Category Archives: Artist
New Comical Sense Drawing – Economic “Reek-Oh-Very” – By Andrew Gable
Writing Self to Freedom – Daily Writing
I am going to write about my day today. The first point I will discuss happened as I was walking through town going from point ‘a’ to point ‘b’ as a was busy doing “system stuff” meaning, getting my taxes done, and dealing with banks and things of this nature. As I stopped at the street corner, waiting for the walk signal to appear on the machine across the street so that I could proceed, I noticed that there were two guys standing on the other side of the street representing some “not-for-profit” organization and they were surely going to ask me if I was interested. I already knew that I was not interested, and simply had planned to walk straight through. The interesting point I noticed as approached the two individuals was the way in which I presented myself as I passed by. As I drew closer I noticed that I began to change my posture towards the two individuals and presented myself in a way which clearly demonstrated that “I was not interested” however within this, I noticed that I “went into a point of energy” where I noticed that I experienced myself actually projecting a kind of energy of ‘force’, almost like what you see in anime comics and videos where the being is able to generate a form of energy, often represented by a king of like blue glowing ball of energy in the beings hands which they are able to throw forwards as I kind of weapon. Well this is exactly what I did, I experienced myself as if I was projecting some kind of energetic force field which definitely was not based in equality, meaning this ‘force’ field was meant to “overpower” the two individuals in front of me, where is was to indicate “look out”, “coming through”, “don’t bother me” “Get out of the way”. The whole event lasted 15 seconds. The question that came up within me was , why did I go into this energy kind of projection presentation of myself? Why did I believe that I had to project this kind of energy? Why was I simply not able to walk past in silence where I do not going into a point of energy. If I look at the point now, my intent was to avoid any interaction at all with the beings in front of me, So I presented myself as not approachable. Although from my perspective I see that a correction is necessary, where in I do/did not require to go into a point of energy presentation and projection in that moment, but am actually able to remain here as myself, as breath, as self presence and simply walk on through, or simply face the point without resorting to energy participation. That was that event. I went to the Art supplies store which was pretty cool, I often enjoy going to the art supplies store and purchasing art supplies for upcoming art. I hadn’t been there in a long time, and am acquaintances with the owners of the store, so said hello to them, and spoke to them I little bit about where I was and why I had not been in the store in over two years, as before I was nearly a daily occurrence in the store. I purchased 4 sheets of paper – which they packaged in a large plastic bag against some cardboard so that the paper would not get damaged. I plan to use the paper to make some comical sense drawings that are a little larger in size. I find now that I am in a way restructuring art into my world so to speak. It has been so long since I lived in the city, that I, in a way have not reference point for how quickly it moves, and/or what type of pace it moves at where in I must ensure that my day to day movements and actions are in alignment with being able to support myself effectively within a city setting. So from this perspective I am still in a feeling out stage, Like I mean, can I even spend 3 hours a few nights a week working on a drawing? Or will this cause me to not be able to make my rent at the end of the month, just points like this I am looking at. Because I find now within my life I am busy arranging it in a way where I can be most effective, where my focus is to in essence “lead by example” from the perspective of what I am doing with Desteni, and the Structural Resonance Alignment course, and Standing within “What is Best for ALL” where in my day to day actions bring forth the necessary changes so to speak to create a world system that support all beings equally and support what is best for all life, and until this is in place, And to direct myself in this way until it is done, and all beings are placed within a point of Equality in FACT, where now All beings are supported equally, and have equal access to education, where beings are in a way “free” from this current system of enslavement that we have created for ourselves. Within this point I also was looking at the point today of “Making an accurate assessment” of the ‘movement’ or ‘pace’ of the city and within doing this was observing my own movement and pace, and that I realized that I was rushing slightly, meaning, If I establish my assessment of the “pace of the city” in so that I am best able to direct myself to be most effective on a “movement” from myself that is in fact ‘Rushing’ and based in ‘energy’ which inevitably will balance out, that I in fact will make an ‘inaccurate’ assessment because it will be based on a “pace” is in a way ‘exaggerated’ So from this perspective I see the point of being effective in my world will come from, not where I rush around as fast as possible and attempt to get everything done kind of assessment of how to effectively direct myself within the city, but rather a stable, constant, expression and application of myself, where I simply move, as breath. This will be sustainable and repeatable, and will give me a much more accurate assessment of what specific actions I must take and when, in order to effectively support myself within my environment. Another point I have observed myself participating in is the point of judgement towards others from the perspective of seeing myself within a kind of exalted position in comparison to others, because I apparently know more than them, or have a more expansive understanding or knowledge base of how this reality operation. Within this I see that I am not actually able to see other beings within consideration of where they are in there process, and that in fact I once stood in exactly the same position as them, and yet, here I am seeing myself as ‘more-than’ that being, and kind of presenting myself as a wise wise being. I also see within this point that I am holding others away from me, instead of embracing them as equals. And communicating with them from the perspective of equality where I stand in equality within communication and interaction, instead of kind of “standing off” or not actually allowing the other or myself to participate and interact within equality, which from a certain perspective is more intimate. Its like I form a judgement of the individual first, who I accept as that being, and then interact with them according to the judgement I have formed about them within my mind. And that this judgement actually creates a wall, a barrier in-between myself and that being which create only a very limited type of interaction with that being. Ok some observations on my day.
MONEY = The True ARTIST of this World – And a New EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM
Artistic Expression in this world is absolutely limited. Why? – Money. We are Slaves to the current money system and our expressions are also a product and are dependant, shaped and formed by this money system.
Originality does not exist, as everything is Dependant on Money.
If you look at Artists in the Past compared to Now – It is obvious that our skill level to express ourselves within painting and drawing is decreasing at a rapid pace. We claim that now we use video and technology to express ourselves – Yet one have to ask the question – How much of that ‘choice’ of Media is determined through MONEY, what people pay for, or what people want to see, and again, which equals ultimately, what they will pay for.
There is not one single Original Artist in this world. Everyone and their apparent unique expressions are determined, and considered within the requirements and parameters of money. The Fucked up part is that Artists – the supposedly ‘creative’ ones in this world are not able to see this! That in fact the only True Artist in the World is Money. Meaning Money express itself as Money, As a Self Expression of itself. We as human beings do not – We do not ‘Self’ Express – That would mean placing ourselves as the starting point of our expression and actually do what we want to do. Currently We Money-Express, And this is what we call and define as Originality.
That is Why I Stand up and Support an Equal Money System, Because I am interested to see what Art looks like as a self expression.
Within an Equal Money System, for example an Individual who wish to express themselves in Art will have the opportunity to do so from the perspective of SELF expression. Where Money will not Influence what they do, or express from the perspective of they will not have to concern themselves with the point of having to SELL the work to be able to make money to lIve, or from a different angle, they won’t have to concern themselves with “spending to much time doing something that doesn’t bring in any money” which will cause them to not be able to pay rent or buy food.
What we accept as an Artistic Expression today is Absolute limitation. We can do better, although within our refinement of ourselves so to speak, we require a NEW WORLD SYSTEM and NEW MONEY SYSTEM that rather than place individuals in a position where their very survival is at risk when they are born onto this planet, It place beings into a position where they are SUPPORTED!. This is Common Sense. That one should not have to fight and struggle their way through life, because the system that WE HAVE PUT IN PLACE has specific rules and regulations that WE HAVE CREATED OURSELVES. THUS – We must RE-CREATE our Current World and Economic System to one Founded in Common Sense – Where we create a System which has ‘rules’ so to speak – that SUPPORT ALL INDIVIDUALS that are born onto the planet where ALL CAN LIVE A DIGNIFIED LIFE.
Its Not – Just the way things are and there is nothing we can do about it. Its an actual system that we as humanity have created, and implemented over time which now currently exist, and that this system, that we have created – Was simplistically, Not in the BEST INTEREST OF ALL. So the Principle in Establishing a New Money and World System, will be done so from the starting point of EQUALITY – Where ALL beings are considered, and what is best for All is the foundation of the new system. That is Common Sense.
So for an Apparent Evolving Race of Individuals Let’s Form and Create a Planet that Supports Expression – Let’s Stick to the Common Sense that we can all now see within, How NOT to create a World System. There is no need or requirement to repeat the past – Let us ‘move on’ so to speak from this – All information around an Equal Money System can be found at So lets educate ourselves on what we require to do to make this world a dignified life for ALL and a Dignified life for the Children and those we are currently bringing into this world.
Painting Water DEMO
Why I Stand for and Support a New World Economic System based on Equality for All.
I am at the moment in the midst of a “painting trip” I got my BFA in Fine Arts and have worked at times during my life as an Artist. As mentioned I am currently busy with a painting trip. This is period of about two weeks that I have ‘set aside’ strictly for making artwork. During this two week art excursion I am/will be focusing specifically on the creation of Landscape Paintings. I quite enjoy the process of painting and making art, and am grateful for this ‘opportunity’. An opportunity, of course, afforded by money. An opportunity that not ALL individuals within this world have access to, even if they wanted, could not chose to do, because the world system, the money system, does not support those individuals equally, but rather allows for a kind of “too bad for you” “loophole” if you will, where many individuals find themselves, not at all supported by “the system” but are left out to dry so to speak, to fend for themselves, and scrape and scrounge for money or food to attempt to survive, not to mention millions in starvation, and extreme poverty. You see, my ‘opportunity’ to make art is unique in this world. I live in a country that has money, food, and the necessary resources to have supported the decisions I made to become an artist. I live in a country where after people are finished buying their basic necessities of life, they have money left over for luxuries and entertainment, which can include spending money on Art. Because I find myself in the fortuitous end of the spectrum that has “more than enough” I am able to entertain the idea of making my living as an Artist! Wow – could you imagine – Living as an Artist, what a concept. What a life…but wait…is this fair? Is this equality? That some have the opportunity to live as artists, and many others actually don’t at all in their life, even get the chance to express themselves through making art, because the resources are simply not made available to them in through how this world and its systems, including the money system currently functions. Now I mentioned earlier that I am grateful for my opportunity to spend some time making some art. But what does it mean to live that gratefulness. I might say “I am grateful” but those are just words, empty words, Unless I fill these words with living actions which give the gratefulness its meaning so to speak. This is why I stand for and support and an EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM. Because within an equal money system ALL beings within this world WILL actually be given the same opportunity as I have been afforded, and am grateful to have, Within an EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM, Expressing yourself with art will not be a luxury for only a few, but an actual possibility for ALL to try out if they so desire. If you say you are Grateful for what you have in your life – Place this statement into action and STAND for an EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM which will give equal opportunity and support to ALL.
For more information on equal money system @
Money is the SOUL of the Individual
An interesting point has come up of late, On the one hand, you have “this current system” (based in separation/greed/self interest) and on the other hand, you have “A New System” (based in equality/support/bestforall) which is not yet here, but is that which I stand for. As I walk my process in this world each day, I see more and more, the subtleties of “this current system” and how it impacts, shapes, forms, and influences everyone’s lives, particularly relating to the point of ‘money’ being a foundational keystone of this current system and this point specifically influence individuals in this world. I find within seeing the extensive degree of influence and control money has, and how it shapes and forms this world in every way, I become more wanting to speak up. Where I find a passion inside of me wanting to BURN this current system to the ground. I have been finding this point coming up allot lately within my Job in seeing how money influence the behaviours, moods, and experiences of everyone within the job. Where ones entire experience of themselves throughout the day is dominantly formed by money, by the influence and role money plays within this world, which essentially, I have found at my job, is the determining factor of whether a persons day is good or bad. Personal Self Expression is no longer being taken into consideration. In fact, That would be a good question for me to ask some of my co-workers. Whether or not they see or understand the difference between an experience of self based in self expression, and the experience of self based in the influence of money. And what people have to say about spending 10 hours a day every day being moved, being animated, by money, as if money is the blood in there veins, is the energy source which propels them through there workly tasks, which moves their arm this way, which pushes them to make this decision or that, in every moment, The accepted ‘life force essence’ of the individual, has become money to such a degree, that they cannot notice or distinguish this “kind of expression” from actual self expression, where one do something from the starting point of enjoyment.
Yet here I am, participating within this system, as this is the current system in place. Thus, must utilize it at the moment to support myself within this world. But the more and more I participate within it, the more and more I see how this system is not supporting life in a way which support life as self expression, as perfection, as expansion. But rather further and further ‘enslaving’ if you will beings into experiences and expressions of themselves in this world which are now, from my perspective almost entirely void of self and almost exclusively if not entirely those which have money as the soul of this expression or experience. The essence of the experience of a being on this earth is Money.
This is why we require a new money system, to kill the soul of the individual, because at the moment this soul, is money. And equal money system would effectively eliminate this point, so we could “move on” and deal with other points, But until the money point is sorted out, we are ‘stuck’ here. An equal money system would effectively transform the human being, it would rip the soul of the human being, the life essence which is currently money our of the fabric of the human being, Ripping and tearing it out of the centre of themselves, where within an equal money system, the being would/will then only realize the extent of control that money had over them. How it flowed through their veins without them even knowing.
Internet Support Structure for those Standing for Equality
The last few weeks have been interesting as I have gotten back into Canada and have begun establishing myself once again into this world. Reconnecting myself, plugging myself “back-in” to the matrix. This ‘integration’ back into the system has been quite a point I am currently busy walking. One of the dimensions of this “walking back into/integrating” myself back into the system has been the point of “doing this alone” from a certain perspective and experiencing the point of me walking into an environment where what I have come to understand as equality and what I have decided to “stand as” from the perspective of equality is not understood necessarily by others, and that within this, there is certain aloneness. My process of doing this has particularly been one of really being faced with ‘myself’ from this point of aloneness I mention because of the ‘way’ I have begun my integration process back into the system. My focus since returning to Canada has been the point of making money, and within placing this as priority for myself, I have not had the opportunity to “stay connected to” the internet which offers a support structure created by and through the participants of desteni to assist and support themselves and others who have decided to walk and stand as and for equality within this world. So at the moment I have had to let go of that support structure just for a moment as I get myself ‘settled’ within this world from the perspective of ensuring that I have sufficient money to support myself and be able to move and direct myself within this world. In a way there is a fear there as well, a fear that I would lose that support structure, and “get lost” within the system. So I am in a way facing this point also. Facing the point of being able to stand without the support structure which I have in a way had to do for practical reasons related to work as I get myself established.
I must say though it was a very cool experience today, as today we had a day off work and I managed to get myself to an internet connection where I could spend some time on the computer doing desteni related stuff. The ‘cool’ point was to see how the support structure on the internet of those supporting desteni and the point of equality is growing and how much this assisted and supported me within participating within this. I experienced a real point of support there, something substantial that I could/can utilize to assist and support myself in my process of “standing up” within this word. And also to see the point of others also “standing alone” in there processes where I can see that I am not actually alone in this, and that there are others also who are walking just the same as me, and facing similar points of standing up within situations and scenarios where they may experience themselves alone, or misunderstood, or frustrated, or empowered, or enjoying themselves, and in this sharing their experiences over the internet for others to see and relate to, and which may assist another in there process also. So that was a pretty cool point that came up today.
How I am Standing as the Principle of Oneness and Equality.
How I am standing as the principle of oneness and equality.
I stand as the principle of oneness and equality where in I stand, direct myself, live and express myself within establishing an equal system in this world which support all beings to exist equal in all ways. This means that there requires a new world system to be established. One that will support each and every single individual on the planet, as well as the nature and animal kingdom. At the moment this does not exist, not all beings on this planet are being supported equality, many die daily from starvation or war, animals are actually abused, caged and slaughtered to support the very system we have established for ourselves in this world, this atrocity towards animals being committed to support consumerism, or for the entertainment of man, not considering that animals would prefer to be left alone in their natural habitat, rather than balancing on a ball at the whip of man. I no longer support this system we have created for ourselves in this world. A system that obviously does not consider the animals as equal aspects of life. Man does not even consider itself within equality, but rather exist in a world of competition of survival of the fittest. Where man kill, rape, murder, abuse each other to come out the victor. The one on top. Thus my standing is not in support of the current system, and the current world as how it exist at the moment, but rather, I stand in support of an equal in all ways system. In my stand I direct and apply myself to bring about this change until it is here, no matter what. Within this I make myself visible within this world, and stand within this world as a visible symbol which support equality in all ways. I must become visible as to take the place of the current system which at the moment is that which is visible. One point in establishing and bringing forth of an new world system – A world system that support all equally, giving all beings an “equal footing” upon which to stand is the point of an equal money system. I stand in support of an equal money system. A system where every individual on the planet gets, as a birth right, a set amount of money each month to support them with the basic living requirements from their birth to their death. This amount established will be enough to live on, to always have food to eat and a roof over ones head, and take care of the basic needs a human being has within living in this world. Along side this will be an equal labour system where credits/money can be accumulated by working, where one receive one credit per one hour of work, no matter what job you do.
For more information regarding the equal money system please visit
The only ones stopping us from establishing a new system that is best for ALL is ourselves. There is no way one can defend a system and a world that so clearly and visibly abuses life. As can be seen anytime one turns on the TV or computer. The system and “way of life” that currently exist is not best for ALL. In order to bring forth a new system, a new way of life, best for all we must stop existing as who we are currently existing and living as. We must from the perspective of “making room” stop participating in our lives and patterns and routines that currently take up all our time, otherwise there will be no room for anything new, just the same thing that has always existed, thus I realized I must give up my life, to establish a new one, that is best for ALL. I Cannot change if I continue to live the same way that I always have. I must actually stop and change how I live, until I transform my old way of living with a new way of living which support equality for ALL. This process will take time, and as we bring in the new system of equality, we must for the time being use the existing system as a temporary bridge until it is no longer required. Thus we cannot all simply stop working at our jobs or using money, that is not practical – it will be an emergence, a transition, and will require a discipline walk until the new system is in place, no matter how long it takes.
Comical Sense – Common Sense
A collection of drawings I have done illustrating the truth hidden in plain sight. Showing that which is implied and accepted by us through the words we use.