2012: Human Ingenuity Will Never Save Humanity

I was watching a Documentary today called “Collapse”. The documentary brings forward the insights and observations of Michael Ruppert, a police officer turned independent reporter who is noted to have predicted the current economic collapse. During the series of questions asked to Mr Ruppert as he outlined his version of the plight of the world to come, that being, one of inevitable collapse, the interviewer nearing the latter stage of the interview prompts with a question, in response to this dire picture being painted before his eyes by Mr Ruppert…


“What about Human Ingenuity?”


This is not the first time I have come across a statement of this nature. This kind of statement is often used to spark Hope within ourselves as their being some light at the end of the tunnel. Like for instance ‘when all is said and done, human beings are just to smart or intelligent to die off’, or that somehow, someway human beings will “find a way”


So when looking at this world and the state of the economy and things like global warming and mass starvation and poverty and war and destruction, and diminishing natural resources around the globe, this point of “Human Ingenuity” comes into play as that which somehow has any sort of value as an actual point of consideration.


I can hear these words now being proclaimed in some presidential hopeful’s campaign speech. ‘We will find a way, we have to much integrity, to much passion, bla bla bla bla yes we can bla bla bla’.


I have a question.


Why is it that we wait for the last possible second to get off our butts and do something about the consequences that we have created through doing absolutely nothing for so long.


How can we even utter the words “Human Ingenuity” when taking a look at the world that we have created and went along creating which has cause so much destruction on the planet and ourselves and basically everything on earth.


Human Ingenuity is a catch phrase.

Human Ingenuity is only required when both wings have been torn off the plane and the engine has stopped.


Human Ingenuity is the same thing as saying we need a Miracle. Although it suggests some kind of intelligence level also of the human being which I cannot help but question simply based on the world that we have already created for ourselves.


The Idea of Human Ingenuity is indicative of the mentality that we as Humanity have developed / accepted as our main approach to living life.


It is like a Miracle Fix.


Like winning the Lotto

Like finding that perfect relationship to finally make you happy

Like getting that one breakthrough at work that will put you where you need to be

Like being saved by God

Like Ascending



The Orgasm


It is a fixation on a singular event that will somehow fix everything and make everything all better.


When things are broken and falling apart and you have no actual solution – That is when you resort to “Human Ingenuity” And I mean it is interesting because “Human Ingenuity” Implies some kind of Solution, yet in itself there is no practical plan. It is just simply  “Human Ingenuity” It is the perfect catch phrase to fill the gap and distract the voter when in fact, There Is No Plan! There is no solution, no one actually knows what to do and thus resorting to bringing up the whole “Humans will find a way” bull-shit, and that Human Ingenuity will save us.


One reason I noticed this point today when the interviewer making the interview mentioned it is due to my participation with Desteni over the last 4 years.


I realized that we at Desteni are not depending or relying on human Ingenuity.


Well first of all because Human Ingenuity is just pretty words used to deceive ourselves into thinking things will be ok, and we can just relax and go back to what we were doing. Human Ingenuity is not real!


When for instance you stand before a piece of Architecture or even stand back and gaze at an entire city with all its process’s and workings and structures, subway lines, road/ traffic system, massive sky scrapers , houses and all these interrelated systems working together to form the this Metropolis  you might resort to calling it a feat of Human Ingenuity, when in fact it is not. It did not Magically Appear in one poof of smoke. It took years and years and years to build. Step by step, brick by brick. And on a fundamental level, it is based simply on common sense! Common Sense that does not take a mastermind to create. It is more basic than that.


I have found so many times in my life that when standing on the outside looking in, things appear complicated. Complicated to the degree that I myself feel inferior and unqualified. But once I actually decide to take on the task and place myself in the task, I find that it really just boils down to practical common sense. Like Real Basic Shit! 1’s and 0’s.


So Here we are at this stage in our evolution and this phrase of “Human Ingenuity” pops up. Yet it is deceptive, because Human Ingenuity as how it is believed to exist, never created anything. In Fact It was a series of simple common sense steps done 1 at a time on a real basic level that anyone can do, and that accumulated over time into a more “complex” construction.


So from this perspective Human Ingenuity is actually indicating that we as Humanity have psychologically impaired ourselves, and are actually existing in a delusional state of mind. Because if one actually look to see how things get done in this reality, It is not magical at all. Thus anyone using this whole idea of Human Ingenuity, I suggest this is indicating that they are in fact mentally unstable as they are not seeing how this reality is actually functioning but have succumbed to believing that something which actually took many small basic steps through time and space to develop, actually manifested somehow magically in one moment as a feat of Human Ingenuity.


At Desteni we are not interested in magical solutions, or should I say magical delusions. We are not interested in this delusional idea of human ingenuity, as I have found for myself that it is much more practical to simply focus on one step at a time, keep it simple, and to apply oneself in this way. (See: ‘Equality Equation’)


At Desteni we are proposing an Equal Money System. This System is not just going to Magically Appear one day and it will NOT be a feat of human Ingenuity. It will be a feat of basic common sense and practical step by step application.


Desteni has already put in place the Desteni I Process. The Desteni I Process is a Educational Platform to support the Re-education of ourselves so that we can learn and understand how to live in this world in a way that is based on common sense and in alignment with the earth we live on. Meaning for instance not creating a world system that is in fact Contrary to the rules and laws of this reality where we end up driving this planet into destruction because the dollar bill has become our God instead of seeing/ realizing that we have basically extracted all the sustenance from within and as this world to inflate our money supply where we are fixated on this idea that in the end, these billions of dollar bills or numbers on a computer screen will save us when there is literally no food, water or infrastructure left standing. Because we have ignored the practical aspects of what it takes to maintain a functional sustainable system to support physical life on earth. We are now Trapped in our own Fear and Delusion and our only Solution we can come up with in or  have conditioned ourselves to believe  in our paniced state of mind is “Make More Money” “Must Find a Way to Make More Money”


At Desteni we have already begun the process of Correction. And this starts with as mentioned, Education. In Understanding the problem, in understanding where we went wrong, how we fucked up, why the world is the way it is, why we are the way we are, why we are destroying our planet. Basically Who we Are as LIFE.


So at Desteni we are interested in a complete and total re-engineering of ourselves as Human Beings. This makes sense because if you look around, we have really really fucked this world up and thus required to start over, to start from scratch and create a new world. So why not start the process now, instead of just holding onto the sinking ship.


Over the last four years I have taken on this process of re-engineering myself. In investigating myself to see how I actually function. I have also started to investigate for instance how the money system function, how the political system function. What kind of steps, processes and know-how will be required to facilitate the implementation of a System that support life, that do not include such points as war, starvation, poverty but instead take ALL life into consideration and provide a platform that supports ALL the life that exist Here on Earth Equally


This literally has required a complete deconstruction of myself and my own belief systems and structures, though which I have come to start to see my own self interest and greed. And obviously making the next logical observation of “How am I supposed to create a world of Equality, A world that is best for ALL, A system that is effectively functional for life, when who I am existing as is actually based on principles of greed and self interest”

Thus it has been a process of first starting with me and supporting myself through a process of writing, self forgiveness and self correction to learn/discover what will actually be required of me to support the emergence of for instance such as system as an Equal Money System.



So this world does not require “Human Ingenuity”

This world does not require a revolution

Or some form of Ascension to take place in 2012.

It requires a process of consistent and step by step, breath by breath corrections that will simply take time.

So do not wait, Investigate Desteni and the Destonians who have begun this process of self correction so that in 15 or 20 years down the road we aren’t sitting there in dire conditions wishing we would have acted or done something about it sooner.


Investigate The Equal Money System and the Desteni I Process

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3 thoughts on “2012: Human Ingenuity Will Never Save Humanity

  1. Awesome blog that reveals to what extent we had to step out of the self-created innocence to not take self responsibility or this world into the process of having to deconstruct ourselves and realize we can create a new system based on each one taking Self Responsibility and walking the necessary process to correct ourselves. Very cool Andrew, thanks for sharing

  2. I agree, that we need a practical solution within common sense, that works best for all and that provides for all equally and gives equal access to goods we need in order to live. But we shouldn’t stop creating this goods, If those who currently produce food in mass numbers, make our drinking water drinkable, produce clothing in masses (without child labor), those who build us places to live in during storms and the winter would simply stop doing these things, that provide for billions world wide, also those would have nothing to drink, eat, wear or a place to live. It is common sense, that we have to extend the distribution of goods in a way, that we can provide for everyone equally and that we give everyone equal access, which could come forth through the implementation of an equal money system. There are only two things I see, one being that so far there might be a thousand people supporting the idea, while many power structures keep in place competitive half the world excluding unequal monetary system and that means, that there is still a vast number of people out there, which need to be convinced. And the other thing I see is that what I wrote above, that those industries and jobs, which already feed people should not be stopped, because that would mean the inability to live for billions of people, but rather, that they need to distribute what they produce in an equal way and make those water, food and shelter available also for those, who currently cant afford it.



    • Yes for sure – An Equal Money System is Not about stopping all means of production or functionality. That is why we are in fact proposing an Equal Money System as this will facilitate a transition from the current system into a system that support all. There will be many steps/phases to this. At this stage we are simply communicating about an equal money system through posting material such as blogs and vlogs and articles and in doing this educating ourselves in the process. The point also is not about convincing anyone of an Equal Money System but more of a process of simply sharing the point and through time developing the network of those who understand – This is not like how activism currently function as a kind of A Revolution / Revolt type approach. Developing awareness about an Equal Money System will take time and patients and is proposed only to be implemented in 10 to 15 years,and through democratic means / politics, thus we have ample time to educate the Individual and ourselves so that an Equal Money System becomes a viable trustworthy point.

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