system that support all beings equally and support what is best for all life, and until this is in place, And to direct myself in this way until it is done, and all beings are placed within a point of Equality in FACT, where now All beings are supported equally, and have equal access to education, where beings are in a way “free” from this current system of enslavement that we have created for ourselves. Within this point I also was looking at the point today of “Making an accurate assessment” of the ‘movement’ or ‘pace’ of the city and within doing this was observing my own movement and pace, and that I realized that I was rushing slightly, meaning, If I establish my assessment of the “pace of the city” in so that I am best able to direct myself to be most effective on a “movement” from myself that is in fact ‘Rushing’ and based in ‘energy’ which inevitably will balance out, that I in fact will make an ‘inaccurate’ assessment because it will be based on a “pace” is in a way ‘exaggerated’ So from this perspective I see the point of being effective in my world will come from, not where I rush around as fast as possible and attempt to get everything done kind of assessment of how to effectively direct myself within the city, but rather a stable, constant, expression and application of myself, where I simply move, as breath. This will be sustainable and repeatable, and will give me a much more accurate assessment of what specific actions I must take and when, in order to effectively support myself within my environment. Another point I have observed myself participating in is the point of judgement towards others from the perspective of seeing myself within a kind of exalted position in comparison to others, because I apparently know more than them, or have a more expansive understanding or knowledge base of how this reality operation. Within this I see that I am not actually able to see other beings within consideration of where they are in there process, and that in fact I once stood in exactly the same position as them, and yet, here I am seeing myself as ‘more-than’ that being, and kind of presenting myself as a wise wise being. I also see within this point that I am holding others away from me, instead of embracing them as equals. And communicating with them from the perspective of equality where I stand in equality within communication and interaction, instead of kind of “standing off” or not actually allowing the other or myself to participate and interact within equality, which from a certain perspective is more intimate. Its like I form a judgement of the individual first, who I accept as that being, and then interact with them according to the judgement I have formed about them within my mind. And that this judgement actually creates a wall, a barrier in-between myself and that being which create only a very limited type of interaction with that being. Ok some observations on my day.

MONEY = The True ARTIST of this World – And a New EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM

Artistic Expression in this world is absolutely limited. Why? – Money. We are Slaves to the current money system and our expressions are also a product and are dependant, shaped and formed by this money system.

Originality does not exist, as everything is Dependant on Money.

If you look at Artists in the Past compared to Now – It is obvious that our skill level to express ourselves within painting and drawing is decreasing at a rapid pace. We claim that now we use video and technology to express ourselves – Yet one have to ask the question – How much of that ‘choice’ of Media is determined through MONEY, what people pay for, or what people want to see, and again, which equals ultimately, what they will pay for.

There is not one single Original Artist in this world. Everyone and their apparent unique expressions are determined, and considered within the requirements and parameters of money. The Fucked up part is that Artists – the supposedly ‘creative’ ones in this world are not able to see this! That in fact the only True Artist in the World is Money. Meaning Money express itself as Money, As a Self Expression of itself. We as human beings do not – We do not ‘Self’ Express – That would mean placing ourselves as the starting point of our expression and actually do what we want to do. Currently We Money-Express, And this is what we call and define as Originality.

That is Why I Stand up and Support an Equal Money System, Because I am interested to see what Art looks like as a self expression.

Within an Equal Money System, for example an Individual who wish to express themselves in Art will have the opportunity to do so from the perspective of SELF expression. Where Money will not Influence what they do, or express from the perspective of they will not have to concern themselves with the point of having to SELL the work to be able to make money to lIve, or from a different angle, they won’t have to concern themselves with “spending to much time doing something that doesn’t bring in any money” which will cause them to not be able to pay rent or buy food.

What we accept as an Artistic Expression today is Absolute limitation. We can do better, although within our refinement of ourselves so to speak, we require a NEW WORLD SYSTEM and NEW MONEY SYSTEM that rather than place individuals in a position where their very survival is at risk when they are born onto this planet, It place beings into a position where they are SUPPORTED!. This is Common Sense. That  one should not have to fight and struggle their way through life, because the system that WE HAVE PUT IN PLACE has specific rules and regulations that WE HAVE CREATED OURSELVES. THUS – We must RE-CREATE our Current World and Economic System to one Founded in Common Sense – Where we create a System which has ‘rules’ so to speak – that SUPPORT ALL INDIVIDUALS that are born onto the planet where ALL CAN LIVE A DIGNIFIED LIFE.

Its Not – Just the way things are and there is nothing we can do about it. Its an actual system that we as humanity have created, and implemented over time which now currently exist, and that this system, that we have created – Was simplistically, Not in the BEST INTEREST OF ALL. So the Principle in Establishing a New Money and World System, will be done so from the starting point of EQUALITY – Where ALL beings are considered, and what is best for All is the foundation of the new system. That is Common Sense.

So for an Apparent Evolving Race of Individuals Let’s Form and Create a Planet that Supports Expression – Let’s Stick to the Common Sense that we can all now see within,  How NOT to create a World System. There is no need or requirement to repeat the past – Let us ‘move on’ so to speak from this – All information around an Equal Money System can be found at  http://www.equalmoney.org  So lets educate ourselves on what we require to do to make this world a dignified life for ALL and a Dignified life for the Children and those we are currently bringing into this world.
